NOlympics LA Profile picture
Olympics always accelerate displacement & militarization. Cancel #LA28
Jan 28 6 tweets 2 min read
This is who the Governor of CA just appointed to "rebuild LA" Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and LA28 Chairperson Casey Wasserman smile for a photo in front of Epstein's notorious sex jet. However you'll never see a journalist in LA mention this in their reporting on his business practices.

They're petrified of losing access... to an Epstein guy. Can you imagine being that callous?
Oct 13, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
In the full leaked audio, Nury Martinez said she was making backroom deals with @LA28 @RamsNFL @MayorOfLA: The “he” she refers to in the clip is Councilmember @BobBlumenfield, who is working with the same players on Olympic development. This project is down the street from the proposed @LA28 “Valley Sports Park”:
Jul 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who was instrumental in securing the 2028 Summer Olympics for his city, even proclaimed, “We will make at least a billion dollars in 2028.”… In more subdued fashion, Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson called the bid “fiscally responsible” and the city’s pact with the IOC, making Los Angeles responsible for Olympic cost overruns, “too good to pass up.”…
Jul 7, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
The Olympics don’t just harm black athletes — they rip apart black communities in Olympic host cities as well.

Let’s look at LA84 for an example. 🧵 Image The 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles are frequently trotted out as a “best case scenario” for a host city — a profitable, efficiently run showcase of American values.

This is a lie.
Feb 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Only in a state as literally sick as California would a rich dick describe Project Roomkey as a model for anything.

Truly disgusting revisionism here but not surprising.

Fuck all these people forever. Here's Project Roomkey's status in LA, as of today:

Out of 15,000 rooms promised, 2,382 rooms are operational as of February 1.

Pretty cool national model.
Jan 19, 2021 37 tweets 8 min read
🚨 BREAKING: NOlympics LA launches LOCKS ON MY BLOCK campaign to fight displacement by Airbnb hotels.

#LocksOnMyBlock Reporting Airbnb is easy as 1-2-3

1️⃣ Go to to use the #LocksOnMyBlock tool we built with @antievictionmap

2️⃣ Report Airbnb activity in your community

3️⃣ If you’re not sure how to spot one or why Airbnb is such a problem for tenants, keep reading
Aug 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Today is the four year anniversary of the opening of the Rio Olympics.

A year after these nightmare games took place, LA elites decided to ignore public resistance and invite the same terror here.

It turns out LA and Rio have a lot in common.… The 7 years of traumatic prep leading up to Rio 2016 saw:

-Mass displacement
-violent police occupations in favelas
-broken promises to clean up polluted waters
-crackdowns on houselessness + street vending
-rampant corruptions
-shuttered hospitals + schools
Jul 28, 2020 17 tweets 6 min read
36 years ago the LA 84 Olympics opened, marking a new era of police militarization, the privatization of our city, and a violent removal of poor Black & Brown people from their communities.

The LA 84 Olympics were nothing short of a war on the poor.… Unhoused people were swept.
Black & Brown people were thrown in jail without due process. Councilmembers tried to throw the poor in drunk tanks.
Small businesses went bankrupt.
Public land was stolen.
Our broken hotel voucher system was created to disappear the poor.
Jul 28, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
If you want to understand how deeply incestuous and fundamentally illegitimate the LA political machine is, look no further than today's Community Safety Partnership vote at the LAPC today. This morning at the LA Police Commission meeting, commissioners will plan to vote yes to accept $500k in funding for the LAPD’s CSP. The money will come from the LAPD’s private non-profit, the LA Police Foundation, funded by multi-national corporations and elite interests.
Jul 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Join us at noon today for a twitter storm targeting the Police Commission, who's voting on Tuesday to give more money to the Community Safety Partnership, another deadly waste of funds.… And guess what?

We can yet again thank LA Olympic boosters for this bullshit.

Rick Caruso, LA 2028 booster/tacky Republican real estate mogul, helped fund the “assessment” of the LAPD’s “Community Safety Partnership” that came out in March 2020.
Oct 13, 2019 8 tweets 7 min read
The great @Hogshead3Au on confronting Olympic abuse in a meaningful way:

"It's not the dictator. It's the dictatorship."

Translation: it's not one bad guy (Nassar, Blackmun), it's the entire Olympic system that lets atrocious practices thrive.

#ptg2019 @Hogshead3Au Here are some other stray thoughts from today's panels at #PTG2019...
Aug 8, 2019 12 tweets 7 min read
We’re at @LACANetwork for the launch of “Urban Warfare: Housing Under the Empire of Finance,” by Raquel Rolnik. She was previously the U.N. Special Rapporteur on adequate housing and wrote a report on the effects of mega-events like the Olympics on housing. @LACANetwork @ChallengeIneq Raquel Rolnik: “99% of the violations of the U.N.’s human right to adequate housing are around evictions and displacement, around the world.”
Aug 6, 2019 16 tweets 9 min read
Three years ago today the 2016 Rio Olympics began, representing a colossal human rights disaster that ultimately exposed years of violent Olympic gentrification, militarization, displacement, and grift to the world.

#NOlympicsAnywhere The media made a huge deal out of the white elephants, but it was so much more than that.

The 2016 Olympics were an ethnic cleansing project.