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Dec 20, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Chicago Ritual Child Sacrifice, and horrific coverup by the Police

In 1955 and 1956, five White children, 3 young boys and 2 teenage sisters were abducted and murdered in a manner which seems suggestive of J—ish ritual sacrifice, the liturgical object of which is to obtain Gentile blood to mix with the matzoh used in several esoteric religious ceremonies such as Purim, Passover, and Kol Nidre at Yom Kippur.Image John and Anton Schuessler, Jr., Robert Peterson, and Barbara and Patricia Grimes were murdered. (All aged 14 and under). They were all found nude, yet none showed signs of sexual assault. The corpses had marks on the wrists and ankles, indicating bondage. Image
Dec 13, 2024 9 tweets 9 min read
The Satanic Elitist push for a “one world religion”. 🧵

I have sensed a partiality and blindness among even those who are awake these days to the final destination that the Satanic Cabal is pushing towards. It is good that people are aware of the dangers of Zionists, as well as Islamists, Catholicism, and the elements of false prophets within the Protestant congregations. It seems pertinent to remind folks in this period that we don’t need to make alliances with other religions in order to defend their beliefs. I speak as a Christian. I see Christians jumping over to defend Islam or Zionism but what is very hard to watch is that no one seems ready to defend Living Christianity. That being said, Jesus is the only way to salvation, and he payed for our sins on the cross. He died for the Islamist, Jew, and false Christian. I stand by it that those who die as unbelievers will be separated as the goats from among the sheep on the day of judgement. This has been a point of contention on my account. Darkness and light cannot coexist so I will not defend darkness against darkness. Instead I will shine the light.

That being said, the point of this thread is to try to awaken you and warn you all against the hidden dangers that it seems not many speak about. The obvious push towards a Satanic One World religion. The reason why we are seeing great religious wars is because the Globalists are pushing religions to all fight and focus on each other without being aware of the Illuminati provocateurs within that are causing war. They want to bring us to the place wear we beg for a One World religion for the sake of “peace”.Image In Lola Davis’ book “Towards a One World religion” she describes the need for a one world religions. She was a part of the New Age movement. She says that we need a “One World religion” that teaches “Brotherhood based on the Devine essence of each person”.

She uses some of her arguments based on religious wars and conflicts.

The New Age Movement believes in a coming "Age of Aquarius" which refers to a belief that humanity is entering a new era characterized by peace, love, harmony, and a heightened spiritual awareness, often associated with the astrological sign Aquarius; this concept is deeply intertwined with the New Age movement, particularly popularized during the 1960s and 70s with the hippie culture.

By the way, I’ve noticed a lot of new Age Movement speak these days from some “patriot” accounts.Image
Dec 11, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I snuck pictures from a Masonic mansion. Here’s what I found 🧵 Image The seal of Solomon “not Star of David” was on one of the ceilings. There was also a seven candle Monorah. Traditional Menorahs have 9 candles but this one has seven, which makes sense because that’s how many the ones in Solomon’s temple had Image
Nov 1, 2024 14 tweets 8 min read
Project Monarch mind control, the perfect crime🧵

I’m going to attempt to do this justice. My wife was trafficked and a lot of this I know of first hand. Project Monarch is the missing gap that is often overlooked when trying to understand how the enemy operates. They have completely perfected the art of making undetectable mind control slaves. They have been more careful of their monarch symbolism as we’ve caught on but if you look carefully it’s still there.Image Monarch programming is a continuation of Mkultra. If you are brand new to this, project Mkultra was a CIA project that was started in 1953. Basically it was an experimentation with LSD and psychological torture in order to brainwash its victims. A lot of the experiments were performed on citizens in psychiatric institutions, but I won’t go too far into the weeds on that. Mkultra was a huge conglomerate and many subprojects fell under its umbrella, including operation midnight climax where the CIA used women to seduce CEOs of companies and other important men into sex acts.

If you don’t know what operation paperclip was, it is the absorption of Nazi war criminals into government projects. Some of them ended up being hired for “research” by the USG. This is what project Mkultra actually was, as it appears to me. It was a continuation of operation paperclip. The OSS (which became the CIA) continued the Work that began in Japanese and German concentration camps.

Fritz Springmeier said this about the infamous “angel of death” Joseph Mengele:

“The most significant programmer, perhaps one could give him the title of the father of Monarch Programming was Joseph Mengele, an ex-Nazi Concentration Camp doctor. Thousands of Monarch mindcontrolled slaves in the U.S. had ‘Dr. Green’ as their chief programmer.”

The MKultra experiments were not only used on adults, but also for very young childrenImage
Aug 6, 2024 4 tweets 6 min read
The Thule Society, Aliens, operation paperclip, and NASA 🧵 this thread seems strange but please follow me 😂 I promise it’s an eye opener.

Do you ever wonder what information/technology Nazi scientists possessed that made the government forget all about lining them up and shooting them? How were the Germans so much more advanced than the rest of the world, Technologically speaking?

There is a lot of evidence that the Nazi Party was at least deeply tied to an occult group called the Thule Society, and some suggest that the Nazi party emerged from it. Many officials in the Nazi party, and in fact it seems that the swastika actually came from the symbol of this society (see symbol below)

It was named after “Ultima Thule” – a country in northern Europe found in ancient Greek and Roman mythology.
The “German study group” believed the lost ancient landmass – somewhere in the Atlantic near Greenland or Iceland – was the original home of the “Aryan race”. The Thule Society was interested in so-called “racial theory” and – in particular – in combating Jews and Communists. New followers had to swear no “Jewish or coloured blood” flowed in their veins.

Researchers claim senior members of the Thule Society believed a master race of alien beings were living in underground caverns. The subterranean society – called the Vril-ya – was said to have developed futuristic technology far beyond the reach of humans, including a liquid energy source known as “Vril”.

Although the Idea of the “Vrill” seems to have come from a novel called The Coming Race, is a novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Theosophists such as Blavatsky AKA “The Godmother of the new age” (who was Marina Abromovics Idol) acknowledged that it holds occult “truths”.

Historian Hannah Newman claims Eckart followed the ideas of Helena Blavatsky – one of the founders of Theosophy. Newman says Eckart introduced Hitler to Blavatsky’s book The Secret Doctrine of Theosophy – in which Blavatsky claims Vril is based on a real magical force.Image It is well known that Hitler was obsessed with the occult. Below is a picture of Nazi’s nesting with Tibetin monks. It is claimed that the Nazi’s may have found anti-gravitational technology through the use of their occult knowledge, and by searching through Tibetan Monasteries in the Himalayas, where they found records that had been recopied, preserved and passed down.

Heinrich Himmler — head of the Gestapo during the Holocaust — was obsessed with the supernatural and believed magic held the key to “Aryan” supremacy in the world.

Hitler seized the so-called “Spear of Destiny” – a relic believed to be the lance used to pierce Jesus Christ’s side when he was on the Cross – from Vienna when Germany annexed Austria in 1938.

The Führer is also said to have sent out search parties to find the Holy Grail – believing it could help the Nazis achieve world domination.Image
Jul 23, 2024 14 tweets 10 min read
🧵 Bill Gates/Epstein/Transhumanism/Eugenics, A Thread [Protect your DNA] 🧵

I’ve been thinking about doing a Bill gates thread for sometime, but have been overwhelmed by the amount of connections The man has to everything so my thought is to start building and see where this goes.

For starters, His Father was a Eugenicist. He was well connected to planned parenthood. He even said that his father used to “run” planned parenthood.

Information about this appears to be scrubbed from Google, but we have a clip of him saying it, as you saw on the first tweet.
Jul 21, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read
Television is a powerful predictive programming Machine used to manipulate the masses🧵

“Motion pictures are inescapably one of the world's greatest forces for influencing public thought and opinion, both at home and abroad”- Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. The person who really consolidated the theory of predictive programming is a gentleman named Alan Watt.

He relays the information that : Since the ancient times, entertainment has been used by the elite gatekeepers in order to manipulate the culture of the masses. In other words, anything that the public saw on stage was authorized by the elite through the government of his day. This process is known to us in “the conspiracy theorist” (aka Truth Teller) world as “gate keeping”.

It is no different in our day, although with the rise of the internet and citizen journalism it is getting harder and harder for them to “regulate” the information we receive. That is why the world has gotten so strange, and I guarantee you that this has something to do with how CrowdStrike just toppled the Worlds communications systems a few days ago.

(Think about how that word breaks down. [Crowd] [Strike] is it coincidence?)

Think about how strange the internet got across all social media platforms and Google during Covid-19. Our accounts got flagged and taken down if we said anything against the agenda of the gatekeepers. If we talked about alternative methods to deal with the virus rather than the vaccine and spoke against social distancing/Masks all of us would get flagged.

Is it coincidence that the only other thing we would get flagged for is questioning the election?

There are no coincidences. The coronavirus was released from a gain of function research lab in Wuhan in order to steal the United States election so that Trump would not be president. The way I know that for sure is that this is the information that the gatekeepers were desperately trying to stop. Don’t question your gut.

I digress.Image
Jul 20, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
DARPA/ Birth Of the Internet/ Facebook/ Google/ 🧵

Many People might not realize it but not only Google and Facebook find their roots in Top secret intelligence agency projects, but so does the whole of the internet. After this thread you should find yourself wondering, as I am, if the creation of the internet itself always has the end game of mass surveillance/ subversion/ control by “Big brother”. It seems like no matter what big tech company you pick, if you look underneath of it all “Big brother” is watching you.Image In the 1970s, the agency responsible for developing emerging technologies for military, intelligence, and national security purposes—the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)—linked four supercomputers to handle massive data transfers. It handed the operations off to the National Science Foundation (NSF) a decade or so later, which proliferated the network across thousands of universities and, eventually, the public, thus creating the architecture and scaffolding of the World Wide Web.

Back then DARPA was known as Arpa, Hence the name of the first “version” of the internet “Arpanet”

Bob Taylor initiated the project in 1966 to enable resource sharing between remote computers. He was building off of the Ideas of a Gentleman called Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider.Image
Apr 22, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
You will have no clear understanding of the “Russia Ukraine Conflict” until you understand the Bolshevik revolution.

“With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspira­tion and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders”- Winston Churchill on the Bolshevik revolution

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.”- dissident- Aleksandr Solzhenitsy, dissident

If you google “the Bolshevik revolution” you will find many results for “the Russian revolution” this is a cover up.

The Bolshevik revolution made the holocaust look like child’s play. I am against genocide in any form which is why I believe every person should watch this documentary.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”- John 8:32 Newspaper articles from 1921 show the truth about the Bolshevik revolution Image
Feb 24, 2024 10 tweets 9 min read
🧵 thread 🪡

The Luciferian agenda to destroy trust in Gods Word. (Part 4.)

The Persecuted Word of God.

Peter 1:25
But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. Image In the previous threads I’ve endeavoured to show some of the ways the newer versions have tried to corrupt Gods Word. It is my intention in this thread to show that in spite of the many attacks on the Word of God, it has endured forever and it will remain forever.

This thread will contain a history, but not in the sense of history as you would think of history class in school. This is a living history that flows from eternity. It is the history of the Word of God.

The Word of God is Christ Himself, as John makes known. And Christ is “The Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world.” Rev: 13:8. Meaning that the blood sacrifice that Jesus shed on the cross is an eternal payment for an eternal debt, and that the true Word of God will always point to it as the only method of salvation.Image
Feb 12, 2024 15 tweets 7 min read
🧵 thread 🧵

The Luciferian agenda to destroy trust in Gods Word. (Part 1.)

I have a bone to pick. There are some within the Anon movement who have undermined the Word of God. Wittingly or unwittingly they have attacked that which is eternal and True with the lies of Lucifer. May this thread shine the light of Truth into the darkness of lies, in the powerful name of Jesus, and in his blood.Image The first thing you should all know is that from the beginning it has been the Agenda of Satan and his followers to taint the Word of God. The first words he had said to Eve in the Garden is “yea, hath God said?” And by this simple question he got her to reason with him. Satan got Eve to was to question the Word that created her and the universe around her, instead of having simple faith in God and his Word. The same nefarious agenda exists today and many Christians are asleep today. For hundreds of years there was but one complete translation of scripture in the English language. Today there are 900. What happened?Image
Dec 27, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
1. Ok, our team (consisting of @LaughingFox88 @SQmethingtosee @handyman420024 @NiQole1776 @CTheoryHunter and myself) have recently been think tanking about how Satanists have captured our language and symbols to control us. This is a thread 🧵 will expose them Image 2. All you have to do is purchase the “new age dictionary and it says right in the preface that their agenda is to “evolve” language. The goal is to takeover our language and symbols and drive us to an “East / West Synthesis [marriage of eastern and western religions] Image
Jul 26, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
⛈️ Trump exposed them. We are awake. We are the storm. ⛈️ [Kevin Spacey Dom Lucre vindman stollen UFOs Happy Hump Niger ICE Cube Florida Man Dangerous Liars Rudy Mayorkas Nadler FMOC UAPs Income Tax Sean Hannity Civil War Barbie Test The WEF the Left Banks Lefties House of… https://t.co/h8fOs4S68rtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Image BlackRock owns vanguard Image