Nicholas Fabiano, MD Profile picture
@uOPsychiatry | Interested in the intersection between mental and physical health
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Jul 2 11 tweets 3 min read
The heart and brain are interconnected.

🧵1/11 Image These findings are from a study in @ScienceMagazine which used multiorgan MRI and genetic data from >40,000 subjects to quantify interorgan connections between the heart and brain. 2/11…
Jun 30 11 tweets 3 min read
Life satisfaction is highly consistent with your personality.

🧵1/10 Image These findings are from a study in @APA_Journals which used data from three samples in different languages to examine the extent to which life satisfaction reflects personality traits. 2/10…
Jun 27 11 tweets 3 min read
This is your brain on psilocybin.

🧵1/10 Image These findings are from a study in @medrxivpreprint which tracked brain changes in healthy adults before, during, and for up to 3 weeks after oral psilocybin and methylphenidate and again 6+ months later. 2/10…
Jun 25 11 tweets 2 min read
Coffee changes connectivity in the brain.

🧵1/11 Image These findings are from a study in @FrontiersIn which used functional connectivity approaches to study resting-state fMRI data in a group of habitual coffee drinkers. 2/11…
Jun 22 10 tweets 3 min read
Pharmacogenomic-guided treatment for depression may save the health care system $956 million.

🧵1/9 Image These findings are from a study in @CMAJ which developed a microsimulation model of care pathways for depression to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pharmacogenomic testing from the public payer’s perspective over 20 years. 2/9…
Jun 20 10 tweets 3 min read
There are six biotypes of depression.

🧵1/10 Image These findings are from a study in @NatureMedicine which derived personalized and interpretable scores of brain circuit dysfunction grounded in a theoretical taxonomy to subdivide participants into distinct biotypes. 2/10…
Jun 18 10 tweets 3 min read
Greater stomach-brain coupling is associated with worse mental health.

🧵1/10 Image These findings are from a study in @biorxivpreprint which investigated the relationship between the stomach-brain axis and mental health symptoms in 243 participants using a machine learning approach. 2/10…
Jun 10 11 tweets 3 min read
Immune dysregulation is central to depression and bipolar disorder.

🧵1/11 Image These findings are from a study in @transl_psych which reviewed the current literature on dysregulation of the immune response system in depression and bipolar disorder. 2/11…
Jun 6 10 tweets 3 min read
There is a U-shaped association between BMI and mental health.

🧵1/10 Image These findings are from a study of 1,036,869 adolescents in @JAMAPsych which aimed to determine how the association between body mass index (BMI) and mental health change over time among adolescents. 2/10…
Jun 4 18 tweets 4 min read
The neuroplasticity framework of depression has the potential to replace the serotonin deficit hypothesis.

🧵1/17 Image The serotonin deficit hypothesis explanation for depression has persisted among clinicians and the general public alike despite insufficient supporting evidence. 2/17…
Jun 2 13 tweets 3 min read
Poor body health is a more pronounced manifestation of mental illness than poor brain health.

🧵1/12 Image These findings are from a study including 85,748 adults with neuropsychiatric disorders and 87,420 healthy control individuals in @JAMAPsych which aimed to evaluate the health status of the brain and 7 body systems across neuropsychiatric disorders. 2/12…
May 31 12 tweets 2 min read
Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression.

🧵1/12 Image These findings are from a study in @epj_ds which aimed to successfully identify and predict markers of depression in Instagram users’ posted photographs. 2/12…
May 29 13 tweets 3 min read
This is the temporo-spatial theory of consciousness.

🧵1/13 Image This theory is from a study in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews which posits that four neuronal mechanisms account for different dimensions of consciousness. 2/13…
May 26 11 tweets 3 min read
Depression may be contagious through a dysfunctional mirror neuron system.

🧵1/11 Image This discussion is from a review article in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews which describes the theory of ‘contagious depression’, whereby depression can be induced or triggered by our social environment. 2/11…
May 24 9 tweets 2 min read
This is a map of happiness within a social network.

🧵1/9 Image These findings are from a study of 4739 people in @bmj_latest which aimed to evaluate whether happiness can spread from person to person and whether niches of happiness form within social networks. 2/9…
May 23 11 tweets 3 min read
Mental disorders might be transmitted within adolescent peer networks.

🧵1/11 Image These findings are from a study of 713,809 adolescents in @JAMAPsych which aimed to examine whether having classmates with a mental disorder diagnosis in the ninth grade is associated with later risk of being diagnosed with a mental disorder. 2/11…
May 21 14 tweets 3 min read
Most published research findings are false.

🧵1/13 Image This view is from an essay in @plosmedicine which discusses the increasing concern of the reliability of research findings. 2/13…
May 19 8 tweets 2 min read
This is a map of the duration of untreated psychosis worldwide.

🧵1/8 Image These findings are from a large-scale meta-analysis of 369 studies in Psychological Medicine which aimed to estimate the average duration of untreated psychosis around the world. 2/8…
May 17 8 tweets 2 min read
Over 2h of daily sunlight exposure was associated with reduced total brain volumes.

🧵1/8 Image These findings are from a study of 27,474 people in @SciReports which aimed to determine whether there are associations between sunlight exposure and brain structural markers. 2/8…
May 15 10 tweets 3 min read
Gut microbiota act as the ‘metabolic machinery’ of mental disorders.

🧵1/10 Image These findings are from a systematic review in @molpsychiatry which aimed to understand the emerging role of gut microbiota in the field of psychiatry. 2/10…
May 8 8 tweets 2 min read
Skipping breakfast is associated with an increased odds of depression.

🧵1/8 Image These findings are from a meta-analysis of 14 studies (399,550 individuals) in Nutritional Neuroscience which aimed to summarize the evidence on the association between skipping breakfast and mental health. 2/8…