Area #RangerLife @NTMountStewart | N Ireland Rep for @RangerCMA | Ards #RedSquirrels Grp + @BinevenaghR
#TeamMoth #VanLife #NFFN + dodgy typos
Jul 24, 2020 • 15 tweets • 9 min read
2373 images to go through on the new waterhole trail camera (out during May/June)
First 100 turned up some promising visits
Red Squiggs, Pine Marten, Buzzard. (also loads of Wood pigeon, Magpie, Jay, small birds, fox & badger)
I'll add some of the best to this thread.
Buzzard again, Fox, Badger, Mistle Thrush
Aug 3, 2019 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
I'm Here @NTCastleWard today to hear from the people involved in getting quality conservation grazed pasture to plate #Dexter beef. Supporting farmer who want to make the change to #NatureFriendlyFarming and a sustainable future to beef production.
Hearing from tennant farmer Alan Laughlin on how he recognises that farming needs to be centerd around environmental gains to have a future. The local team have enable that transition into a dexter heard. The land benefits moving into species rich grassland high in biodiversity.