Najla Alariefy Profile picture
Perspectives & analyses.
Jul 29, 2021 25 tweets 11 min read
I meet a lot of smart people who want to understand everything.

If you have the desire to read & learn about everything and wonder how to make money doing it, this one’s for you.

🧵 Ways to monetize your intellectual curiosity

📚 ↔️ 💵 Your intellectual curiosity is an asset.

Turn it into a monetization vehicle through 3 general paths:

1. Creating content

2. Solving problems

3. Building stuff

Let's illustrate.
Oct 11, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ "A City is not a Tree"

This is an interesting idea in urban design.

- It was written in 1964 by mathematician/architect Christopher Alexander (CA).
- He realized natural, organic cities are more beautiful and more efficient; they are structured as complex systems. A diagram showing two illus... 2/ Difference between natural and artificial cities

Natural cities evolve organically
Artificial cities are elaborately designed

Society and economy shape natural cities.
Urban designers plan artificial cities.

(left: natural Siena, Italy. Right: artificial British new towns) ImageImage