Old Crusty Computer Nerd & Conservatarian, Jackhole, Austistic, and factory-original male
Dec 1, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
1-Creator Source has had many Earthly representatives. One of them walked on water. The modern version (Light Brigade Commander) Sananda Galactic calms the waters near Destin Florida. Light is absorbing & dissolving all darkness thru the Light Commander.
2-Bl@ckrock owns or finances literally everything that is organized (& corrupt). The end of the c@b@l as you know it has been dissolved and absorbed by the Light Commander. Earth's land & resources are being rightfully repossessed for all humanity.
NEWSFLASH: According to No's 5 + 6 herein, after USA bankruptcy in 1999, the USA only exists as corporation (+Act of England 1871) w/ member State franchises all with CEOs & managers. Corporate overlords (🚫 mom-n-pop) rule everywhere. dinarchronicles.com/2021/07/13/nic…
There are village, township, city, county, & state corporations. Public health, school, transportation, power & utility, police, judicial, fire protection, media, etc corporations that is not 'We the People' (WtP) but corporate members interested in money, power, ego, & control.
Let's makes this easy. Life is a test to see if you are a Pinball Wizard or a Pinball Player. A Wizard flexes to the motion, bounces, w/ bells & digits staying in complete forward flow control. A. Pinball Player reacts sharply, never fully in control, tilts, & resets the machine.
The tilt (feedback of anger [result of not knowing appropriate next move]) is the indicator of lack of maturity. What's needed is flow control. Learn how to keep the game going. If you tilt, there's a junction point earlier you did not willfully choose.
May 14, 2021 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Q: Do you have intuition?
A: Yes you do.
Anybody can do this for starters.
Quantum entanglement says 'every piece has a copy of the whole' AND 'when a piece is changed, all of the separate other pieces receive the same change during the change'. Basically a quantum blockchain journal. Truth is hidden fact. Or, fact that has yet to be revealed.
Truth is ALWAYS factual. It's not always obvious. When Source applied frequency for the 1st time (before anything existed) that 'joined set' created the 1st field (where frequency applies order to energy to cause work of some kind).
Mar 1, 2021 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Creation & Quantum. If we could rewind time where neither time nor matter had 1st existance, we'd find energy. That energy, from which all things are from, we'll call 'source energy' or sometimes just 'source'. This energy was alive. Living energy & nothing else.
Source performed orderly work. Of itself it vibrated. This vibration was the first choice. It added frequency to its own energy creating a tangible field. The creation of this tangible field (a matched set of energy & frequency) was the 1st work performed. Choice to create.
Feb 28, 2021 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Fear & victimhood centric thoughts activate -ve gene expression
Pres Eisenhower warned of a Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in his farewell speech. The MIC is international, intergovernmental, interdiscipline, inter-religion, inter-educational, inter-public, inter-all-these-things and more not listed organized corrupt crime c@b@l.
This MIC crime c@b@l has seats of ultimate power where orders are formed, financed, and executed. To combat this, Eisenhower created military intelligence above top secret, Level-Q, for gathering information to break the corruption of this inter-everything control group.
Jan 31, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
It appears, if true, the global banking system has (or will) collapse w/ CCP arrested by US & Taiwan. GESARA (world) is in effect. US's version is NESARA. Stay calm. Nothing to get upset about. I assume this will be announced sometime in the near future. takecare4.eu/what-to-expect/
This all occured because China (the CCP) abandoned the World Banker's Great Reset. W/ the CCP giving up (because of pressure from the republic of USfA [United States for America] & nearby Taiwan) they (the CCP) was unable to continue. Freeing ppl of China. takecare4.eu/the-failure-of…
When true prophecy is given, the experience is like this. Otherwise, it is flat. So flat & self edifying & self serving. It is evident when God is in the words. God is not pleased (mayors, govs, congress, etc). God mentioned the scoffers. Live on 1/22
Assuming this occurs, as God always warns before God carries out judgement, I dare say few politicians will remain to serve the people. An honest uncorrupt Dem might be very rare. A lonely Dem unicorn.
Jan 28, 2021 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
The One Spirit of God is the very definition of good (order, righteousness, fullness of completion). During creation, God called things as 'good' as the sequence of creation occured. God centered things always follow proper sequencing.
A Blessed2Teach (B2T) team drafted & filed this Court of Heaven document as accepted following several weeks of preparation to draft and implement it's proper order. The B2T team filed this document sometime in mid-to late- afternoon of Dec 18th. bit.ly/2YkCd2j
Jan 15, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
@1791Jtf17 This seems to tie in with the video I posted yesterday, I'll do it here too. If it is true, serious feces is hitting the rotary cooling device like never imagined
@1791Jtf17 That video I saw a couple hours after lunch yesterday. THIS video I saw about 32 hours before at 7a pst Wed. They seem to jive. Nobody can tell that knows for sure. It's original continues 1h 50m past these first 2m 20s. It's fair to say this fellow is excited.
Jan 14, 2021 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
US military chose & approached DJT in 2015 to run for POTUS to stare down the Barrell of corruption as JFK did before the kabal's CIA had him killed. Draining the swamp was job 1. ALL corrupt could have been arrested early, like hydra, a replacement is ready. #WhatILearnedToday
DJT told military that because nobody would accept mass arrests, people need to be shown, drip by drip .. to believe it. This is how he used twitter...drip drip drip.. slowly people warmed up. Slowly people's eyes opened. Corrupt eyes never open. #WhatILearnedToday