How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App What he's saying in this video essentially amounts to saying "normative value systems are just make-believe; they have no physical reality". In philosophy, this position is referred to as moral anti-realism, which is the position that moral facts do not objectively exist., just do the opposite of everything these clowns say, and you’ll be fine. adverse effects may have contributed, in this particular instance. Same protein, same mechanism. Spike-driven amyloidosis, endothelial cell activation, etc. pawing at the surface accomplishes nothing. What if all these people renounced their WEF memberships and let the crowd fall upon Klaus, but just kept doing the same things they were doing before, anyway? The problem is the shared agenda between these groups. majority of people out there have this attitude like, “I don’t need to know how the vaccine works. Experts told me that it does, and I’m obligated to believe them because the division of labor in our society assigned them that role.” taking and senseless accumulation of our wealth into the hands of an elite few has irreparably warped our society. People are still stuck in a Post-WWII mindset of free markets and entrepreneurial capitalism, when neither have dominated the economy for decades. effects of this are not hypothetical. It has already been done, with DBS electrodes. A BCI like Neuralink or DARPA's wireless N3 nanotransducers would allow for more precise stimulation and monitoring of these same exact regions. should be illegal for foreign investment firms to drive up the price of American real estate. There should be steep tariffs to correct the trade deficit. There should be huge firings of unnecessary bureaucrats to balance the budget.[2] What this means is that the same nanoparticle-infused brain tissue could be interacted with using 1000 channels in one device, and maybe 10,000 channels in a device released a year later, all using the same distribution of nanoparticles in brain tissue. No surgery required.