Nando de Freitas 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
I study intelligence to understand it, and to harness it wisely. I was lucky to be part of NPI, AlphaGo, AlphaCode, GAtO, r-Gemma LLM, Imagen3, Lyria, Veo, …
May 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Someone’s opinion article. My opinion: It’s all about scale now! The Game is Over! It’s about making these models bigger, safer, compute efficient, faster at sampling, smarter memory, more modalities, INNOVATIVE DATA, on/offline, … 1/N… Solving these scaling challenges is what will deliver AGI. Research focused on these problems, eg S4 for greater memory, is needed. Philosophy about symbols isn’t. Symbols are tools in the world and big nets have no issue creating them and manipulating them 2/n
Dec 11, 2020 23 tweets 9 min read
Another long thread. Bear with me till the end please. These are my views, and not necessarily of those associated with me. Though those associated with me have been incredibly supportive. I thank everyone who messaged me. I thank @databoydg for inspiring me to say this next. 1/n First, @databoydg: I hope this makes justice to what you've tried to teach me. I'm sorry if I'm a slow student. In this second part of the story, I'm a privileged academic having a drink in Montreal after a #neurips conference with @sindero 2/n
Dec 7, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
This will be a long thread. It represents my views solely. Many are puzzled by why I feel it possible to support both @JeffDean and @timnitGebru so I’d like to explain. I will start by saying that this in no way denies any current or past injustices. 1/n It is also clear that mistakes have been made and these need to be fixed. It is also legitimate for many to be angry, and this by no way is a sameness argument. Like many Googlers I too am shocked and saddened. 2/n