🦋The National Butterfly Center, a project of the North American Butterfly Association, a nonprofit dedicated to the conservation and study of wild butterflies.
Dec 4, 2022 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Friday, U.S. #BorderPatrol Agent Jauregui stood in the middle of the road at Scheurbach (Butterfly Park Dr) & Military, to create his own immigration checkpoint. There, he blocked our staff, in the company vehicle, from passing. 🧵
He stopped & questioned them about their citizenship, jobs, etc. You have to love the way this Mexican-American agent assumes our employees must be "janitors." Although we have egregious interactions with USBP agents often, staff was surprised by this action; for that reason, >
Dec 3, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Following the release of the damning inspection report on the Fisher fence (with We Build the Wall) that the Dept. of Justice kept secret until this month, we went to see how it's holding up--and it's not. It's already separating & sliding toward the Rio Grande. 🧵
Here's a little perspective on how far that sliding/separation has progressed as the fence, on it's shallow T-shaped foundation, pulls away from the road behind it & begins to inch closer to the river.
Jun 2, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1. The 1st fraud was perpetrated by We Build the Wall & the 2nd is being perpetrated by the US Government with the IBWC & Fisher. In the USA v. Fisher settlement, the IBWC requires the ONE GATE in the 2.9 mile long fence be OPEN to alleviate flooding, in the event of a flood.
2, The gate is on the downstream side of the sandbar peninsula that becomes completely submerged in floods. That is why there is an "ox bow lake" or resaca on the property from previous floods. Nearly all of the land in this photo was 16 feet UNDERWATER during Hurricane Alex,
Dec 5, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1: Last week we found our barbed wire fence cut in two places. This hasn't happened in a decade, if ever! We suspected TX National Guard did this to push immigrants onto our neighbor's property, where they have an agreement authorizing them to enter and enforce state statutes.
2: We repaired the breach & placed thorny branches there, only to find this TX National Guard soldier trespassing on our property--where they have no authority to enter--and stopping to check the very spot where someone cut our fence just a few days before.