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Marketing/Social/CS | Former: Copic, Crunchyroll, games, RX | Boxing coach | He/him | Your big bro online | Opinions mine | icon by @brobexx
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
honestly, if you recommend someone "the most popular thing available that has *lots* of episodes available," chances are they're gonna watch it and stick with it and *then* branch out

this definitely worked, and made money, when I was working at CR plus, like I keep saying: these new fans will have tons of people to talk to, a massive installed fanbase to cheer them on and discuss favorites

they'll have tons of merchandise to buy, tons of fanart and fanfic to enjoy

ultra-popular shonen is a *great* place to start
Jan 19, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
choked on my fucking cereal Akira Toriyama's never done a sports manga, has he?

he should

just do a one-volume thing
Jan 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
everything is practiced habit at this point

people think I'm some kind of time wizard where I'm able to get everything done while also maintaining a social life, a clean(ish) house, a regular workout schedule, and my personal projects on top of all that

details to follow I don't set alarms unless I have to be up at or by a specific time, so I go to bed between 12-2am and naturally wake up anywhere between 8-10am

I spot-clean regularly and (generally) do dishes as soon as I finish with them

I regularly clean my room and bathroom every other week
Nov 23, 2022 63 tweets 19 min read
to be blunt, Assassin's Creed has always frustrated me as a series

which is why I'm giving it a second chance, and playing through the entire thing, from the OG to Valhalla, as one of my playthrough projects Image the original, which I just finished, is an interesting game--the idea being to modernize Prince of Persia, to have that big, adventurous mood with a more grounded, historical feel

Altair is cool, and his quest is compelling, but... Image
Sep 12, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
as an adult, watching movies for long periods of time is a form of depression

if you don't believe me, ask yourself this: think about the 100 greatest moments of your life

do any of those moments include movies? probably not

and this comes from a lifetime, uh... movie watcher as an adult, reading books for long periods of time is a form of depression

if you don't believe me, ask yourself this: think about the 100 greatest moments of your life

do any of those moments include books? probably not

and this comes from a lifetime reader
Sep 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
right, so those long nights and weekends spent playing video games with friends mean nothing, I guess my friend Josh would come over and play horror games with me, we worked through all of the original Silent Hill together

Josh is no longer with us, but y'know what I remember most fondly? those times spent playing Silent Hill

that actually, legitimately means something
Sep 11, 2022 31 tweets 8 min read

Me & Roboco
Ginka & Gluna 🆕
Tokyo Demon Bride Story 🆕
Aliens Area
Blue Box
Witch Watch
Jujutsu Kaisen
Black Clover
One Piece a takoyaki party is an excellent idea
Oct 5, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
today, I am watching Conan the Barbarian (1982) is a timeless classic, and you should watch it if you haven't
Oct 3, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I want to apologize to whatever kind PR person at Nozomi sent me a bunch of BDs that I'm only NOW opening

good news: finally gonna watch Gundam AGE Image Amuro Ray is a kid in OG Gundam, but it's weird seeing a literal child take the lead in a series that's not Build Fighters

also I dig this OP
Oct 3, 2021 24 tweets 6 min read
OCTOBER 3, 2021 Jump reading order

Me & Roboco
My Hero Academia
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood
Kaiju No. 8
Jujutsu Kaisen
Blue Box
One Piece

dropped Neru last week, likely dropping PPPPPP this week unless there's some amazing hook ROBOCO NO Image
Jul 4, 2021 22 tweets 6 min read
starting a new weekly thread! ever since online reading became a thing, I started sorting my weekly Jump reading instead of letting Shueisha do it for me

most times, it's "least favorite to favorite," but there's a few that get placed early because I like them

let's get started JULY 4, 2021 Jump reading order

Me & Roboco ❤️
Neru: Way of the Martial Artist 🆕
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood 🆕
Nine Dragons' Ball Parade 🪦
Blue Box
Blue Exorcist ⬇️
Dr. STONE ⬇️
Black Clover
One Piece
Jul 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
maybe it's because I went in with low expectations, but I actually kinda liked THE TOMORROW WAR

a few neat visuals and setpieces like the one below, and an extra-brutal final battle were good

it felt like two movies, tbh--it felt long for two(ish) hours, but got everything done Image it really felt like some executive saw the SKYLINE sequels and wanted to make a safe, kinda bland alternative

"they have martial arts fights with the aliens? no, that's weird and hard to explain--but Chris Pratt in clinical, boring gunfights? everybody can understand that!" ImageImage
Jan 5, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I guess the "I wish I had a gf who liked anime" bullshit is coming back around

and as someone who has a gf who likes anime, let me tell you, it's great being able to watch stuff together

but y'know what helps?

NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE ABOUT STUFF SHE LIKES, THAT I DON'T this doesn't just apply to anime, it applies to *your partner's interests in general*

you don't have to be a superfan of the stuff they're really into, but just being happy that they're happy about something isn't hard to do
Jul 20, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
yeah, I dunno, I'm in the minority here

but I've already had my good times with Dragon Ball, and it's hit its highs

the series COMING BACK after all this time was a nice surprise, and I don't expect it to cater to adult Nate

it's just "more Dragon Ball," and I'm cool with that every time modern Dragon Ball does something, I ask myself "would 1996 Nate think this was cool?"

if the answer is yes, I smile, enjoy it, and move on
May 7, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
so I just finished replaying Spec Ops: The Line and

I don't get why people got so mad over The Big Decision and why "just stop playing" was the only right answer

sometimes you have to make a decision AND live with it AND feel terrible about it if you want to keep going The Line allows you to explore the consequences of being a total unhinged monster in a safe context

it calls you out for casually doing things you always do in video games

just remember: you are still a good person
May 7, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
yeah I'm not doing one a day

I will, however, do ONE LIKE = ONE FF FAVE 1) Final Fantasy VI
May 5, 2020 30 tweets 11 min read
after recently finishing a complete replay of the Yakuza series, I have a lot of thoughts... and emotions

but the one thing that stands out the most to me are the characters' tattoos, and how important they are to the world, story, and overall message of Kiryu's seven-game saga there's no better place to start than with our hero, Kazuma Kiryu, the Dragon of Dojima

Kiryu's dragon is an ascending ou-ryu, soaring toward the heavens while seizing a pearl representing Kiryu's birth year of 1968, the Year of the Monkey
Nov 16, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
instead of a new Megalobox, can we literally get anything else

like this Megalobox had such promise, and then shit the bed in episode 2, and only got worse as it went on
Oct 29, 2019 7 tweets 6 min read
so what would make for a perfect Dragon Ball movie?

this is something @Nelsonsaysbooya and I were talking about for a while, and then @Danny8bit came in and made it perfect

I present to you: a canon Tree of Might, only... Goku doesn't fight Turles at the end

but how? why? @Nelsonsaysbooya @Danny8bit now, if there's one thing Dragon Ball is legit bad at, it's making use of its great supporting cast

sure, everybody gets to do *something,* but that "something" is usually just stalling until Goku (or in rare cases) Vegeta or Gohan can come in and kick ass