Nate Warner Profile picture
@VCUHealth ID Doc & Internist. Clinician-Educator. #PhysicalDiagnosis #GoToTheBedside
Jun 4, 2019 11 tweets 5 min read
50yo F p/w acute onset fever, diarrhea. On exam is hypotensive and mildly confused. Sx started 2 days after return from Zambia. No malaria ppx. Smear w/ 30% P falciparum parasitemia. MICU concerned for cerebral malaria (CM). How can we confirm on #PhysicalExam ?#IDConsults Cerebral malaria is defined by WHO as coma with peripheral parasitemia after other causes ruled out. In endemic regions this predominantly affects young kids due to immunologic naivety. Unfortunately, this defn is nonspecific as 40-70% of asymptomatic ppl may be parasitemic 2/
May 26, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
42yo with nasopharyngeal CA (in remission) s/p chemo/rad presents with 3 months of progressive posterior head/neck pain, and slurred speech. On PE, you notice the following. What are you seeing? What’s your ddx? (consent obtained). #PhysicalExam #IDConsults 1/ In this video, you see right sided atrophy, right sided deviation, and fasiculations R>L, indicating a peripheral 12th nerve palsy. He also had some slurred speech. Remainder of neuro exam WNL. Remember: atrophy and fasiculations = LMN process! 2/
May 11, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
50ish man w/ DM s/p renal tx p/w pneumonia & delirium. RN puts on mitts. Next day, his finger hurts. On physical exam, you note fusiform swelling, tenderness along palmar aspect of the finger, and pain with passive extension. What’s your ddx? #Physicalexamfriday #IDconsults The patient met 3 out of 4 Kanavel criteria for pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis (fusiform swelling, tenderness over the tendon, pain with passive extension, finger in slight flexion). MRI confirmed the diagnosis and orthopedic surgery took him to surgery for debridement...