Nathan Lee Profile picture
Democracy, politics, fairness, rights, education, tech. Rants=own views.
Jan 13, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Over the weekend I drove through some of the burned out landscape with a big bag of sweet potatoes for the roos: the severity of what has happened is fucking grim, to put it lightly. This has been an apocalypse for the bush. There is just ash instead of ground. Not a thing to eat I found a paddock with a mostly dried up dam: and someone else had put some sweet potatoes out.. they were untouched, which makes me worry: do the kangaroos recognise this as food? They have never eaten it in their lives.
Jun 4, 2019 18 tweets 4 min read
I find it somewhat mind blowing how self serving the media can be: they cheer on as normal citizens have rights stripped away for "terror", they focus on trivial bullshit while mass surveillance becomes the norm.. they stand by while whistleblower after whistleblower is destroyed They fail to keep any sort of focus on important rights being signed away.. or individuals (that aren't their mates!) getting arrested, or intimidated or bullied by draconian powers.. and then one of their own gets a fraction of what they do to the general population..
May 27, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Such crap: year I started uni HECS fees *doubled* (thus dumped on younger generations without any "grandfathering"). Where's lifetime costs of that factored in to concessions for my generation? & what of super tax rorts now closed off &therefore used exclusively by 65+? A "right to rorts" = bullshit concept. Rules are changed on vulnerable in society all the time: so why are #frankingCredits so critical? A poor person might reasonably expect a roof over their head: oops, sorry, insufficient budget!
Wealthy stack of shares: CANT CHANGE RULES!