Ned Stanley Profile picture
Vice President of Communications @FiftyCAN. Education, justice, politics. Nature enthusiast. Proud TFA alum. Fervent Utah Jazz fan.
Apr 24, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. I've been spending some time this week speaking to exceptional teachers across a variety of school types (trad. public, charter), demographics (mid and low-income student populations), geographies (large urban, small urban, rural.) Here's what I'm learning: 1/ Caveats: a) This is a small sample size, but I intend to continue this over the coming weeks; trends may change. b) these teachers were identified as exceptional by parents or past colleagues whose judgment I trust, but I haven't verified that with past student ach. results.
Apr 9, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read

UTLA setting the cap on teacher hours at 4 hours per day. This includes grading, planning, collaboration and recording asynchronous video (synchronous is explicitly banned in this agreement.) 1/ There are plenty of hero teachers in Los Angeles, in California and around the country. I know many of them. They won't be working 4 hour days - they'll be working substantially more, because they know their students will need it.
May 19, 2019 17 tweets 3 min read
Thread. Here's my take on the game behind Bernie's charter play yesterday. And let's be clear, it is political machinations, not policy or ideology that is driving this. 1. There are two major factors in the Democratic primary that are playing out simultaneously, and also - somewhat - unexpectedly.