Begging people to realise the problems in Alice Springs didn’t start a year ago, or 3 years ago. This is the latest iteration in a conversation that has been front and centre for decades.
Here’s a few things that were going on back in 2011. A thread.…
Opposition leader Tony Abbott called for an intervention into child abuse in Alice Springs and conservatives used the towns problems as a political tool. Crime was on the rise. Kids in the street.
Sound familiar?
Mar 5, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Didn’t you get almost a million dollars of government money for “Food Security” and then try and start a frozen dough factory using prison labour?
You wanted prisoners to manufacture frozen dough for remote bakeries so you could profit, until it came under public scrutiny.
“Supplying, for an undisclosed profit additional to the grant, frozen dough for bread and rolls which Mr Clark obtains from an Australian company under an exclusive agreement”…
Wasn’t that YOUR OWN COMPANY? And the “exclusive agreement” was to use prison labour, right?
Oct 1, 2020 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Alice Springs has a great Town Councillor, an Indigenous Australian woman, who works hard to represent all of her constituents and has a record of speaking and acting on behalf of the local Aboriginal community. She was just nominated for Deputy Mayor! And lost to Jacinta Price.
Catherine Satour is her name and unlike Price she puts in the work and takes the position seriously. But council works as a partisan block without apparent consideration of merit or commitment, so Price got the numbers.…