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Formerly Woke πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 10, 2021 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 2 min read
In my opinion, trans women who agree women need their own spaces are less likely to be a threat. Personally, I'm happy to share space with trans women. The current push for self I.D has done nothing to help the trans women who, I'm told, until now quietly used our spaces Lots of trans women are being thrown under the bus/displaced. My heart goes out to these people and I'm sorry other people have ruined something that seemed to be working quite well. Unfortunately until there is a way forward I have drawn my line.

Only women in womens spaces.
Sep 6, 2020 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
You know Bethany it's OK to admit that your views contradict themselves.

To clarify - what you're saying is, if I, as mixed race woman who was raised by two black parents identify as black, that would be lying but a person with a penis CAN identify as a woman & that is NOT lying The hypocrisy is killing me.

I am WAYYYYYY closer to being black than any man is to woman and I would never identify as black. As much as growing up I would have loved to, all my dolls were black, my dad forbid me from ever bringing a 'white boy' home.
Jun 30, 2020 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 3 min read
"WhY DiDnT YoU RePoRt It"

As a traumatized 16 year old, I was told (probably truthfully) by my rape counsellor -

"the police will ask you questions in a way that will make you feel like you're lying, I don't think you're robust enough for that"… I did report it, 12 years later. A document resurfaced from my visit to A&E the morning after the incident occured. The nurse asked me if it was consensual.

Consensual, to me, as a sexually naive 16 yr old meant - did you fight him with everything you had? Not, did you say no?
Apr 1, 2020 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Dear @Kathbum

I'm disappointed to hear you call me & people like me who are fighting for women to keep single sex spaces, "weirdos"

Take a minute to think about what you're fighting for.

Teenage girls showering next to adult male bodies?

To me, that's weird. Trans women & gender non conforming people are two completely different things, recently the lines have become blurred.

Cross dressing male listed in the top 100 female executives.

Kaitlyn Jenner, woman of the year.

International womens day was hijacked

You support this?
Mar 19, 2020 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 8 min read
Do you live in Britain? Have you suffered abuse, oppression and marginalisation?

Well @OwenJones84 is here to tell you about one of the most besieged, marginalised and oppressed minorities in Britain. That's right, you got it....trans people Now, in this ridiculous language minefield I need you to understand that trans people is referring to MEN like this.

A proud "lesbian with a massive cock"

Poor marginalised bastard.
Feb 28, 2020 β€’ 22 tweets β€’ 5 min read
There's a strong possibility I'm gonna loose a few friends/followers with this thread but I feel it's a really important topic so I'm going to address it.

Probably pointless saying this but trust me, this comes from a place of love and inclusion (to a certain extent)

1/20 As a woman - who from the age of 9 learnt that men 3 times her age would feel no way about approaching her for sex, who was beaten senseless countless times by a man who was supposed to protect her, raped and had her virginity taken from her by a man at least twice her age at 16