Neil Patel Profile picture
Co-Founder and Publisher at @DailyCaller Co-Founder and CEO at @TCNetwork
5 subscribers
Jun 4 7 tweets 2 min read
After just returning from Bukele's inaugural in El Salvador it's glaring just how truly dishonest the American coverage is. Here is the essential true story of what just happened in El Salvador. You will not find it in a single American corporate media outlet. It's a huge reason why they are failing. 1/7 The US helped screw up El Salvador and all of Central America by ousting dozens of governments when it suited our interests. As a result of these and other forces, El Salvador was left in ruins and wracked by a 12 year civil war between communists and the government followed by more than a decade of dominance by rival gangs originally from the US with roots in satanism. 2/7
Sep 24, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Thread on our reporters who were arrested in Louisville last night 🧵


The Louisville police arrested two of our employees Wednesday night. We have informed the police that these are reporters who were peacefully doing their job, but they are still refusing to release them. 2/

They will not even let us speak with them. Given the fact that our reporters have been repeatedly harassed, punched and even shot at during past protests, we fear for their safety in lockup with people who may want to do them harm. No other news outlet has been on the ground