Nels Anderson Profile picture
Founded @SonderlustGames, helped design Firewatch, lead designer on Mark of the Ninja, and the only Canadian game developer born & raised in Wyoming.
Jul 29, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
Cosby Suite- "Where Are They Now?" edition… Where they all are now is in extremely senior leadership positions.

You know who ISN'T in those senior positions? All the women and other people excluded from advancement by a toxic culture.
Jun 7, 2020 26 tweets 6 min read
In the last week, I've gone from hearing "abolish police" and thinking that's vague and unactionable to learning justice &community safety are *incompatible* with the police.

So if the notion of defunding the police is also unintuitive to you/yours, maybe this thread will help. As a preface, it's completely my privilege that I didn't have to really think about this tangibly before. And these aren't my ideas (I'll pepper links in here as I can). This is just the throughline of my thinking over the last few days.