Bob Clark Profile picture
Nov 5, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
One reason why the Marvel movies have really taken out a lot of the depth that is potentially there in superhero cinema-- they all, by and large, abandon the idea of the secret identity, one of the most interesting aspects of the genre. Secret identities are a cornerstone of superhero narratives across the board, and help tie the characters to noir, spy and thriller genres. They put their heroes into the shadows, offer greater dramatic weight and counterbalance their literal superpowers.
Sep 29, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Watching The Devils on Filmstruck in non-anamorphic widescreen makes me remember all the Star Wars fans who complained that one of the last DVD releases of the OT had the unaltered versions in non-anamorphic transfers. It makes me remember they're idiots. No matter how you feel about the Special Editions, at least Star Wars has never been out of public circulation. It's always been easy to get on VHS, laserdisc, dvd, blu ray, and now streaming. And always in a version its creator is happy with, good or ill.