Nerdeen Kiswani Profile picture
نردين الكسواني Palestinian 🇵🇸 Muslim ☪️ NYC🗽Founder of @wolpalestine ⏳🗝️ J.D. CUNY School of Law⚖️ @cuny4p
Mar 10 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵 ICE targeting Palestinians is nothing new — it adopted its tactics tested through israel’s oppression of Palestinians. From training with israeli occupation forces to deploying israeli surveillance tech, U.S. border violence is deeply tied to zionist colonialism. Here’s how ⬇️ After 9/11, the U.S. launched its so-called “War on Terror,” expanding surveillance, policing, and militarization. Agencies like ICE and DHS emerged with a clear target: immigrant communities. But their strategies & technologies were imported from israel.
Mar 5 12 tweets 3 min read
Today, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) officially published a statement in Arabic, confirming that No Other Land violates anti-normalization standards. This vindicates what many of us have been saying.…… Palestinians are calling for a boycott of the film, recognizing that despite its portrayal of israeli crimes, it ultimately operates within a normalization framework that undermines our struggle.
Mar 4 15 tweets 3 min read
Some people claim that supporting a “pragmatic” two-state solution isn’t Zionism. But let’s be clear: a two-state solution is, by definition, a Zionist position. Even if you justify it for “practicality,” you’re still upholding Zionism. Here’s why: 🧵 First, let’s reject the notion that rejecting a 2SS is delusional because israel already exists. The issue is treating its continued existence as a settler-colonial, apartheid state as inevitable. Just because something exists today doesn’t mean it has a right to exist as it is.
Mar 4 7 tweets 1 min read
The idea that Palestinian and Jewish-israeli “safety and security is intertwined” is a dangerous narrative that continuously justifies Zionism. It is not about justice—it is about maintaining settler colonialism. 🧵 Zionism has always framed itself as a project for Jewish security. But this “security” was built on Palestinian dispossession, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid. Palestinians are not responsible for sustaining a system that oppresses them.
Mar 1 5 tweets 2 min read
Sorry, but Ukraine is nothing like Palestine. Palestine is a people fighting against settler colonialism. If anything, Ukraine is more like israel—a Western-backed project propped up for geopolitical interests & sustained by empire. People need to stop forcing comparisons between Ukraine and Palestine. They are not the same struggle, not the same history, and not the same reality. These false parallels only distort the truth and erase the unique brutality of zionist settler colonialism.
Feb 24 8 tweets 2 min read
“Liberal” Zionists call Kahanists extremists to distract from their own crimes. But the Nakba wasn’t carried out by Kahanists, it was Ben-Gurion’s army. The occupation wasn’t expanded by Betar, it was Labor Zionists. The whole project is built on the same violence. The ADL talks about Kanist groups like Betar as if it’s an extremist faction, but what’s particularly extreme about being honest? Jabotinsky just admitted what Ben Gurion did in practice. Zionism shares the same foundation, some just prefer euphemisms over blunt force.
Feb 3 8 tweets 2 min read
Tel Aviv’s club scene is often framed as a ‘beacon of light’—progressive, diverse, and full of life. But in reality, it plays a central role in whitewashing Zionism, making apartheid look like a party. This is precisely why cultural boycott are even more important. Israeli nightlife markets itself as an escape—carefree raves, queer parties, and techno festivals. But escape from what? The occupation? The fact that Palestinians can’t even enter Tel Aviv without a permit? That these clubs are built on stolen land?
Feb 3 7 tweets 2 min read
The U.S. is escalating its war on Palestine. On Jan 31, two bills were introduced in Congress:

• H.R. 902 (Rep. Tenney) for U.S. agencies to call the West Bank Judea & Samaria
• H.R. 867 (Rep. Lawler) expands anti-boycott laws to punish int’l orgs boycotting israel These bills are part of a coordinated effort to:
• Erase Palestinian identity from U.S. policy.
• Shield Israel from accountability by punishing international organizations.
• Suppress free speech & criminalize support for Palestine.
Feb 2 9 tweets 3 min read
Thread: @Betar_USA suddenly denies sexual predator Ross Glick’s Role in the organization on the same account where they referred to him as their director. This contradiction is now coming to light just one day since my two previous threads exposed them. Image
After I exposed Betar’s dubious claims of using AI to compile deportation lists targeting pro-Palestine activists and highlighted Glick’s role within the organization, the widespread attention they received has evidently pressured Betar into a defensive position.
Jan 30 5 tweets 2 min read
So @Betar_USA raised their price back up to $1,800 to incite people to harass me/threaten me with violence. Wonder where this money is coming from since they are tax exempt. Are tax exempt orgs allowed to threaten people this way, using their funds in particular? Image
Both of these tweets are from today. Betar’s threats involving beepers reference the terrorist beeper attacks in Lebanon in Sept 2024. Those attacks used electronic devices to trigger explosions, killing 42 people & injuring 4,000, including many children. This isn’t a joke.
Jan 30 11 tweets 3 min read
Ross Glick, the Executive Director of @Betar_USA is running a Zionist surveillance campaign to track and blacklist pro-Palestine students and offering people $1,800 if they can hand me a beeper. But who is he? A millionaire with a history of revenge porn charges. 🧵 In 2019, Glick was arrested in NYC for a revenge porn case involving his ex-girlfriend. The NYPD charged him after he allegedly spread explicit photos as part of a harassment campaign. A predator, not an “activist.”…
Jan 20 9 tweets 3 min read
We should be so honored to witness and utter the words Al-Aqsa flood. We cannot celebrate the freedom of prisoners or advocate for Palestinian liberation if we hide from it.

Embrace it and others will catch on, these headlines are exactly why every protest was titled flood NYC🧵 Earlier today, Yahoo News covered the @WOLPalestine protest yesterday echoing flood in their headline. Image
May 16, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
The BDS denouncement of resistance is nothing new, they have slandered and undermined orgs that don’t fit into their liberal mold for over a decade. They attacked WOL (fka NYCSJP) in 2015 because we wrote a statement saying the student movement needs to go past the BDS ceiling. Read our original statement here. It wasn’t a rebuke of BDS or the BNC, it was simply a call that we needed to do more beyond symbolic divestment and boycotting. It called for student movements to serve the Palestinian communities they were fighting for.…
Apr 13, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Today on the 3rd day of Eid the NYPD brutalized and arrested me and ripped of my hijab; with no warning. For protesting the genocide in Gaza. They refused to allow me to put my hijab back on. Please don’t post photos of me without my hijab on even if you try to block my hair. My wrists are bruised my entire upper body is in severe pain. This is the second time they rip off my hijab while arresting me. When I asked to put it back on they covered my face with it and I couldn’t see anything while they yanked my arms and yelled at me to get up.
Nov 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Disgusted at the set up by @piersmorgan who has allowed this racist sports journalist to call me a terrorist and say I support 9/11 on TV. I can handle my own, but I’m not even able to get in a sentence without being spoken over. Shame on you both for using our tragedy for clout. You keep mentioning dialogue, which is impossible with those who can watch 20,000 of my people, 8,000 children murdered and justify it. You know that’s why I’m not interested in allowing it, that’s why you won’t let me get in a word. My perspective is too real for your bosses.