I'm guessing 58% of you realized I wouldn't be asking in the first place if it were just a "nope, those are all the dynamics you're gonna get, these ODE models are really just that boring."
Dec 17, 2020 • 89 tweets • 19 min read
Thread: The "Starter Model" for most within-host viral dynamical systems
It's gonna use a lot of the same techniques as we saw in this previous thread where I talked about the dynamical approach to the SIR model in epidemiology.
So a little background: HIV and hepatitis are two of the diseases that are a little more amenable to the type of model I'm going to discuss, because they are chronic viral diseases and tend to progress slowly, so getting viral load measurements in the blood is feasible.
Feb 2, 2020 • 48 tweets • 10 min read
Ok, so I said I'd do an R0 thread and there's plenty of classical epidemiologists that have done threads on the concept by now, but I've not seen anyone talk about the dynamical system perspective.
So first, preliminary: an R0, or R-naught, is a term describing the reproductive capacity of an organism. In epidemiology it refers to the number of secondary cases that result from a single case in an entirely susceptible population.