Lindsay Shepherd Profile picture
Author, 'Diversity and Exclusion: Confronting the Campus Free Speech Crisis' -- Commentator @TrueNorthCentre -- Director-at-Large, @Conservative_BC
Oct 17, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Radical activists & their sympathizers will get any speaker they don't like kicked off campus, then out of the library & all other public venues. When the speaker is then denied private venue rentals, ppl will just say "they're a private business, they don't have to rent to you" As I wrote many months ago,

"While we have largely seen the battles for free speech and open inquiry take place on university campuses, we may need to start shifting our focus to the newest target: Canada’s public libraries."…
Dec 20, 2018 9 tweets 8 min read
Ok everyone, I have an important update. Do you remember Prof. Nathan Rambukkana of @Laurier University? He is the one who hauled me into a disciplinary meeting because I played a clip from @tvo (public televsion) in the class I was TAing. He was my supervisor. @Laurier @tvo He told me that one or multiple students complained about me; compared @jordanbpeterson to Hitler; told me that I had created a toxic environment that was threatening & targeted trans ppl, etc.
Jun 13, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Imagine 2 sociology profs use your M.A. proposal presentation to tell you their personal opinions on Faith Goldy and ask you snidely if you believe flat earth theory should be taught by geography depts, rather than giving constructive feedback like they did for the other students And your supervising prof tried to report you to the Deans for copyright infringement for posting an image of a land acknowledgment from a course syllabus. When that didn’t work, they report you to the Deans for asking to reschedule a tutorial.