Rubix NG Profile picture
//Life is precious, Existence is a Mystery. Together Our Light will be brighter. Evolve ∆ (in)Love// 💫✨🙏💜🌄👁️🧬👁️🌄💜🙏✨💫
Aug 16 9 tweets 3 min read
Dream (?) entry log #47
1. I am in my bed, fully relaxed. I put my body to sleep & rest, and was getting ready to "freely float".
Nothing specific, I am fully in the Now, observing my own feelings.
Suddenly, loud & clear, the image & energetic signature of my Zeta Medium Friend.. Image 2. ...pops up in my mind. I remember the telepathic contact "Ho Hi! Happy to see You Friend!"
I felt a bit of surprise on His side, as he was kind of "checking something/measuring my energy frequency/emotional state".
"Ho, You can see me?" "Sure I can, it works both ways" Did I.. Image
Dec 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
"In that day, the Sun didn't rise; only a tame light followed the night.
It was already several days that we felt the tremors from the ground.
That day, it started to shook like crazy. The ground opened up in many places, spilling boiling stones.
Our towns were destroyed... "and many people died. But that was only a beginning. The ancients have told us about what was to come, but nobody listened.
Then the sky started to melt and turn bright red. A rain of burning rocks fall onto the Earth. The Seas started to boil. Catastrophic tsunamis
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
//Beloved Ones,
My Sword Shines Brightly, despite It never kills. It is meant to separate falsehoods from Core Truths. Me killing the dragon is a symbolic depiction of that. On This Sword, One side holds Power & Strength & the Other is engraved with Wisdom.// 2.
//This is how is separated The Wheat from the chaff. You have been given a Seed, residing in Your Heart, of the same Essence as My Sword. You hold in You the Seed of Power & Wisdom, so You can differentiate by Yourself what is from God and what is not.//
Dec 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Q: Through the many interactions with the Star Nations You had, is there a recurring theme?
A: Yes. Our existence is known. Our World & the Gaian Civilization as some of Them name Us, is deeply honored and respected. They are waiting for Us to become more 'adult', more 'mature' Q: Have You been afraid during such interactions?
A: No. Surprised, many times. Every time. (Laugh). You are not afraid when you feel Love & Higher consciousness. You might feel small, but this quickly dissipates. You are put at ease, in a sense.
Feb 7, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
At the most fondamental level, I am nothing more than a set of coherent information functions, supported by a universal set of incoherent functions of information, immersed in a non-space/non-time Universe.
3D+1 Space Time doesn't exist. It is a creation of our perceptions. This is the most terrible cognitive bias, which costed us many centuries of advancement.
Spacetime as we know it doesn't exist, it is the translation made by our brain of stimuli.