倪明达 (Ni Mingda) Profile picture
Observations & analysis from a Chinese perspective.
56 subscribers
Jul 31, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read

Did you know?

After China lost to imperialist Japan in 1895, Beijing was forced to cede Taiwan to Tokyo & pay 200 million taels of silver.

That’s nearly 4x the annual income of Japan itself.

Like the Western powers, stolen wealth gave Japan a head start in modernisation. 2/

For the first time in its history, China had to borrow money to pay its invaders.

The concept of “banking” didn’t exist prior to the arrival of Western imperialists; China was so rich it never had to borrow.

By the end of the 19th century, China was heavily in debt to HSBC.
Jul 22, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read

I admire @jacksonhinklle launching the American Communist Party.

Reducing the political influence of the billionaire class is what America needs to regain its sovereignty from wealthy Zionist vampires.

Sadly, many Americans have been brainwashed to blindly hate communism… 2/

Many American conservatives believe that communism is a Jewish agenda.

In reality, Jewish billionaires together with the U.S. gov have waged endless wars against communism for decades.

EVERY communist-run country in the world has experienced U.S. attempt to overthrow them.
Jul 13, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read

White supremacists believe they’re the master race.

Jewish supremacists believe they’re the “chosen ones”.

Both believe they have the right to dominate & exploit others.

And both have been partners in the West’s war profiteering & colonialism since the 1700s.

But… 2/

Since the 20th century, the Jewish partner has grown stronger than its White supremacist partner.

Jewish billionaires now run the West & get the lion share of the war profits.

The elites of the White supremacists still benefit, so they’re ok. But not the rank & file.
Jul 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Did you know?

U.S. capitalists goaded & funded Nazi Germany to attack communist USSR.

But when Hitler’s defeat was imminent, the U.S. capitalists switched sides.

The result?

War devastated both Germany & USSR.

The unscathed U.S. capitalists get to define the new world order. To U.S. capitalists, preventing a country’s assets from being owned by private companies is a communist idea that can’t be permitted to spread.

It’s why they backed Hitler against USSR.

And it’s why U.S. has attempted to overthrow every single communist-run country since WW2.
Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The West doesn’t like African immigrants.

But the West is also opposed to China developing infrastructure in Africa that will improve living standards & make Africans want to stay home.

The West needs to understand it cannot have both. The West has bombed, toppled & looted Africa for decades.

It used foreign aid to prop up puppet regimes while ordinary Africans remained poor.

Today, Africans are benefiting from tangible Chinese infrastructure.

But the West tries to smear & kneecap Chinese effort in Africa.
Mar 31, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
If China blockades Taiwan today, there’s ZERO the U.S. can do.

Not even a sanction.

The last thing the U.S. can afford is China stop exporting to America… or worse, stop accepting USD for all international payments.

Nations would be dumping their dollars left, right & centre. In almost all international business-to-business & business-to-customer transactions, Chinese businesses accept only USD.

(with few exceptions such as Russia where bilateral trade is totally in CNY & RUB).

So can you imagine what would happen if China refuses to accept the USD?
Feb 11, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
The U.S. Empire ruling class is divided into two factions:

The Democrats are liberal, gender/identity inclusive imperialists who like to bomb and loot countries.

The Republicans are conservative, White supremacist imperialists who also like to bomb and loot countries. 2/
The Democrats have a historic grudge against Russia and want to overthrow Moscow... and then take on China.

The Republicans have a deep hatred for Asian communist China and prefer to "ally" with white Russia to overthrow Beijing... before turning on Moscow.
Dec 27, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
The West was only able to prevail against China when it had overwhelming arms superiority.

This arms gap was the most prominent during the 19th century, which the West exploited to invade China.

Today, China is regaining its historical military edge over the West... 2/
China invented the magnetic compass in the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD).

It allowed the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644 AD) to sail across around the world & traded with nations long before the West.

Western powers later used the compass for war & colonisation of faraway lands.
Nov 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The most dangerous time for China is when the decline of the U.S. reaches terminal velocity & parasitic Western/Zionist billionaires look for a new host. As long as the CPC can continue to prevent the rich (both local & foreign) from hijacking political power, then China will be able to stop the Western/Zionist billionaires from infiltrating Chinese society.
Nov 8, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Many Americans cannot believe that their entire country is run by Zionists.

From Congress & executive branch to the 3-letter agencies.

From the biggest banks to the privately owned Federal Reserve.

From Hollywood to the biggest corporations.

All under Zionist influence. U.S. politicians try to justify their unconditional support for Israel by claiming that U.S. needs a bulwark or carrier in the Middle East to secure American security & oil flow.

That might be a side benefit.

But the MAIN reason is because they're owned by the Zionist lobby.
Nov 5, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Understand that the enemy of peace & justice is NOT Jews or even Israel.

The real enemy that controlled Western policymakers, its finance, media & uses its military to rob nations is a specific class of power-hungry billionaires.

Many of them are Zionists. But not all are. 2/
Israel is only one of the projects (though a very important one) of this specific class of Western billionaires.

Long before there was a state of Israel, these billionaires have been financing Western monarchies & republics to wage wars & colonisations around the world.
Oct 12, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Zionist Israel isn’t defending itself.

It’s indiscriminately bombing Palestinian civilians & non-military infrastructures.

The Zionist rulers are ethnically cleansing Gaza in preparation for its complete annexation.

And Western leaders are openly cheering the war criminals. 2/
The utterly indiscriminate bombing of Gaza by the Zionist airforce was what the U.S. Empire did to Baghdad in its "shock & awe" operation after 9/11.

Both war crimes were done under the false pretext of "defence".

And they were done in preparation for boots on the ground.
Oct 10, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
How does it benefit the Palestinian cause by Hamas launching rockets indiscriminately, kidnapping & murdering civilians?

If anything, they gave Palestinians a bad PR and the Zionist imperialists the pretext to commit more atrocities & increase Palestinian suffering. The cycle of Hamas attacks on civilians & indiscriminate Israel retaliation has happened too many times.

What's Hamas trying to achieve?

Give the Zionist the excuse they needed to finally take over Gaza?

Or is Hamas just strategically incompetent?

Oct 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
It's impossible that Israel's Mossad didn't know such a big event would occur.

It's more plausible that Mossad allowed it to happen so that Israel would have the justification to destroy Gaza.

In short, Mossad manufactured public consent for war against the Palestinians. It's easy for Mossad to predict the U.S. ruling class' reaction (since they support Israel unconditionally).

Israel simply needed approval from the U.S. to destroy Gaza.

And the U.S. needed a "moral" justification to grant approval.

Jul 31, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Joint Statement from the U.S. and India:

"As global partners, the United States and India affirm that the rules-based international order must be respected."


Looks like India has chosen the Western imperialists' side. 2/
"As two of the world’s largest democratic economies, the United States and India are indispensable partners in advancing global prosperity and a free, fair, and rules-based economic order."


No wonder India rejected the BRICS currency.
Jul 8, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
There have been many wars in history.

Lands & treasures have changed hands between tribes, nations & empires.

But Western imperialism stands out in that "scientific racism" plays a big role in the motivations, methods of war & subsequent treatment of the conquered/colonised. 2/
"Scientific racism" has its beginning in 17th century Europe.

It's a concept based around the belief that some races are biologically superior to others.

It eventually led to eugenics becoming state policy in the UK, U.S. & in many Western countries, including Nazi Germany.
Jun 29, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
U.S. style “democracy” is a clever political system that prevents any real change or violent uprising against the wealthy 0.1% that run the country.

Every 4 years, the people get to exercise their “democratic rights” to pick from a pool of candidates pre-selected by the 0.1%. 2/
Having a platform to promote oneself & positive publicity are key in winning any U.S. elections.

Since the 0.1% own Western media, they also decide which candidates to give platform to (and which ones to ignore).

The 0.1% also provide any "donations" necessary to run.
Jun 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
For a long time now, every single U.S. administration has pledged unconditional support & allegiance to the Zionist cause.

This is a curious phenomenon.

Zionist agenda influenced the foreign policy of the British Empire.

It continues to influence that of the U.S. Empire today. What do the Zionists really want?

What roles did Zionist lobbies played?

Which were the wars waged by the British & U.S. empires to further Zionist agenda?

Who among the Western ruling elites, media moguls & intel agents are Zionists?

These questions need urgent answers.
May 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Many believed the U.S. will form an Asian NATO against China.

But I argued for some time now that this won’t be the case.

Instead, I said the U.S. will bring NATO to Asia.

This is happening today.

The entire U.S. led imperialist Western ruling class is pivoting to Asia. I believe the U.S. will gradually delegate the containment of Russia to the Eastern & Central European states, especially to Poland & the ex-Soviet countries.

The U.S. led West will then move the bulk of their military to Asia in preparation for a showdown with China.
Apr 19, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Contrary to U.S. narrative, the U.S. actually WANTS China to retake Taiwan by force.

The U.S. is trying to make that happen sooner rather than later by:

- ramping up arm sales to Taiwan
- sending troops to Taiwan
- supporting Taiwan separatism

But China isn't taking the bait. Semiconductor isn't the main U.S. goal; TSMC is already being transplanted to Arizona.

U.S. main goal is to turn Taiwan into an American fortress & a dagger on China's side.

Together with Japan, South Korea & Philippines, Taiwan would form an offensive U.S. chain around China.
Apr 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The geopolitical goal of BRICS is to unseat the USD so that the U.S. can no longer exploit, destroy & hold nations to financial ransom.

The goal of NATO, AUKUS & Quad is to use war as the means to prevent that from happening. Now you know why the U.S. is targeting China & Russia for regime-change...