Niamh Donohoe Profile picture
The Noah Donohoe Foundation💙
May 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
To hear today that I am being asked to be interviewed under caution and investigated for potential criminal prosecution by CID has once again caused great distress.

A complaint has been made against me by the EX Chief Superintendent of the PSNI & newly appointed 2. Anguillan Commissioner Of Police, Muir Clarke.

This man has held high ranking positions in public office, one would assume you would be equipped to face public backlash and opinion. So to go after myself, a secondary victim has left me once again totally disgusted by the
Oct 24, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
1. Ask yourself, why an intelligent 14yr old ended up in Northwood? In a densely populated residential area. On Fathers Day, during lockdown. All restaurants & pubs were closed. People were still only leaving their homes for necessary trips, shopping, exercise, outdoor meetups. 2. You don't get lost in Belfast and endup taking that route to a DEAD END/ Cul-de-sac unless something or someone has maybe lead you or forced you there. Who made Noah go to Northwood & why????
Some third party had a hand in Noahs demise.
Jun 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
1. I remember the moment I heard Noah was missing. It plays over in my head clearly. I remember coming down the stairs to tell my family. I'll never forget the looks on their faces. I remember just knowing something was wrong;Noah was one of our babies you knew would 2. never be mixed up in any bother or danger (Fiona really had raised a wee dote of a gentleman in Noah) unless that danger sought him out. I remember driving in the dark to get to Belfast. When my nieces & I finally reached Fiona it was surreal& she was being so brave.
May 2, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1. I think these past few weeks have been a massive learning process for Fiona and myself;in the legal side, campaign and our personal lives.I think people forget that aside from the campaign we are 2 ordinary woman, sisters, mothers, friends just trying to survive all that life 2. is throwing at us regardless of the monumental battle we face every day for Noah💙. Noah's fight for justice is something we are so completely invested in as he was our beloved boy, Fionas only beautiful baby & we will never stop until we get justice.
Apr 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1.Noahs Army⚡sometimes there just aren't words. You really are an amazing community of people. Your unwavering support throughout this battle has meant the world to @FIONADONOHOE2 and I and keeps us going on the days we can't bare to;there are many of them and you have saved us. 2. Anyone feeling helpless and wanting to be proactive we would ask you to actively share the key pieces of info we share with the wider public. Flood Social Media with the correct info of Noahs Case and his petition. Educate people about our fight and campaign.
Mar 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1.1st thought every morning is Noah, will today be the day? Although everyday is 'the day' in someways as everyday we make progress.
Fiona and I eat,sleep & breath the details surrounding Noahs murder. The people we know that were involved, the people preventing us from getting 2. justice ( at all levels & all walks of life). We never stop . We have an army behind us demanding Justice for Noah and all children. I am blessed to be a mother of 4 strong girls who fight alongside us every step of the way too. Noah was loved by all of us, no one more so
Mar 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1.Noah never got to do his GCSEs. Exams he would have excelled in and brought him closer to his dream of being a Doctor. Instead Fiona now has to watch my daughter follow that path. They both wanted to be Doctors. Can you imagine how painful a reminder that is for Fiona? 2. Every exam aced by her niece and every step closer to that goal is also a reminder of what Noah was going to acheive. The amazing path and journey he would have had. Bitter sweet.Think of all the memories they never got to make together, formals he will never wear a suit to.
Mar 5, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1. At this stage people are forgetting the elephant in the room being the stormdrain,the PSNI and Coroner claim Noah climbed into and crawled 950km over debris, manmade obstructions, around corners through a possible massive chamber to get to the place he was found. 2. Noah was naked, in pitch darkness. The tunnel is made of concrete and not even a metre in Diameter for most of it and slightly more than a metre in parts. His body, torso, knees, arms, elbows etc would have been badly cut due to the concrete and contents of the stormdrain.