Eiynah --- Profile picture
Pak-🇨🇦 grew up in Saudi. Illustrator, host of Polite Conversations Podcast. IDW ridiculer. Loathes rightwingery. https://t.co/xM13InkuUU
Jul 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
You can just feel how pathetic this is going to be. Jbp: I don't think it's possible to dispense with the ideal of *heterosexual monogamy*
Dave rubin: yes yes, I'm try so hard to prove I can fit in
JP: it's ok tho ur not alone in not reaching the ideal, there r also divorced ppl & miserable marriages
DR: mm hmm
Jun 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Ppl in my mentions are surprised and warning Sam Harris about associating with Douglas Murray 😂, as if Sam is unaware of Douglas Murray's BS and doesn't share those views himself. Sam once also said he agreed with about 90% of what Peterson says. 🙃 ImageImage I mean....come on. Image
Jun 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
This is how extremism is normalized 🧐🎩 Douglas' new book straight up is about a war against white people.
Apr 14, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Was watching Bill Maher’s recent appearance on Rogan and boy. Rogan is fully back on his bs. Maher hadn’t stopped, so he is pretty awful here too. But here are some highlights in a handy 🧵 :

Here’s transphobe Rogan talking about taking hormone replacement 🤷🏽‍♀️ Maher: when I see kids walking with a mask, outside, alone….I just wanna punch them. Because you know what you have a good immune system at that age.
Apr 4, 2022 19 tweets 6 min read
My YT recommendations are so awful 😭 my fault mostly, because I do watch it when I see it. But then it sends me more and more 🤢

Imagine what it does to someone who is actually on the edge of buying into this crap. Oh gosh McWhorter's mom was a teacher that taught a course called racism 101 apparently. "She taught me the woke line on racism"
Jun 21, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Should we allow Nazis to speak on campus?
RationalBraingenius: yes of course. Why be afraid of words?

Shld we allow grown adults to discuss basic realities at their workplaces? Things like racism,sexism,bigotry.
RationalBraingenius: absolutely not,BAN it all.
LOVE free speech Image Sam: ppl like Ibram X. Kendi r pushing a politics on the rest of the country that resembles mental illness

Also Sam: I have to bend over backwards to be charitable to Trump because I dislike him so much, I try to rise above my biases.

Jun 20, 2021 39 tweets 12 min read
So I'm going to do a 🧵 abt the new Atheism podcast drama u may have seen because I have had enough of the misrepresentations & meltdowns, frankly. & it's tragic that there is any controversy at all when it comes to calling out how new atheism DID in fact merge with the far right For a while now...months, I have been seeing some troubling patterns & subtle IDW apologetics coming from some corners of the more progressive IDW critical podcaster bros. Which has been alarming because I didn't think we had to deal with this outside of the right wing atheists.
Mar 4, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Couldn't make a better parody than this. A bunch of *anti* anti-racism clowns got together and decided to call themselves The Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism LMAO 🤡

Literally an Intelligent Design advocate on here too. 😂 Ayaan is currently promoting her book all over the place where she claims that black and brown men are coming to rape white women.
Boghossian wrote a foreword for molyneuxs book & bragged abt it. He thinks there r no Nazis outside of Nazi Germany, thought colonialism was good
Mar 2, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Even a mere mention of me is intolerable to my long time twitter stalker & hater. No interaction from me even...but multiple tweets (now deleted as usual) smearing me it appears. Pls don't even tag me in a convo with this dollar store Quillette wannabe. ImageImageImage They rant about cancel culture but are willing to cancel someone with differing politics without even a specific reason other than "I don't like her". One time I made a joke abt Sam Harris pbuh and got a 10 tweet hate thread from her abt how I'm an 'abusive person' (now deleted)
Nov 19, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Listening to the latest Sam Harris pod where he starts off by criticizing the left for saying trump voters are racist/irredeemable (ofc)...and then clearly he's been embarrassed enough by his crew in the post election days ...so he claims to be handing in his IDW card 😂😂 He says no one else speaks for him and he always thought the IDW was tongue in cheek anyway. 🤷🏽‍♀️ [Not like he posed in the bushes with the gang for an official introductory article or anything]
Nov 18, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
So I totally get that my content isn't for everyone, ppl have diff interests, views, tastes, etc.

But this Rubin talking point about "__ talks about ppl, not ideas" is the most hypocritical/dishonest shit ever. Just say u don't like me or my views or whatever. But this is bs Firstly the guys they idolize talk about ppl all the fkn time...but it's noble when they do it because their ideological enemies are BAD and they are saving the world by exposing them.
Nov 17, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm gonna regret this when I start getting serious responses aren't I 😩 Yup.... regretting it 😩
Nov 19, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
Lmaoooooo I'm amazed that he thinks he tried *his best* to "launch" my podcast...er ...by simply appearing on it like a year after it had already launched? Talk about thinking the world of yourself.

Also amazing criticism there..."everyone who criticizes me is mentally ill" As for Eric...my single interaction with him on Twitter was when he was angry I didn't agree that BuzzFeed listicles about 'whiteness' were EVIL ..and he accused me of trifling with genocidal impulses ?! Wtf ..and tweeted a mass grave at me. One to talk about uncharitableness jfc
Jun 30, 2019 10 tweets 5 min read
•Im not ok with punching
•Punchng Andy was bad
•Hes as much a journalist as Alex Jones
•He endangers journalists & minorities
•Condemn punching but don't lose context of who he is
•a hatemonger, who upcycles WS propaganda downplays an increase in real hate crimes as hoaxes •Andy has been known for doxxing or attempting to dox people
•I haven't seen any proof of the milkshakes being anything more than that.
•Andy goes to these things looking for this shit to happen so he can monetize it and push anti left hatred.
•Dont give him what he wants
May 14, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Could they be any more transparent? And this is what they mean when they say "everyone is being called a Nazi" .... basically, they want even self IDing, seig heiling Nazis to not be called Nazis.
May 8, 2019 48 tweets 17 min read
Because of course.

Imagine being an American and spouting this shit in the era of Trump. Trump, *the president* that had a hard time denouncing the KKK, who shares Breitbart articles and retweets white genociders.

Like being a murderous jihadist is apparently not fringe? This interview is such a predtictable pile of Harris-isms. Who are the idiots that still fall for this shit?

"Everybody else is doing identity politics except me. 🙃 I don't even have an identity." 🤷‍♀️
Nov 9, 2017 7 tweets 3 min read
Hi @MaajidNawaz with all due respect, do you think this is a good representative for "Think *Tolerance*" ? How are people to take this seriously if represented by those who think islam in general is worse than Nazism, thats not v. tolerant. Obvs, questioning things like this is what gets me further ex communicated from ex muslim circles.. but it's cool...its not like i haven't left any groups behind before.