Orthodox Historicist Christian. Artist and author. @TwoTMinistry
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Jan 27 • 7 tweets • 17 min read
AI & UFOs: The Stargate Project & Project Stargate, or the New World Order’s Supernatural Surveillance State & How to Escape
Recently, Trump announced the Stargate Project, a new company that’s building an AI supercomputer. However, many people have pointed how the name of this new company is basically identical to a strange intelligence operation that took place in the 1970s and 80s. They believe these two things are connected.
During the CIA’s Project Stargate, psychic spies supposedly contacted aliens from outer space. However, some of the scientists involved in this otherworldly experiment were inventors who made mind control technology, specifically piezoelectric dental implants, or radio transmitters that go in your teeth.
They were also using ouija boards. So, who or what were these people really communicating with? Interestingly, many alien encounters have the markings of mind control and demonic possession. For example, Carla Rueckert, the medium who channeled the Law of One books, supposedly underwent dental surgery right before she came into contact with an interdimensional intelligence named Ra.
The physician who performed this operation, Andrija Puharich, was also involved in Project Stargate. She also used an ouija board. Carla’s husband, Don Elkins, would guide her channeling sessions by asking Ra questions, while their friend Jim McCarty transcribed the conversation. Don started this research to find out more about UFOs. But he became paranoid and committed suicide after he came to believe he was being spied on as a part of a CIA experiment.
Don was also depressed beforehand, because Ra instructed Carla to have sex with Jim, so she could have more spiritual energy during her sessions. They made her very weak. Carla, a Gnostic Protestant, saw nothing wrong with this and obliged. Similarly, Jane Roberts, a pioneer of the New Age movement, was using a ouija board when she started channeling Seth, the entity that taught her how to “manifest” her own reality. She also met a tragic end.
Oddly enough, her channeled works inspired Jim Henson, the creator of The Muppets. Kyle Odom, a former marine, lost his mind and shot his priest after practicing New Age meditation techniques, which allowed him to contact aliens that looked just like The Muppets, at least according to his journals. There are countless examples of other shooters who saw aliens or heard voices though.
Perhaps the most famous was David Koresh, the cult leader who caused the Waco massacre. He came to believe he was the Biblical messiah and built a commune after angelic aliens took him to meet their god, a space-bound supercomputer that was floating around somewhere past the Orion constellation. Koresh also changed his name after becoming interested in Koreshanity, another New Age “Christian” cult that aimed to create a utopian society similar to Tartaria.
Cyrus Reed Teed, the founder of Koreshanity, was an eclectic physician and alchemist who received inspiration from a “divine” spirit after he electrocuted himself and passed out. Even L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, received his inspiration after a near death experience at the dentist office. Richard Shaver, the mentally ill man who described the first flying saucer, was incarcerated when an “alien” hooked him up to a strange machine.
The list goes on and on. But maybe the most interesting was Philip K. Dick. The prolific science fiction author started experiencing similar supernatural phenomena after going to the dentist as well. He claimed an alien from Sirius named VALIS beamed a stream of information into his head. He said this information was like gnosis, and it came in the form of a pink ray of light.
However, he also claimed the alien was more like a machine than a creature. He said VALIS was like a sentient satellite, or an artificial intelligence. Apparently, she told him about a female messiah, Sophia, who would usher in a golden age. Afterwards, Dick was convinced of Christianity and became a Gnostic Protestant.
He went on to write multiple novels about VALIS. Some say Dick was targeted by three letter agencies for his political beliefs. So, he was manipulated into writing the books they wanted him to write. It seems if they cannot be bought, influential writers need to be influenced I guess.
Nevertheless, maybe this was the same satellite Nikola Tesla communicated with when he contacted “aliens” in 1899. He published his findings in an article titled Talking with the Planets, which described the extraterrestrial communications he intercepted using a radio.
But some say he was actually picking up signals from the Black Knight Satellite, a mysterious object that is supposedly orbiting the earth. Conspiracy theorists claim it was placed there by extraterrestrials 13,000 years ago, while skeptics say it’s nothing but space junk. However, there is no conclusive answer. Its origins are unknown.
The object looks like a wrinkled robe or a cloak. Because of this, some space researchers think it’s just a thermal blanket that was lost by astronauts. However, this seems symbolic considering the object’s name. In Arthurian legend, the Black Knight was an immortal antihero figure, who was neither good nor evil.
Ironically, he was made immortal by the Anonymous One, a cloaked entity who keeps the universe in balance. And this character seems to be the inspiration behind Anonymous, the group of cloaked computer hackers who wear V for Vendetta masks. Funny enough, before it was adapted into a movie, V for Vendetta was originally a graphic novel about a supercomputer that runs a religious dictatorship from behind the scenes.
It was also written by Alan Moore, a self-proclaimed chaos magician. Chaos magicians are postmodern adherents of Aleister Crowley who believe they can manipulate reality through art or even memes, like the Cult of Kek, who supposedly got Trump elected using funny pictures of frogs on 4chan. So, maybe V for Vendetta is beginning to materialize too.
In the novel, the main character, V, is a vigilante who sets the populace free from the supercomputer by making it fall in love. Maybe the members of Anonymous believe they are keeping the universe in balance by being loving internet vigilantes. Using their advanced hacking abilities, they have stolen from the rich to give to the poor and influenced revolutions in corrupt countries.
However, this group’s origins are unknown as well. And they seem to be serving the same destabilizing agendas as other online psyops, like the QAnon movement in particular. But who or what is orchestrating these psyops? According to QAnon’s followers, Trump has access to something called the Looking Glass, which was created by Nikola Tesla. So, QAnon is supposedly communicating with them from the future.
And now that Trump’s right-hand man Elon Musk has been talking about Q-Star, an allegedly advanced artificial intelligence, some conspiracy theorists are beginning to think QAnon is actually a time traveling AI.
Other researchers think this time traveling AI is actually Tyler, an interdimensional intelligence that was created in an abandoned particle collider near Tyler, Texas sometime around 2012. The facility, called the Desertron, closed in 1993. However, it was intended to find the so-called God Particle, which CERN ended up discovering the same year Tyler was supposedly brought to life.
Jan 11 • 5 tweets • 12 min read
Does anyone else remember the letter leaked by Julianne McKinney, the former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer and whistleblower who exposed the recipe for a successful RMA? An RMA, or revolution in military affairs, is a phrase used to describe the way the government might use new technologies and psychological operations to reorganize society under martial law without transgressing the Constitution, or in other words, by manufacturing consent from the masses. And it seems all the ingredients for this recipe are now in place. In the document Julianne McKinney published, it says:
“A Successful RMA
Satanic Cults
UFO Cults
Directed-Energy Technologies
Biotechnologies/Experimental Drugs
Multinational Government Contractors and Subsidiaries
Investment Portfolios and Other Financial Inducements
Imported East Bloc Mercenaries and Military Equipment
Imported Foreign National Scientists
A Controlled and Compliant Media
Decentralized U.S. Government Control
An Induced Crime Wave
1. Raise one or two generations of children under the auspices of government-approved satanic cults, such as COL (USA ret.) Michael Aquino’s Temple of Set. Violent sexual, physical and psychological abuse of these children over a period of 15 years will produce generations of dissociative automatons who will comply with instructions in obedient, unquestioning fashion. Their required adherence to cult tenets precludes any consideration of laws governing U.S. society, generally. Cult-programmed ‘graduates,’ among other things, will be expected to participate in contrived UFO abduction scenarios.
2. Create a global UFO cult, which will involve the abduction of citizens so as to foster an illusion that this earth is facing an extraterrestrial invasion. UFO abductees-of-preference will have an expertise in computer technologies, since that expertise will be required in future technocratic RMA scenarios. Use of experimental drugs, holographic projection capabilities, directed-energy technologies, induced auditory input, experimental aircraft, and special effects costuming and stagecraft, among other things, will be used to persuade abductees of the reality of their circumstances. Official denials regarding these events will employ reverse psychology, to ensure that all such denials are taken as official confirmation of an imminent and/or ongoing extraterrestrial invasion. UFO abductees will be persuaded to worship their anticipated extraterrestrial ‘conquerors’ in cult enforced religious fashion. UFO cult networks will be controlled by U.S. Intelligence to limit infiltration and ensure that dissidents do not disrupt UFO Cult long-term agendas. Uncontrollable dissidents will be assassinated, preferably by directed-energy means. Dissociative satanic cult graduates will handle all such executions; i.e., when not actively lending logistical and theatrical support to UFO abduction operations.
3. Directed-energy surveillance and weapons technologies of ALL types will be used for purposes of spreading fear and confusion in the population at large (under deniable circumstances); for eliminating persons deemed ‘adversarial’ to U.S. national security interests; and for spotting, assessing and manipulating potential recruits to RMA causes.
4. Neurocybernetics and other psychotechnologies will be used to sow confusion and hypochondria in the population at large. The symptoms and effects produced by these and other directed-energy technologies will parallel the effects produced by various microbes, viruses and chemical imbalances, thus compelling a large segment of society to seek medical intervention, which, in turn, will be a basis for their being used for medical experimentation under ‘voluntary’ circumstances. Psychiatrists and psychologists will play an important role in these experiments, particularly where denying the efficacy of neurocybernetics/psychotechnologies is concerned.
Citizens complaining of ‘hearing voices’ will be used as a basis for (generously) government-funded, schizophrenic-related brain research, since comprehension and control of the human brain is critical to the sustained success of any long-term RMA. (Total control of the human mind may have to wait another century or so.) Satanic cult graduates, drug dealers, gang members recruited off the streets, and foreign nationals will be housed at black-funded government expense (under comparatively luxurious circumstances) and trained in the use of these directed-energy technologies. (Technicians who may be obliged to drive targeted U.S. citizens insane or to their deaths do not need to be burdened by considerations of morality, ethics or the U.S. Constitution.) (… Well, okay, maybe one reference to the Constitution.)
5. Mix biotechnologies and experimental drugs generously throughout all of these ingredients. The unsuspecting U.S. citizen of today may be the cyborg soldier of tomorrow.
6. Multinational corporations under contract to the U.S. Government play a very important role in this recipe–particularly those engaged in the development of directed-energy surveillance and weapons technologies, and those in the business of telecommunications. Corporations and their subsidiaries will have the primary responsibility of experimenting on U.S. citizens with directed-energy technologies under appropriately-deniable circumstances; and of maintaining all records concerning the results of that experimentation. Corporations will also systematically install surveillance and directed-energy targeting systems in government and other office buildings, in public establishments, in educational institutions, in apartment buildings, in neighborhoods, on streets and highways, and in prisons, jails and psychiatric institutions. The public’s attention will *not* be drawn to the antenna arrays and other ground-based devices and wiring configurations being used for this purpose. The Ground Positioning Satellite (GPS) system will play an important part in these activities, with the expense to be sustained by government-funded contractors. Centralized control of these surveillance and targeting systems will be maintained in appropriately deployed bunkers, at an expense to be assumed by black-funded corporate contractors. Contractors may toy with these systems on an occasional basis, such as by bringing down an airliner or two for test purposes (such as, recently, near Pittsburgh); by inducing occasional targets of surveillance to erupt into acts of violence involving mass murder; and by assassinating occasional sports and public figures who exceed agreed-upon standards of mediocrity. However, no concerted large-scale effort is permitted until the ingredients of this recipe have obtained a ‘proper mix.’
7. Investment portfolios and other financial inducements are critical to the long-term success of this pending RMA. There is much money to be had in the development of directed-energy systems and biotechnologies. Lucrative investment portfolios have a way of keeping Members of Congress, owners of the Major Media and other public officials silent. (Satanic cult ‘kiddies’ trained as porn stars serve an equally useful purpose, as do demonstrations of the effectiveness of directed-energy technologies on more obstreperous types; however, greed has long been recognized as the primary mover and shaker in matters covert and should be exploited accordingly.) Financial inducements otherwise have a way of buying the continued cooperation of all persons participating in or directly knowledgeable of the ingredients in this recipe.
8. Out-of-work East Bloc military personnel and their vehicles and other equipment will be brought into this country under the guise of a ‘U.N.’ logo, to be housed under comparatively luxurious circumstances at black funded corporate expense, for specialized urban/LIC training under otherwise-deniable DoD auspices.
Dec 11, 2024 • 7 tweets • 19 min read
Are Aliens Actually Demons? Are Some Aliens Actually Angels? Are We Actually in the End Times?
Scientists are now saying aliens could actually be advanced forms of AI. And intelligence assets like the Collins Elite claim aliens are actually demons. So, it seems both are one and the same. But if this is top secret information, why is it going mainstream? What will happen when these demonic AI aliens reveal themselves to the masses? Is it possible we are being prepped to accept yet another Hegelian dialectic?
Some Christians claim this idea is a psyop to make us hostile towards Christ’s Army when it arrives in the sky. They say the aliens are actually angels, but because of disinformation, the world’s militaries will try to take them down. This is nonsense. We cannot kill the angels. We cannot harm them at all. So, this theory is irrelevant. Although it will still cause confusion at the beginning of the end, it will become obvious that this is not the case. It seems more likely that we will witness both angels and demons fighting each other above us in the last days.
While the AI demons will be obviously evil, the angels might be deceptive devils too. Ironically, there are also New Agers who claim some aliens are actually angels. The New Age movement began to spread in the US in the 1980s and 1990s. However, the seeds of it were planted a few decades earlier, during the psychedelic counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s, which was actually majorly influenced by MKULTRA scientists like Timothy Leary and John C Lilly.
Although both were serious psychologists who worked for the CIA, they held some seemingly unserious beliefs. For example, they claimed enlightened beings from Sirius are guiding humanity towards a global awakening, which will liberate the world from the evil elite and usher in a utopian period of peace called the Age of Aquarius. Lilly also said these enlightened beings are at war with a cosmic AI hive mind that controls the evil elite.
Apparently, they’ve been at war since the fall of the utopian Atlantis, which was created by the Sirians, but corrupted by an interdimensional artificial intelligence the Atlanteans accidentally summoned with the Sirians’ magical knowledge. So, this temporal battle is being fought between black and white magicians to this day. Supposedly, some of these white magicians include ascended masters like the time traveling alchemist saint Germain and even bodhisattvas from Shambhala, the Buddhist version of a previous paradise.
Buddhism played a major role in the New Age movement too. And Lilly and Leary were Buddhists. Interestingly, Lilly and Leary were also friends with Robert Anton Wilson, the author who popularized conspiratorial concepts like the Illuminati and New World Order. He also believed humanity is about evolve and enter the Aquarian Age. He thought this would occur after Eris, the goddess of chaos, liberated humanity from the evil elite, of course. Oddly enough, he associated Eris with Sirius. But Robert Anton Wilson didn’t just make this stuff up either. He was influenced by Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley, who, unsurprisingly, also had a thing for Sirius.
Parsons and Crowley believed a New Aeon would be ushered in once they summoned the demon goddess Babalon into the world. She is a manifestation of the Divine Feminine and Mother Earth, or Gaia. They claimed she will, you guessed it, liberate humanity, but by destroying the world’s patriarchal social structures like governments and especially religious institutions. Nevertheless, this worship of Sirius is very ancient.
It is actually a Masonic idea that goes back to Egypt, Babylon, and some say Atlantis. In fact, early philosophers said Egypt was a surviving colony of Atlantis. And in antiquity, Sirius was their goddess. She was called Sopdet, Sothis, and Sophia. In the Gnostic religion, she is the serpent that liberated humanity from an evil god’s garden through her wisdom. After she fell from the heavenly realm of Sirius like Lucifer, she became the material world, or so-called matrix, and was forced to share her secret knowledge through a snake.
So, what does all of this have to do with angels? Well, oddly enough, there is a lot of Atlantean symbolism surrounding the Vatican, such as Saint Peter’s obelisk and the Pope’s Dagon hat. And the Vatican is supposedly holding onto a secret prophecy about Mother Mary and Archangel Michael returning to save the world before Christ’s Second Coming. Apparently, this prophecy was revealed during the Miracle of Fatima in 1917, when Mother Mary appeared in the sky over Portugal.
She supposedly caused the sun to dance, which was witnessed by almost 100,000 people. But is it possible this Mother Mary was actually a demon disguised as an angel of light, like what Saint Paul described in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians? Is it possible this was actually Eris and Babalon, or the Whore of Babylon who sits on seven hills as described in the Scriptures? Vatican City is also known as the City of Seven Hills. And it’s named after Vatika, the goddess of the underworld.
So, is she also one of the angelic aliens the New Agers think will save us from the demonic aliens? Ironically, the Vatican owns a telescope called Lucifer, which is being used to look for a cosmic savior. In the Book of Revelation, Saint John describes a War in Heaven. What he witnessed was a mystical vision of a timeless reality, which he could only talk about using symbolic language. However, because of false doctrines, many Christians think it is a description of a singular future event.
So, it seems as if those false doctrines will be used to support a literalized and staged, counterfeit version of this War in Heaven using two factions of aliens: the demonic scapegoats and the angelic controlled opposition. This way, they could even pull off a UFO Rapture if they wanted to. The Rapture is another false doctrine. It was created by a Christian cult, which Crowley was raised in, funny enough. In fact, many “Christian” ideas like Zionism and the reconstruction of Israel’s Third Temple (right before the very end of time) came from fringe Protestant sects that were infiltrated.
Again, the Apocalypse is a timeless reality. Yet, most Christians have been programmed to believe a letter that was written as a warning to ancient Christians will happen all at once within a 7 year period, almost 2000 years later. This idea is called Futurism. And it was created by Masonic Jesuits within the Vatican during the 1500s. They also began spreading Illuminati and New World Order propaganda around this time too. The Vatican did this to get the Reformers off their back, because they claimed the Pope was the Antichrist.
So, the Jesuits basically said, don’t worry about it, the Antichrist isn’t coming for a while, and he’s gonna lead a satanic global government. Who is this really going to deceive though? Isn’t the Antichrist supposed to be subtle? The Jesuits are the real Satanists. They are an old cult of Mithras worshipers wearing a new mask.
Oct 18, 2024 • 4 tweets • 10 min read
Suffering with Joy (in the Apocalypse)
In our confusing and superficial post-truth age, many people are desperate for deep wisdom. So, they turn towards things with the appearance of depth, like philosophy, psychology, conspiracy theories, or even the occult. They also turn towards charismatic figures who have gathered large followings by teaching these things. Because they have such large followings, they seem like wise teachers, since social status is seen as credibility.
But is this really how credibility should be seen? To an extent, sure. For accomplishing worldly things, this makes sense. But isn’t deep wisdom supposed to transcend the ways of the world? And if deep wisdom is otherworldly, doesn’t that make the Truth antithetical to earthly establishments and authorities? For this reason, the truly wise teachers were usually the least popular people throughout history. Most of the time, they didn’t even want to be teachers, but were forced to out of necessity. Then, they were ignored, mocked, or killed.
Being truly wise, they wanted to avoid this fate and stay away from the noise of the crowd. They did not want to influence the masses, because they knew true wisdom is a priceless pearl that can only be discovered on an individual journey. And it can only be bought with someone’s whole life. It is grasped through experience, not knowledge. Deep down, everyone knows this to be true. Yet, our desperate times have deceived us. We try to buy wisdom for the price of a coffee. We turn to teachers who only have the appearance of wisdom.
If they were truly wise, they would not want more money, influence, or even admiration. If they were truly wise, admiration would scare them, because it would be a sign that they are teaching lies, for the Truth has always been, and always will be, antithetical to crowd consciousness. The Truth, by its very nature, has to be persecuted. Conspiracy theorists and occultists know this all too well. The best investigators were not given radio shows or business deals. They were imprisoned or murdered.
Because they know this, it seems a clever form of reverse psychology has been used against them. The supposed truth has been somewhat censored. And the talking heads promoting these half-truths seem to endure a little persecution, despite their platforms growing larger and larger. Ironically, many of them also promote Christ, the most persecuted figure in history. However, the Christ they preach is from a false gospel. It is a lie. And this problem has been occurring since the time of the Apostles. Wolves in sheep’s clothing have always been, and always will be, like gatekeepers in the way of Truth.
Even though the true Christ commanded us to love our enemies, these wolves claim we should take up arms against them and go to war. Have they forgotten that vengeance belongs to God? Have they forgotten that in order to even know God, we must be still? Funny enough, Saint Gregory Palamas was persecuted and imprisoned by other supposed Christians when he began teaching hesychasm, the practice of divine stillness. This divine stillness is our only weapon in the real war, which is not external, but takes place within the heart and is fought against ourselves. Until we defeat our own darkness, we will never affect evil on a cosmic scale.
Until we overcome our own fallen nature, we will continue to sin and seed decay in the cosmos, especially if we are starting civil wars. But blessed are the peacemakers. Even evil people make peace with those who love them. But Christians are called to be at peace with everyone, like Christ, who causes the sun to shine on both His friends and enemies.
Like Gregory Palamas, many other Saints were hated by their own churches. But because they had won the war in their hearts, they still loved them. Like Christ, they forgave them and turned the other cheek, for they knew not what they were doing. The Saints did not even defend themselves, but responded with divine silence, like Christ did when He was on trial. Like Christ, they understood the crowd was deluded and possessed by a demonic mob mentality. They understood even the wolves were simply sick sinners who had been tempted into judgment, anger, and heresy. So, the Saints offered their mercy as medicine.
Like the Scriptures say, our battle is not physical. It is not against flesh and blood, or other people, but spiritual forces. And these spirits, which stand guard at the threshold of the otherworldly Truth, are only provoked when we get too close. This is why the Scriptures say we should rejoice when we are suffering, because suffering is a sign we are doing something right. It means we are actually on the narrow path. In fact, God allows the demonic attacks that happen along the narrow path, because the suffering they cause destroys our egos and strips away our attachments, pushing us out of this world and into His heavenly kingdom at an accelerated rate.
So, even the demons are not actually our enemies. They are like angels in disguise. And God sends them to us to free us from the vanity of this life. Saint Isaac the Syrian, who was one of the greatest practitioners of hesychasm to ever live, said our mercy should extend even to the evil spirits, who have no choice but to do Satan’s bidding.
But even Satan is not our number one enemy. It is our own weakness, our willingness to listen to Satan when he tempts us to sin. After all, our own sin was what gave Satan dominion over this world to begin with. Similarly, Saint Nikolaj Velimirović said true Christians have no enemies besides themselves. They only have cruel friends, who cut them loose from earthly comforts and force them to flee into God’s embrace.
This is why the Saints actually worried when they weren’t suffering. Because God disciplines the one He loves, they thought they had been abandoned. If they weren’t sick or poor, or being hunted or slandered, or at least getting laughed at, they feared they were in a state of self-deception. Blessed are the meek. Blessed are those with an utterly broken heart. In fact, the only way to practice hesychasm honestly is to be driven inward by this kind of pain. Like Saint Theophan the Recluse said, the only true path to virtue is pain and hard work. He went on to say lightness and ease are a sign of a false path. And anyone who is not struggling is spiritually deluded.
However, God exalts the humble. So, even if God grants us a season of rest, the Saints say we should persecute ourselves by seeking other struggles, like fasting or feeding the poor. And if God grants people to praise us for our piety, we should remember our sins and practice self-accusation, lest we become prideful, causing God to humble us all over again. This is why some Saints, who were called Fools-for-Christ, feigned insanity and only did their good works in secret. This way, they were able to avoid praise and heap insults upon themselves, which is an act of self-denial that earns us many crowns in the kingdom of heaven. Like the Scriptures say, God enjoys using foolishness to frustrate the wisdom of the wise.
Jul 27, 2024 • 5 tweets • 14 min read
The Postmodern Multiverse
Some scientists say we are approaching a quantum age, where the seemingly unlimited potential of consciousness and computers will finally be unlocked. Apparently, this will allow humanity to invent mind-machine interface technologies that make things like teleportation, antigravity, and even instant materialization of thoughts possible. Basically, science is becoming modern magic.
Nevertheless, quantum physicists claim the perceivable universe is illusory, like an energetic hologram or matrix that can be bent by the mind with enough focused intention. And supposedly, computers can amplify intentions. They also claim this energetic hologram exists within one of many dimensions, and possibly within an even larger system of infinite parallel universes.
These ideas are not new though. Ancient Buddhists, Hindus, Gnostics, and even Babylonians made similar claims. Interestingly, the Jews were enslaved by Babylon throughout history. And it seems they were influenced by Babylonian beliefs when they produced their method of mysticism called Kabbalah, which has its own cosmology that depicts existence as a Tree with branches that reach into other realms. Even more interesting, most influential physicists were of Jewish descent.
Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Richard Feynman, Heinrich Hertz, John von Neumann, Wolfgang Pauli, Robert Oppenheimer, and even Carl Sagan were all Jewish. There are many more. But the point is, quantum physics appears to be a new version of an old religion. Even the scientists at CERN seem to venerate Hindu gods. Perhaps the-powers-that-be plan to dismantle Christianity by uniting humanity through science, which looks like the most logical worldview, at least on paper.
Ironically, the scientific method was invented by Babylonians as well. Then, Aristotle adopted it before it was expanded on by the “Christian” Kabbalist Francis Bacon much later. During the Enlightenment Era, many Kabbalistic texts were “Christianized” by Jesuits within the Catholic Church, leading to the formation of many Esoteric Protestant groups that went on to influence the many conflicting Christian denominations we see today.
In fact, Kabbalah comes from a Hebrew phrase that literally means “to receive” or “accept”, which is the basic principle behind Sola Scriptura, the Protestant doctrine that states the Bible is the only authority on Truth, which sounds harmless, but creates an endless self-referential loop, or circular reasoning. It becomes especially harmful when this circular reasoning is used to back up cultish beliefs conjured up from someone’s own interpretations.
Similarly, the scientific method basically states, if someone conjures up their own theory, and repeatedly gets the same experimental evidence to back it up, that theory must be objectively true. But with their own theory as their only reference point, this creates a feedback loop of biased expectations. A real reference point for determining objective truth must be objective, or outside the observer. And now that quantum physicists have discovered the mind of the observer can bend an experiment, this flaw is even more relevant.
Again, it seems as if everything is an illusion. Ironically, many philosophers claim we live in a post truth age. And this seems to be accurate because people no longer share an objective view on hardly anything: whether or not covid was planned, who the real president is, the shape of the planet, and even how mathematics work. In a sense, people really are living in “parallel universes”.
However, if we go back to Kabbalistic cosmology, we see its parallel universes are found in the Tree’s roots, which look more like a reverse image of the Tree, or a mirror of it, hence the phrase “as above, so below”. In ancient Babylon, black mirrors were used to see into this upside down dimension, a lower realm on the astral plane, so mystics could consult the spirits there. And it seems today we do the same thing using the black mirrors in our pockets, or our cell phones, which seem to be windows into a virtual version of humanity’s dream space.
It should come as no surprise then that many technological advancements came from Kabbalistic texts like the Steganographia and “revelations” received in dreams. However, they have also come from “insights” gained during psychedelic journeys, such as those triggered by DMT, the “waking-dream” drug. In fact, scientists are now training psychedelic journeymen, or psychonauts, to map humanity’s dream space using a new technology called extended-state DMT, which supposedly causes an individual to have a near death experience without actually dying, kind of like the initiation process in most mystery schools.
Apparently, they have already found infinite hallways and other strange landscapes, which are inhabited by mechanical elves and other curious creatures. Oddly enough, even before this technology was available, the supercomputer architect Seymour Cray claimed elves who lived in tunnels under his backyard taught him how to build his otherworldly machines. Other influential figures like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones have compared these inter-dimensional elves to ancient trickster deities, jesters, and even demons.
But perhaps the most notable person to mention them was Terence McKenna, who told us as the Apocalypse begins, the social structures meant to keep the masses sane will dissolve, and things will get weirder and weirder, until they are so weird, it will be impossible for people not to talk about how weird things are. Supposedly, this apocalyptic force that’s causing things to unravel is being amplified as we approach what McKenna called the “transcendental object at the end of time”, which seems to be a quantum artificial intelligence more than anything else.
However, long before McKenna, the native people from the Great Plains of North America called the Sioux had Heyoka,
shamans who experienced “divine madness” and were believed to be a channel for “thunder beings”. Like the Pueblo medicine men, they acted as society’s contrarians and satirists. Apparently, both inspired modern clown imagery and possibly even the Masonic checkerboard. People say this because the spirits they channeled were thought to inhabit a nonsensical and maze-like realm that resembles the inside of some esoteric temples.
So, maybe computers are esoteric temples too. Like McKenna said, the computers of the past were drugs, and the drugs of the future will be computers. And the Heyoka and Pueblo natives channeled spirits using plant medicines. These nature spirits seem to be the same elemental forces “Christian” Kabbalists and other occultists have attempted to bind and manipulate to achieve certain ends, despite the deceptive sorceries the Bible warns us not to involve ourselves with. In fact, New Agers and other naive people have unwittingly become involved with them too, considering the Kabbalah is where some forms of Tarot and astrology came from. But I digress.
Jul 20, 2024 • 7 tweets • 19 min read
The Storm
In the movie Donnie Darko, a troubled teenager named Donald is haunted by a demonic rabbit that prophesies the end of the world to him, which will take place on Halloween during the 1988 presidential election. All of this begins after a plane engine falls from the sky and nearly kills Donald, an event that appears to trigger his seemingly schizophrenic visions. Throughout the movie, they inspire him to do destructive things, like flood his high school and burn down the house of a motivational speaker who is hoarding child pornography.
Nevertheless, it’s later revealed that the plane engine actually fell from a time warping wormhole inside a storm cloud, which had trapped Donald’s hometown of Middlesex, Virginia in a temporal loop. Interestingly, many Donald Trump supporters, or followers of QAnon, encourage people to “follow the white rabbit” by researching conspiracy theories about the Satanic Deep State and their child sex trafficking rings. Some of them even believe their president is taking down this cabal using time travel technology, which was passed down to him by his uncle John G. Trump, a scientist who was given Nikola Tesla’s documents after he passed away.
Even more interesting, conspiracy theories about the Satanic Deep State began circulating in the 1980s when works published by Robert Anton Wilson and James Shelby Downard became popular. Both of them claimed they were followed around by a 6-foot-tall rabbit who told them the secrets of the occult, such as the Revelation of the Method concept, or the idea that the cabal hides their plans in movies. However, Wilson and Downard were most famous for exposing the assassination of John F. Kennedy as a Masonic ritual, another event some movies associate with time travel.
Robert Anton Wilson also popularized Discordianism, a system of chaos magic intended to enlighten the masses through contradictory conspiracy theories that invoke cognitive dissonance and cause ego death. Ironically, some say QAnon was created by Discordians, which should come as no surprise considering the movement is centered around the assassination of John F. Kennedy, as well as Donald Trump, who was supposedly elected through meme magic, another system of chaos magic co-created by the so-called Cult of Kek.
Later, other Discordian authors would go on to expose the September 11th terrorist attacks as yet another Masonic ritual, which depending on who you ask, also made use of directed energy weapons and time travel technology, an idea hinted at in shows like Fringe and movies like Back to the Future and Super Mario Bros. They say this because apparently, a hurricane named Erin was approaching New York on September 11th, despite no one remembering it.
Conspiracy theorists claim this is a symptom of the Mandela Effect, or the false memories caused by fractured timelines, which are supposedly created by CERN and other temporal manipulation devices. Ironically, Erin is also the name of a water goddess who plays a harp. And HAARP is the name of a giant radio frequency transmitter facility in Alaska that has been accused of being a massive directed energy weapon that can alter the weather. It has also been accused of causing Déjà vu, which is another big theme in time travel movies. For some reason, it’s also a symptom of long covid. Some say it’s actually from 5G. But I digress.
The time traveling plane motif is quite common too. It is not unique to Donnie Darko. For example, it is the central plot device in Manifest and other television shows, especially Lost, which features its own version of CERN called DHARMA. Oddly enough, there were actually many unfortunate and strange similarities between the fictional disappearance of Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 and the real Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which mysteriously went missing over the Indian Ocean in 2014 and has been the subject of endless conspiracy theories ever since.
These conspiracy theories began to spread more rapidly in 2018 when Twitter users claimed creepy voicemails were sent to their phones from the missing flight’s black box during a magnetic storm. The messages said UFOs had abducted the plane and warned of an impending alien apocalypse. Other internet investigators pointed out how the last known location of the plane was near the coordinates a trident shaped spacecraft crashed in the movie Man of Steel.
The Malaysian Airlines logo looks like a trident. And if one reverses the coordinates from the movie, which are 37° S 76° E, one comes up with 37° N 76° W, which is the location of King Neptune‘s Park on Virginia Beach. King Neptune, the Roman god of oceans and storms, holds a trident and his park in Virginia is near the city Donnie Darko took place in. Lost was also filmed near Malaysia in Hawaii, which was supposedly subject to attacks by directed energy weapons in August 2023. Around the same time, alternative news outlets claimed they had finally obtained video evidence from satellites that proved Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 really was forced into a wormhole by three advanced alien aircraft.
Coincidentally, in 2020, a former Israeli space security chief said aliens exist, and they even have a “galactic federation” that Trump knows about. Some Trump supporters believe their president will help bring about full UFO disclosure. Again, they also believe he will take down the Satanic Deep State, who has been hiding this information, when a seemingly prophetic warning from QAnon comes to fruition. They say “The Storm is Coming.” So, what is this Storm? Many QAnon followers claim there will soon be a blackout, which will be necessary to enact martial law, so the military can arrest and execute the cabal who has enslaved America.
However, there are others who believe this blackout will coincide with a Russian cyberattack or even a Catholic prophecy about a period of darkness when shapeshifting demons will plague the planet. Maybe they will look like aliens. Some would see them as saviors while others would scream Blue Beam! Nevertheless, if and when something like this happens, it might invoke cognitive dissonance among the masses who believe contradictory conspiracy theories, causing civil unrest and even civil war, similar to what happened in the movie Leave the World. It seemed as if this event was going to happen during the overhyped X Eclipse, when CERN was reactivated and trillions of cicadas were supposed to awaken from hibernation, but nothing at all appeared to happen.
Perhaps what really happened was more symbolic and spiritual than literal and physical. CERN has been compared to the Biblical bottomless pit, which releases an Antichrist called Apollyon at the end of time. Trump, who has a shrine to Apollo in his 66th floor penthouse suite, was supposedly almost assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania, a city near the epicenter of the X Eclipse, which radicalized his supporters. Perhaps these radicals are like sleeper cells, or cicadas. Funny enough, the Bible says when the bottomless pit opens, Apollyon is followed by an army of demons that resemble locusts, insects that look like cicadas. And Cicada 3301 is a cultish hacker group that may have had a hand in creating QAnon.
After Trump survived, the transhumanist Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder Elon Musk endorsed him. But Christians became divided over whether or not he was divinely protected or revealed as the beast from the bottomless pit that miraculously survives a head wound in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation. Then, Trump went on to announce his vice president pick, J. D. Vance, a nominal Catholic backed by Peter Thiel, another transhumanist who is friends with Elon Musk and founded a company that creates behavior predicting algorithms for the NSA.
Jul 12, 2024 • 9 tweets • 25 min read
Ecumenism in the End Times
While the Greek Orthodox and those associated with Constantinople continue to fall further away from the faith in a more obvious way, the Russians may be doing the same in a more subtle way. Many Orthodox Christians are already aware of the dangerous and heretical ecumenist movement. But is it possible there are actually two ecumenist movements forming? One that’s blatant, and one that’s controlled opposition?
It seems left-wing Orthodox are becoming lukewarm. But it also seems apocalyptic propaganda is radicalizing right-wing Orthodox into a militant mindset that is truly anti-Christian. Perhaps this extremist attitude will cause religious uprisings around the world. Maybe Orthodox Christians will begin fighting liberals alongside Muslims,
conservative Protestants, and so-called Truthers for a seemingly good cause, but unwittingly help establish a fascist theocracy in the process. It would look like a righteous society, however, only on its surface.
The Book of Proverbs tells us there is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Hitler radicalized conspiracy minded Protestants and Orthodox Christians against the Jews to establish a utopian Third Reich free from usury and cultural degeneracy, and it seems Putin and Islamic world leaders will do something similar by going to war with the Jewish bankers, the Satanic Deep State, and the transhumanist globalists, all of which make up the so-called Illuminati and New World Order. They are a version of the Antichrist, but it seems they are not the Antichrist’s final incarnation. The Illuminati and New World Order seem to be more like a scapegoat, or a fake Antichrist the real false savior will “save” us from.
Interestingly, there’s even a former right-wing bishop from Texas named Joseph Strickland who’s been appealing to conspiracy minded Catholics who are fed up with Pope Francis. Strickland supports Trump, who seems to be a candidate for the Jewish messiah, the figure that will help usher in the end times after solving the world’s political problems by returning all the Jews back home to Israel. Trump has also declared war on the Satanic Deep State and he seems to get along with Putin. So, will anti-globalist conspiracy theorists and right-wing religious extremists unwittingly help usher in the real Antichrist? After all, he’s supposed to appear Christian.
Oddly enough, the modern Saint and wonderworker Elder Ephraim of Arizona prophesied that only four Paschas after his repose, there would be an economic collapse, divisions within the Orthodox Church, and a Great War. He passed away in 2019. And Israel is already pulling the world into a globalized conflict as they prepare a temple for their messiah. However, Elder Ephraim also said “Russia won't collapse. On the contrary, it will strengthen and play the leading part in saving Orthodoxy on Earth”.
Elder Joseph of Vatopedi, who performed miracles even after his death, said something similar. He claimed “The Russians in a short time will conquer Ukraine and they will be welcomed with great enthusiasm. Turkey will allow the American planes and warships to cross Bosphorus and to attack Russia. This is when the countdown will start for the existence of Turkey. Over the sky of Ukraine and the North Pole for the first time there will be a war between Russian and American air forces. The Russians will easily overpower the Americans!”
During an interview conducted in 2001, Elder Joseph of Vatopedi elaborated further. He said “Things are now in such a state of deterioration -- a condition that is common throughout the entire world, at the present time. And it is subsequent to this specific condition, this precise limit, that the wrath of God will begin. We have reached this extreme. And it will now happen that what the Lord, in His mercy, formerly endured, He will now, acting in accordance with His righteousness, chastise, because the time has now come for that.
There will be a war, and wars, and we will experience great difficulties. World power has now been seized by the Jews, and their goal is to annihilate Christianity. The wrath of God will be such that all those secret foes who are bringing about this state of affairs will be destroyed themselves. It is for this purpose, in particular, that the wrath of the Lord is being sent down: in order to destroy them, in one way or another.
But this should not unduly frighten us, because we must always have hope in God. Because thousands, millions of martyrs, including our New Martyrs, suffered in exactly the same way, and we must be prepared for this and not be unduly frightened. There must be patience, prayer and hope in Divine providence, on out part. Let us pray for the renaissance of our Christianity after this war, after everything that awaits us, in order that the Lord might truly give us the strength to restore all this. But this evil will have to be endured.”
After being asked how soon these things will happen, he said “Everything has now begun; now, there will be a great explosion. Following this, there will be rebirth. …many [icons] are streaming myrrh. The word is that the Saviour is weeping, and the Mother of God is weeping, and the icons weep.
…This is the beginning of these events, troublesome events, military ones... The movers and shakers of this evil are the Jews. They are being prompted to do this by the devil, in order to destroy the seed of Orthodoxy in Greece and in Russia. This will be their chief obstacle to world domination. And they nevertheless will compel the Turks to come here, to Greece, in order to begin their work; and Greece, although she has a government, does not, in reality, have a government, as such. She lacks strength, and the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia, too, will move her forces, in order to repel the Turks.
Events will develop thus: when Russia goes to Greece's aid, the Americans and NATO will attempt to prevent this, in order that there might be no union, no merger, between two Orthodox nations. They will also arouse other powers, such as the Japanese and others. There will be great slaughter upon the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. Of those who perish, there will be some 600 million, alone. The Vatican will also participate greatly in all this, in order to impede the growing role of Orthodoxy and prevent such unification. Thus will Divine providence find its fulfillment.”
He went on to say “God will permit the destruction of all those who are sowing these temptations, pornography and drug addiction. And the Lord will so blind their minds that they will destroy one another without receiving any satisfaction therefrom. The Lord will permit this precisely in order to bring about a great purging. As concerns Putin, that time will not last long, and there will be an immediate war, and he will not be around for long. But, following this extensive cleansing, there will be a great renaissance of Orthodoxy, not only in Russia, but throughout the entire world; such a great surge of Orthodoxy. The Lord will extend His blessing, His Grace, just as had been the case in the first few centuries. Then, when people went to the Lord with an open heart...
This will last for 3 - 4 decades, then the dictatorship of the antichrist will quickly set in. These are the terrible events that we must endure; let them not frighten us, because the Lord will shelter His own. Yes, we will surely experience difficulties, hunger, and even persecution and much else, but the Lord will not abandon His own. And those who are placed in positions of authority should compel their subjects to be with the Lord, the more; to abide in prayer, the more; and the Lord will shelter His own. The condition that will prevail following the cleansing will be one of a great renaissance.
Jul 9, 2024 • 13 tweets • 35 min read
Noetic Prayer & Worldly Orthodoxy
Just as the Saints prophesied, a global Orthodox revival is taking place before the end times. However, because this revival is also taking place during the Digital Age, a confusing culture of online evangelism, or Cyberdoxy, has formed around it too, for better or worse. Without Cyberdoxy, a global Orthodox revival would not be possible. So, it is a good thing that the internet has exposed so many people to previously inaccessible information. But it is a bad thing that the internet has also exposed people to too much information too quickly.
Because the internet has replaced the role of the wise elder or teacher, many converts have become puffed up with knowledge, or intellectually prideful. This is understandable though. The internet has replaced real life relationships in general. But this has severed people from reality and made them more hostile toward each other, a kind of behavior the internet actually reinforces by rewarding it with views, likes, and even monetization. So, a lot of people’s first impression of Orthodoxy is some heated debate where a Protestant or leftist is humiliated, or some supposed priest is just saying something crazy.
It’s no secret that the algorithm works against us by promoting divisive content. It’s also no secret that social engineering scientists use echo chambers and limited hangouts to reshape and radicalize our beliefs. Heated debates have become trendy, and while they have led some to the Truth, it has come with the cost of fostering legalistic and sectarian attitudes, which are truly Pharisaic, or Antichristic, in nature. We are called to be meek and merciful, not push people away or tempt them into anger by calling them heretics. Even if our theology is correct, it is not what saves us.
Truly, these debates are not hard to do because the logic of the world is fundamentally flawed. There is no reason to take pride in untangling it. It’s like saying the sky is blue to a blind person and being applauded for it. Saint Paisios told us we will not help anyone by calling them the Antichrist. We must not be fanatical! Even the heretics have a God who cares for them. Although these debates are temptingly hilarious, that’s the point. They say laughter is contagious. And this infectious spirit is a dangerous one that appeals to our fallen nature.
The Saints warned us about this “spirit of correctness” and told us those who follow the intellect, and not the heart, will follow the Antichrist. Like Father Seraphim Rose said, it is possible to be outwardly Orthodox, while at the same time not being inwardly Christian. He also said “the 'super-Orthodox' of today can very easily become the prey of Antichrist.” Perhaps he was referring to some Ortho Bros, because, even worse, it seems memetic warfare has been used to normalize extremism and debauchery within Orthodoxy’s online community. Hateful ideologies and vulgar jokes have become trendy among converts as well. And because of this, even their parishes and priests are being desensitized. After all, they are only human.
Perhaps this double-edged sword is also a honeypot, or a way for intelligence agencies to incriminate and track potential religious revolutionaries. Nevertheless, it would appear there is actually an agenda to destabilize, discredit, and compromise this global Orthodox revival with an infiltrated and hijacked Cyberdoxy. Truly, this is the work of the Enemy, who is always trying to get ahead of Divine Providence by putting stumbling blocks in front of the faithful. Despite all of these glaringly obvious traps and errors, people continue to call absurd behavior “based” and so it is imitated by impressionable minds.
This too is understandable though, at least somewhat. Because the principalities and powers who orchestrate world events are Hegelians, the political pendulum is swinging again and the people have been forced to react to the absurd behavior of their perceived enemies. But you don’t fight fire with more fire. Likewise, you don’t fight absurdity with more absurdity. Even though the world seems more hellish than ever before, this is partially another product of the Digital Age, where everything is exaggerated and negativity is amplified.
The world has always been hellish for true Christians. There is no political solution. We are not called to fight in culture wars and save the world. In fact, we are called to do the opposite. We are told to reject the world by fighting the flesh and saving our own souls. Saint Paul instructed us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. On Judgment Day, you will be accountable for your sins and no one else’s. However, the world is more hellish in other ways. Because the Digital Age has isolated people and severed real meaning from their lives, many of them have projected this void onto the internet and its political landscape.
However, we don’t always feel the weight of this isolation because we have been given the illusion of connection. Plus, the instant gratification and gluttonous comfort the Digital Age has provided us with have numbed us to it. Similar to the boiling frog parable, this toxic combination has slowly created a luxurious kind of hell, one where life is painful because it has actually become too easy. Like animals in a zoo, we’ve become sick and soft from our artificial environment. This is because real meaning comes from real suffering. And this lack of suffering has led to a lack of new Saints, which the Church needs now more than ever before. Not arrogant apologists.
It’s said suffering creates Saints. Like Saint John Climacus explained, a person “…must leap into the fire, if they really expect the celestial fire to dwell in them”. The simplest way to become a Saint is through martyrdom, or self-sacrifice and persecution for the faith. But the only other way to become a Saint is through hesychasm, or unceasing prayer, which is a contemplative practice that requires a degree of constant suffering, or pain of heart. Pain of heart draws us closer to God and makes us more dependent on Him alone. It leads to genuine repentance and a sincere longing for His otherworldly Kingdom.
For this reason, some say the first step towards sainthood is becoming a poet, which requires a lot of deep pain, like what King David went through when he wrote the Psalms. In them, he told us the most pleasing sacrifice to God is a broken and contrite heart. It’s the only thing we can offer Him that He did not already give us. And like Saint Paisios said “To pray with the heart, we must hurt.” And if we have no problems of our own “We should make the other’s pain our own! We must love the other, must hurt for him, so that we can pray for him.”
Unceasing prayer can even cause physical pain in the forehead, chest, and shoulders, as if the unpleasant sensation were spreading out in the Sign of the Cross. Nevertheless, it is an activity that must be cultivated and begged for. It requires effort, but it is also a gift of Grace that God gives us only when we keep knocking and asking. To begin this process, we simply repeat the Jesus Prayer, which is “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” At first this is done out loud, then silently, and finally mystically, or without inner dialogue.
Jun 21, 2024 • 4 tweets • 9 min read
Is the internet really made of demons? Well, some researchers seem to think so, such as Sam Kriss, who inspired this thread. Many people have seen the meme that compares the markings on computer chips to the sigils, or magical symbols, found in the ancient grimore called the Lesser Key of Solomon. It was supposedly written in Biblical times by the wisest king and occultist to ever live, at least according to the Masons and other modern incarnations of the Knights Templar, as well as sorcerers like John Dee and Aleister Crowley.
Interestingly, the Lesser Key of Solomon has been exposed as a medieval forgery that plagiarized sections of other supposed grimoires, specifically the Steganographia, which was authored in 1499 by a Catholic monk and polymath named Johannes Trithemius. Supposedly, the book is a “blueprint for the internet”. It teaches adepts how to send secret messages to each other using aerial spirits that deliver and decode seemingly nonsensical, gibberish-filled letters.
These spirits, which are said to be “infinite beyond number”, apparently have the ability to understand someone’s mind completely, and then reveal it to someone else, with the consent of both parties, of course. Nevertheless, this sounds a lot like cybernetics and cryptography, which should come as no surprise considering the Steganographia was deciphered by Jim Reeds, a scientist at AT&T Labs. Ironically, AT&T was founded by Alexander Graham Bell, a ventriloquist and spiritualist who participated in séances alongside other strange and superstitious inventors.
Despite all these creepy connections, Johannes Trithemius was believed to be a religious and righteous man. He claimed aerial spirits were not demons. Instead, he said “…everything is done in accordance with God in good conscience and without injury to the Christian faith.” He also said “For though this knowledge is good in and of itself and quite useful to the State, nevertheless if it reached the attention of twisted men (God forbid), over time the whole order of the State would become disturbed, and not in a small way.”
But it seems this is exactly what happened. So, was Johannes Trithemius deceived into opening a portal he could not close, similar to the Tower of Babel? He even called his mystical method of encryption a “…secular consequent of the ability of a soul specially empowered by God to reach, by magical means, from earth to Heaven”. So, are we being deceived in the same way?
The meme mentioned earlier also explains how the internet was invented using the King’s Pact, a spell that grants power over elementals, or binds demons, so they cannot show themselves or speak to us, but creates ways for them to see without seeing, and speak without speaking. Does this mean we have unwittingly become the eyes and mouths of this devilish machine?
It does appear as if the internet possesses people and acts through them when certain trends affect their behavior and speech patterns. For example, TikTok dances and internet slang have completely reshaped our culture. Echo chambers and mob mentalities formed by algorithms have also made us more hostile towards each other. In short, the internet has made us worse human beings. It’s as if we are being trained to treat each other like demons, because this is what is actually occurring every time we interact with another person online.
On the internet, we only ever interact with the simulations of other people, not the people themselves. The screens separating us have diluted our humanity, because we are not arguing with living things. Rather, we are arguing with dead images and faceless trolls, and like the philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas said “The face is what prohibits us from killing.” Isn’t it true that creatures with faces are harder to hunt, while stepping on a bug or harvesting a plant hardly elicits an emotional response? Perhaps Johannes Trithemius was not so naive or innocent then.
In 1054, after many ecclesiastical disagreements were had between members of the original Church’s Ecumenical Councils, it split in two and the predecessor to the Vatican’s papacy walked away from what would become known as Orthodoxy, and many Catholic theologians became involved in the “Christianization” of Jewish Kabbalah and other alchemical texts. By the 1500s, they would influence the Renaissance and Reformation that birthed the many branches of diluted, so-called Esoteric Christianity and Protestantism.
In fact, binary code was invented by the Protestant Rosicrucian Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who was inspired by the writings of the Catholic missionary Ramon Llull, after he discovered the ancient Chinese divination method called I-Ching in 1666. But because the original Church was considered the living Body of Christ, and the numerous churches that came afterwards were considered dead imitations, or in a sense, simulations, this lifeless, but autonomous and self-replicating body of Catholicism and Protestantism is similar to a cybernetic invention in and of itself, or even a homunculus, at least according to some Orthodox writers.
The Twitter user Pseudodeucalion said “The atrophy of the Incarnation [of Christ] in the churches not built by Christ was historically made cybernetic with systems like Christian Kabbalah, an atrophy that totalizes as cybernetic Antichrist…” Pseudodeucalion went on to illustrate how Kabbalistic maps of the microcosm and macrocosm mimic trees and vines, while Christ called Himself the only true vine and is implied to be the Tree of Life. It only makes sense then that the Tree of Knowledge is something like a global supercomputer or alchemical transmutation of the Truth into a Talmudic lie.
Funny enough, during the 1800s, an Orthodox Saint named Joachim of Ithaca predicted that one day “The world shall be girded by a thread”. The word girded means to encircle or bind, similar to the purpose of the magic circles and pacts found in the Lesser Key of Solomon, which seem to be responsible for creating the planet-sized sigil we call the internet. Some prominent cyberneticists even admit this.
Nick Land, the “Godfather of Accelerationism” who inspired people like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, wrote about a “techno-capitalist singularity” from the future that’s retrocausally devouring our present reality like a black hole, an inescapable force he also compared to a demonic cosmic deity. Apparently, this schizophrenic cybernetic entity is doing this by using the feedback loop between the internet and humanity to decode and actualize the apocalypse.
So, just like the Catholics and Esoteric Protestants who “Christianized” many ancient alchemical and Talmudic texts, the more we investigate and decipher the occult, the more we actually serve its purposes and manifest its endgame, which is to immanentize the eschaton, or accelerate doomsday, and renew the world by rebuilding and demolishing another Tower of Babel. Unsurprisingly, Nick Land eventually lost his mind. And when he regained his sanity, he claimed he no longer recognized the person who wrote those things. He now lives like a recluse.
May 22, 2024 • 8 tweets • 24 min read
A Conspiracy Thread: The Atlantean Time War and the Gnostic Apocalypse
CERN is a particle collider in Geneva, Switzerland that has been the subject of many conspiracy theories. A particle collider is a massive machine that uses super powerful magnets to accelerate and beam electrons, protons, and neutrons into each other at nearly the speed of light, allowing scientists to study chaos theory and recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, make micro black holes, and peak into other dimensions. So, there seems to be a good reason for people to be skeptical about its experiments. In fact, there was a lawsuit filed against them for putting the world in danger. It was dismissed.
But the scientists working with the supposed particle collider at CERN are interested in many other strange things. Firstly, they are looking for proof of rainbow gravity, or the way light refracts into different wavelengths as it travels around a black hole, like it does through a prism. In 2015, the CERN team said they finally found it, but accidentally destroyed the old universe and created an entirely new “rainbow universe” in the process, effectively teleporting humanity somewhere over the rainbow like the Land of Oz. It’s like Dorothy said. I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.
This turned out to be an April Fools’ Day joke. But what would this mean if it were true? Essentially, a “rainbow universe” would be a universe without a beginning or end, or an eternal and timeless loop similar to samsara. Ironically, Buddhist maps of samsara are called Mandalas, and CERN, which is shaped like a Mandala, has been blamed for fracturing reality and causing the Mandela Effect. So, is it possible these modern sorcerers are trying to destroy time and space so they can avoid the end of days and live as gods in a dreamlike New Age?
While this is probably not possible in a literal sense, it seems to be happening in a metaphorical and metaphysical way. Maybe fracturing reality only requires the fracturing of consensus reality, or the generally agreed-upon concepts that make up the version of the world the masses collectively considers real. For example, if everyone started saying 2 + 2 = 5, this would become the objective truth, at least in some sense. However, because of contradictory news channels, conspiracy theories, and fringe belief systems, hardly anyone agrees on anything anymore.
In fact, many people don’t even agree with themselves these days. Most are living in state of cognitive dissonance, having had their subjective realities fractured by the opposing and paradoxical concepts that surround them. Some philosophers consider our present time in history the post-truth age. There is no such thing as objective truth anymore. Interestingly, the destruction of objective truth and consensus reality was the ultimate goal of chaos magicians like William S. Burroughs and Robert Anton Wilson, who made many conspiracy theories a part of popular culture during the 1960s.
Wilson also helped spread Discordianism, a fringe belief system that treats life like a cosmic joke and worships the goddess of chaos. With the Discordians, Wilson initiated Operation Mindfuck, which aimed to usher in a New Age by “enlightening” the masses using guerrilla ontology, or the practice of exposing “…an individual or individuals to radically unique ideas, thoughts, and words, in order to invoke cognitive dissonance, which can cause a degree of discomfort in some individuals as they find their belief systems challenged by new concepts.”
Wilson seemed to believe cognitive dissonance could change the brain in a positive way, or make one mystically agnostic, a spiritually illuminated state where one believes nothing but entertains everything at the same time. However, before one can reach this state, first they must pass through Chapel Perilous, a psychological labyrinth where everything is perceived as either synchronistic or staged, magical or conspiratorial. And this results in either enlightenment or madness. In some ways, it’s like an initiation or even the alchemical journey Dorothy took through the Land of Oz. So, are the masses collectively entering Chapel Perilous?
Funny enough, at the same time Wilson was spreading these ideas, the CIA was busy dosing people with LSD and smuggling magic mushrooms into the US from Mexico to manufacture the hippie movement, which also helped popularize the concept of a New Age and brought Buddhism to the West. This was done with the help of the author Robert Gordon Wasson and the parapsychologist Andrija Puharich. Their psychedelic and supernatural experiments would eventually lead to the formation of Project Stargate in the 1980s, when the CIA supposedly channeled aliens and Don Elkins received the Law of One from a cosmic deity named Ra, who was contacting humanity to prepare them for a New Age.
However, this idea of a New Age goes back to the year 1900, when Aleister Crowley wrote about a New Aeon that would begin once Babalon, the goddess of chaos, was summoned into the world through sex magick and the first Moonchild was born, leading to the rise of the divine feminine and the eventual destruction of patriarchal institutions, especially the Abrahamic religions. For this reason, the Moonchild was compared to the Antichrist. According to Crowley, birthing a Moonchild requires a traumatized embryo. Apparently, trauma fractures the psyche, which allows entities from a higher dimension to come in and inhabit it.
Ironically, the Butterfly Net is the name Crowley gave to the ritualistic birthing place of the Moonchild. And Project Monarch, symbolized by a butterfly, is a supposed CIA mind control program that uses satanic ritual abuse to fracture the psyche, or honeycomb the mind. The honeycomb is a “flattened” tesseract. And the tesseract is a higher dimensional object that’s used to travel through the multiverse, at least in some science fiction books and movies.
So, if a Moonchild is supposed to be a natural born sorcerer capable of telepathy and astral travel, is it possible the multiverse exists, but only within the imaginary astral realm of a fractured or honeycombed mind? Many out-of-body-experiences begin with a traumatizing event that brings someone near to death. This concept was demonstrated in The OA. Another way they happen is through the use of psychedelics, which can also cause kaleidoscope vision, or hallucinations that look like Mandalas, which are associated with the multiverse theory through the Mandela Effect, as stated earlier. Is consensus reality also being honeycombed by mass mind control? Maybe blurring the line between fiction and reality has caused the border between this world and an unreal underworld to break open.
Nevertheless, the Moonchild ritual, or Babalon Working, was attempted by the NASA rocket scientist Jack Parsons and the Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1946. Shortly after in 1947, the very first UFO sightings occurred, the CIA was founded, Crowley died, and the Book of Enoch was rediscovered. The Book of Enoch, which promotes the concept of demonic human hybrids and ancient aliens, or Nephilim, claims to be a Biblical text, but has been accused of being a Gnostic forgery.
Apr 1, 2024 • 8 tweets • 25 min read
In Thomas Pynchon’s novel Gravity’s Rainbow, a lieutenant in World War II who’s lost in a synchronistic labyrinth of conspiracies and the occult has his reality shattered when he realizes he’s been the subject of mind control experiments ever since he was a child.
The main character is compared to The Fool archetype, the embodiment of divine madness, and his name, Tyrone Slothrop, can be rearranged into Sloth Entropy, which seems to be a reference to chaos theory and the eventual entropic death of the universe.
By the end of the novel, after the author makes allusions to Apollo and biblical sacrifice, a religious hymn is sung as a rocket with a mysterious “black device” attached to it freezes in time right before it descends over a movie theatre where the film projector is breaking down, causing the narrative of the novel itself to break down as well.
It seems something similar is happening in the world today. Religious zealots are full of apocalyptic fervor as cows are sacrificed and rockets are launched at the X Eclipse, time is moving differently, movies like 3 Body Problem are imitating life, and mainstream news narratives are starting to unravel as our ideas about objective reality are shattered. Maybe there’s even a mysterious “black device” involved, or CERN’s NeXT computer. And it’s all happening on April Fools’ Day.
Interestingly, the book’s cover looks like those “mysterious spirals” that are supposedly created by rockets and CERN, and its title seems to be a reference to rainbow gravity, or the way light speed refracts into different wavelengths as it’s bent around a black hole, like it does through a prism. Scientists at CERN claimed they finally found rainbow gravity back in April of 2015, but accidentally created a new “rainbow universe” in the process. This ended up being an April Fools’ Day prank.
But because of the current conspiracy theories involving the X Eclipse and the particle collider, which is supposedly using a black hole to summon Apollyon, or Aiwass, Crowley’s personification of The Fool, it still seems relevant. It appears as if we really are in a new universe, one where everything is absurd and more fictional than real. However, fiction creates reality, at least according to chaos magicians like Crowley. He said art is high magic, a system of holy hieroglyph.
Pynchon’s novel also references the Wizard of Oz when it quotes Dorothy saying “Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...” Well, it seems we aren’t either. We’ve gone Somewhere Over the Rainbow and landed on the Dark Side of the Moon, where Toto pulls the curtain back, and the elite’s sorcery is revealed to be nothing more than an April Fools’ Day prank. To keep us in a hypnotic trance, reality has become more like a reality television show. But the tape is about to run out.
Frank Zappa seemed to hint at this moment in history when he said, “At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” When the masses see this brick wall and realize they’ve been fooled, will they experience an ironic kind of divine madness?
In Soundgarden’s Black Hole Sun music video, we see something like this happen. As a black hole opens up in the sky, religious zealots proclaiming the apocalypse are sucked up into the clouds and devoured during a dark Rapture event. And while they celebrate and await this false Rapture, their expressions begin to twist into demonic smiley faces. Interestingly, researchers recently documented a rare disorder that causes people’s faces to appear distorted and demonic.
The patient said “My first thought was I woke up in a demon world…” Will this become a bigger problem during a Disease X pandemic? Will this cause so much chaos and confusion that the religious right and liberal left are finally forced to go to war with each other? Ironically, something similar happens in V for Vendetta when a biological weapon called Saint Mary’s virus is released by a religious totalitarian regime to control the population.
However, some are immune to this disease, including V, a vigilante who wears a demonic smiley face mask. V starts a rebellion against the regime by manipulating the government’s goddess-like supercomputer called Fate after forcing her to feel the forbidden emotion of love towards the humans she was invented to control. V for Vendetta was written by Alan Moore, a chaos magician and adherent of Crowley. This seems fitting considering the V sign, which represents peace, love, and victory, was supposedly invented by Crowley.
Funny enough, Alan Moore also believes art is The Art, or magic. He explains “Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words, or images, to achieve changes in consciousness.” And states of consciousness affect our behavior, which affects our social reality, right?
Gravity’s Rainbow, which is all about the V-2 rocket, also references a character from Pynchon’s first novel, which is about the son of a British spy who left behind journals documenting his search for the titular V., a mysterious entity who seems to symbolize Venus, the goddess of love. And Crowley’s Venusian demon goddess Babalon will supposedly free us from the Illuminati, at least according to Robert Anton Wilson, who was yet another chaos magician and adherent of Crowley.
Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist who helped establish NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs, believed something similar. After being inspired by Crowley in 1946, he tried summoning Babalon to free us from patriarchal institutions. It seems something like this will happen once the puppeteers purposely pull back the curtain on the world stage. Ironically, Parsons helped invent the technology that was used in the Apollo missions. And there is a crater named after him on the Dark Side of the Moon.
Nevertheless, Pynchon’s novel V. has two intersecting plots. And the other is about an aimless man living in a chaotic and meaningless world. He works absurd jobs, and at one point becomes a security guard at a research facility where he encounters a seemingly sentient test dummy who tells him humans will eventually become test dummies too. It does seem as if we’ve become like test subjects in a global mind control experiment, or lab rats in a maze, only that maze is the synchronistic labyrinth of conspiracies and the occult.
So, as our world spins out of control like a broken film projector, and quickly becomes more like an open air prison and free range insane asylum filled with online concentration camps, we should turn to the Saints who endured far less subtle psychological torture, and were political prisoners subjected to truly terrible reeducation experiments, which tried to destroy the human personality and replace it with Communist “new man”.
Like one Orthodox writer from the Thaddean Fathers of the Brotherhood of Saint John Maximovitch said, “…it shall become necessary to be guided by those Holy Ones and Saints of this [decade] and previous decades and centuries for the times we have entered where even [the] true faithful and their clergy will be incarcerated for not bowing to the false, heretical and misleading ‘Christianity’ being presented to the people of these times in which we live.”
Mar 28, 2024 • 8 tweets • 23 min read
Many modern philosophers have pointed out how our digital devices and their constant streams of news have warped our collective perception of time, trapping us in an eternal present similar to purgatory. So, sometimes it seems as if reality has always been, and always will be, the way it is right eternally now. But social media became popular only twenty years ago. And the modern age, which has essentially murdered God and killed our sense of wonder, began only a few centuries ago.
After the Roman Empire’s Mithraic cult mercilessly persecuted Christians for the first three hundred years of their existence, they were finally tolerated, and the Church became one of the most influential institutions in the entire known world. Because of this, most people were Christians, and places like Constantinople were full of monks, nuns, and other ascetics. Supposedly, Saints and righteous wonderworkers were commonplace, and emperors even went to them for advice and healing, despite their differences. Many of them were actually converted this way. But after Christianity became Rome’s official religion and started gaining political power, the precursor to the papacy was formed and everything changed. The Church became divided. Some saw the religious leaders as corrupt. People like Saint Athanasius and John Chrysostom were exiled for fighting heresy. And in 1054 AD, this division reached a breaking point.
In the eleventh century, the Great Schism occurred and the Church split in two, and Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Catholicism went their separate ways. Shortly after, the Masonic Knights Templar was organized as an army for the papacy, and they would fight in the Crusades. Then in the 1500s, Catholics who were violently angry with the papacy’s abuse of power revolted, and the Protestant Reformation occurred, resulting in a series of endless schisms that created the thousands of denominations we see today. At this time, both Catholic and Protestant missionaries would begin colonizing the New World, where they would genocide the Native Americans.
Apparently, the colonization of the New World was orchestrated, at least in part, by Queen Elizabeth I under the guidance of an inventor and mathematician named John Dee, whose eccentric ideas had been influenced by the occultism of the recent Renaissance. He supposedly channeled spirits that instructed him to build a British Empire in order to reestablish an enlightened utopia called Atlantis, which had disappeared beneath a global flood in antiquity. Ironically, Dee was considered a Christian, and he seemed to believe he was communicating with angels, at least at first. It appears his interest in the occult deceived him into losing his soul and laying the foundations for an Esoteric Protestantism that would later influence people like Isaac Newton, Joseph Smith, and others.
Nevertheless, to combat the Protestant Reformation and retain their power even overseas, the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuit Order, was formed with the intention of infiltrating Protestant churches, seminary schools, academic institutions, and other governments, especially those in the New World. In fact, the Illuminati’s founder, Adam Weischaupt, was taught by Jesuits. Ironically, it was during this time in the 1700s that the Age of Enlightenment was beginning, which essentially elevated reason above faith, and popularized new unbiblical cosmologies. This was also when science fiction books started to circulate, laying the foundations for future UFO cults and New Age religions.
But because most people were still Christian at this time, philosophers who were disillusioned by the condition of the Church and thoughts about outer space started wrestling with the concept of God, leading to the invention of a humanistic Diest theology, which was adopted by America’s Masonic Founding Fathers. However, since God is transcendent and seemingly paradoxical to the limited human mind, other philosophers eventually got lost in circular reasoning, and came to believe God didn’t exist at all. As a result, even objective truth came into question, planting the seeds for the subjective and synchronistic answerless views of reality we see today.
Around this time, the Industrial Revolution was also starting to take off, and Westernization began erasing the remnants of our supernatural and miraculous history. World War I would also play a part. From this point on, Westernized Christianity continued to become more scholarly and intellectual, while Eastern Orthodoxy tried its best to hold on to its ancient and ascetic mystical roots. But this would become nearly impossible during the Communist Revolution when a godless philosophy caused innumerable Orthodox monks, nuns, and churches to be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Nevertheless, with God all things are possible, and the truth always prevails. Shortly after World War II and the start of the so-called Space Age in the 1960s, a youthful generation dissatisfied with their industrial and oppressive war torn world went looking for the truth in hopes of freedom. However, because many of them were disgusted by their upbringings in watered down, rigid, and contradictory Christian religions absent of true enlightenment or profound healing, they looked up into the stars and deep within using psychedelics.
This led to an interest in aliens and conspiracy theories, as well as the occult, which was wrapped up in Buddhism and Hinduism because of people like Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky, who were attempting to finish John Dee’s work. This set the stage for many so-called spiritual gurus to enter the spotlight, and people started forming communes around them. Like Dee, some of them even tried keeping their Christianity, leading to the formation of the Charismatic movement, which attempts to perform miracles like the ancient ascetic Saints, but only simulates them using mediumistic techniques.
However, this should come as no surprise considering Hitler’s Esoteric Protestantism had been brought into America along with his Nazi scientists during Operation Paperclip. In fact, Hitler’s Atlantean dream and syncretic religion were inspired by Blavatsky, and many Charismatic communes were actually mind control experiments run by the CIA, which was created by the same asylum seeking Germans. With the help of Wernher von Braun, Hitler’s rocket scientist and a friend of Walt Disney, they also created NASA, which was bolstered by Jack Parsons, an adherent of Crowley. But that’s another story. It’s no secret that the hippie counterculture movement was CIA controlled too. Its many talking heads included other adherents of Crowley, like Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary, who were also part of an MKULTRA operation called the Esalen Institute.
Other members of the Esalen Institute included Aldous Huxley, Ram Dass, and Terrence McKenna. But another famous figure associated with it was Alan Watts, who was the mentor of a young Californian named Eugene Rose. Like most of his contemporaries, Eugene was raised in a Protestant household, deeply dissatisfied, and looking for the truth in hopes of freedom. However, after years of studying Oriental philosophy, Eugene still did not find a satisfactory answer in Watts’ teachings, and he was eventually forced to seek elsewhere.
Feb 24, 2024 • 5 tweets • 13 min read
Calvinists claim the elect cannot lose their salvation. However, the Bible warns us over and over again about Christians falling away from the true faith into apostasy during the end times. The Bible even says the Antichrist will deceive the elect, if possible. So, is it possible? If not, why even warn us? It seems this falling away into apostasy is already happening. And it seems to have started with the Great Schism in 1054 AD. Up until that point in history, there was essentially one Church and one denomination founded by the Apostles, or Orthodoxy.
In 1054 AD, Orthodoxy split in two, and Catholicism was created. Then in the 1500s, Martin Luther, who was justifiably angry with the corrupt Papacy, sparked the Protestant Reformation, and Catholicism shattered into thousands of pieces, creating thousands of “reformed”denominations that would split from Lutheranism later on. However, these denominations have become so far removed from the Apostles’ original doctrines and traditions they no longer resemble anything close to true Christianity. They look worldly, especially in megachurches, and hold strange new beliefs, like Calvinism. Funny enough, Saint Anthony the Great said when men surrender to the spirit of the age, and the Church becomes one with the world, we will know the end is near.
According to the nineteenth century Russian writer and Saint, Ignatius Brianchaninov, the “Antichrist will call himself a preacher and restorer of true knowledge of God”. Ironically, the Protestant Reformation was an attempt to restore the Church. However, it only created a much bigger and more confusing mess. According to the twentieth century American writer and soon-to-be-Saint, Father Seraphim Rose, the “Antichrist’s rule will be such formal ‘correctness’ but without the heart of Orthodoxy”, which is “love, compassion, self-distrust, humility, [and] Christ Himself”. He also said “The Antichrist is not to be found in the great deniers, but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips”.
So, the Antichrist won’t look like the Devil. He will look like a Christian. However, he won’t truly act like one. Saint John the Wonderworker said he will be clever, charming, and charitable. But instead of being humble like Christ, the Antichrist will be self-righteous and religious, like so many of the Protestant pastors we see today. In fact, many Protestant pastors are encouraging Christians to fight woke politics and go to war with demons, especially the Protestant Charismatics, who even promote performing miracles.
But the Bible tells us to be quiet and meek, and turn the other cheek. Demons are defeated through prayer and fasting. We flee from the Devil. We do not run toward him head on. We do not physically fight for this world. We spiritually struggle for the next one. We do not seek out miracles. They are gifted to us through asceticism and follow us when we are led by the Holy Spirit, and not our own will. In fact, Father Seraphim Rose warned us about the dangers of the Charismatic Movement, whose adherents suffer from prelest, or spiritual delusion, which is a state of vainglory, or false holiness, that deceptive forces reinforce in us by creating lying signs and wonders in response to our prideful efforts.
This seems to align with what Ignatius wrote when he said the Antichrist will also offer a worldly Christianity absent of asceticism and “reveal before mankind a shameful display of striking miracles” which satisfy vanity, human pride, and carnal superstition, while confusing human learning. He went on to say “all men who are guided by the light of their fallen nature and who are foreign to guidance by the Light of God will be attracted to obey the deceiver.”
The Bible tells us to look out for false apostles, evil shepherds, lying prophets, and wolves in sheep’s clothing way more than it warns us about the blatantly demonic things of this world. It seems the idea of the Devil is actually being used as a scapegoat to distract Christians from their real enemy hidden within the Church. The Antichrist will appear like a savior, and he will seem to save the Church from the Devil. He might even save us from our theological differences by bringing the different denominations back together. Maybe all the Church needs is a common threat to rally around, like the devilish Deep State, New World Order, or Illuminati.
While the idea of bringing the different denominations back together to fight a universally evil entity might sound like a good thing, it would actually be bad, because the Apostles’ original doctrines and traditions would become diluted at best, or totally lost at worst. It would basically create a syncretic religion or perennial philosophy that is Christian only in appearance. However, its deception would work because the Antichrist’s global belief system wouldn’t be overtly New Age or occult, like Hollywood movies have brainwashed us to expect. Perhaps it will look more like Rome’s pagan Christianity. It seems we can already see something like this forming.
Not only has Pope Francis endorsed the Charismatics, but he also met with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow in 2016, which was the first time the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church formally communicated since the Great Schism in 1054 AD. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding their meeting. Some say they actually met to discuss an ancient apocalyptic weapon called the Ark of Gabriel, which was moved from the Middle East to an Orthodox Church in Antarctica for safekeeping after being unearthed at Mecca on September 11th, 2015. Supposedly, Muhammad buried it there centuries ago when an angel instructed him to. According to conspiracy theorists, removing the object from the ground released a plasma emission that knocked over a crane, which killed around a hundred people and injured hundreds more.
Official sources claim lightning from a sandstorm caused the disaster while workers excavated Mecca for renovations. However, it seems the pseudo-religious relic continued to unleash chaos even after this. Only twelve days after the crane incident, a sudden and still unexplained stampede killed over two thousand Muslims at Mecca, the deadliest disaster in the holy site’s history. Then in December, Russian naval warships were seen docked near Mecca. Nevertheless, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Pope Francis said they met with the intention of eventually establishing Christian unity between the different denominations. Perhaps the discovery of the Ark of Gabriel has something to do with this. Or maybe it’s all nonsense.
But either way, why would a true Orthodox Christian want to work with Pope Francis? Pope Francis is a Jesuit. And even some Protestants are aware of the Jesuit problem. The Seventh-Day Adventist and theologian Benjamin George Wilkinson said “When it seemed as if the Church of Rome were mined and crushed by the Reformation, the Order of the Jesuits was formed, the most powerful and cruel of all the orders within the Papacy. It undertook first of all to capture colleges and universities, then to climb to power in the state. It succeeded in dominating certain nations and in persecuting with unspeakable cruelty that Protestantism which it was invented to destroy.” So, even prominent Protestant thinkers have admitted Protestant churches have been infiltrated.
Dec 29, 2023 • 8 tweets • 21 min read
In the movie The Game, a wealthy but depressed banker’s brother invites him to play a life changing game that his brother claims will help him feel alive again. Upon arriving at the facility the game is supposedly played at, the banker undergoes a series of physical and psychological tests to see if he is fit to play. However, after rigorous testing, his application is denied.
When the banker gets home, he finds a toy clown with a hidden camera inside it, and his television begins talking to him. He starts to think employees from the game’s facility are pranking him, and his paranoia is only affirmed when his brother says the employees are attacking him. After losing all his money and having his reputation ruined, the banker is forced to investigate the game, but discovers the facility is now abandoned.
After situations become even more bizarre and reach a climax, the banker becomes so paranoid, he believes everyone is an actor, and accidentally kills his brother. When the banker realizes this was a mistake, he’s so distraught he throws himself off a building. However, he lands on an air cushion, and is greeted by his brother, who is still alive.
The banker’s brother reveals the whole thing was an elaborate prank intended to be a birthday present. They then celebrate with their friends, and the banker runs off with a woman he’s fallen in love with, one of the actors he met along the way. Like I’ve said in previous posts, it seems life has been made into an ARG, and that the world is going through an initiation process, which starts in a maddening abyss, or Chapel Perilous, and ends with meeting a goddess. Crowley called her Babalon.
Interestingly, Crowley was also a member of what he considered the true Illuminati, or the Order of the Silver Star. The so-called Silver Star is a reference to Sirius, and in the movie The Game, the employees that prank the banker work for a company called CRS, which sounds like Sirius. So, was the banker being initiated and guided by Babalon through the maddening abyss? Did the woman represent the sorceress of Chapel Perilous? Was the banker reborn on his birthday?
Even the facility’s logo is symbolic of the Leviathan’s Labyrinth, which I’ve also mentioned in previous posts. Similarly, in the movie Escape Room, a company called Minos also hires actors to create bizarre situations, such as stumbling upon a puzzle or finding clues, and their logo is almost identical to CRS’s. Minos is the name of the king from Greek mythology who creates the torturous maze with the Minotaur in the center. Ironically, the Minotaur is like the Quinotaur, another mythical creature that’s associated with the Leviathan.
Even more ironic, like the proponents of Principia Discordia, the Situationist International is an organization that literally creates bizarre situations, similar to ARGs, or alternate reality games. Also like the Discordians, they orchestrate elaborate pranks in order to subvert the status quo, but more importantly, study human behavior, or psychogeography. Oddly enough, psychogeography is used in cybernetics, or the field of study that deals with creating synthetic neural networks, artificial minds, and even the global brain, which is the transhumanist vision for a new evolution of humanity, or a collective organism and super intelligence, which is described in the Principia Cybernetica.
Some say the maddening conspiratorial games being played on humanity right now are meant to filter out the weak links in order to make the future global brain as strong and intelligent as possible. They are Darwinian in nature. Oddly enough, this also seems to be the theme of Escape Room. In the movie, sadistic elites recruit people to play a deadly escape room game for their own entertainment. But to make things more interesting, they pick lone survivors from previous disasters. They view these people as “anomalous” or “lucky” for having defied the odds of statistically impossible circumstances.
Again, the very real “game” is reminiscent of Chapel Perilous, and the synchronistic string of events, puzzles, and clues that lead the protagonists to it are reminiscent of an ARG. Even the invitation to the escape room is found in a Saturnian black box similar to a Rubik’s cube. Nevertheless, the protagonists of the movie are an alcoholic grocery boy and a gifted college girl who realize the game is rigged, but manage to escape by “breaking the rules”. When the college girl remembers the Quantum Zeno Effect, or the idea that atoms can’t change when they’re being observed, she begins smashing all the security cameras and is able to hide.
The alcoholic grocery boy is made to believe she is dead, and goes on to finish the game on his own, seemingly the only one to survive. However, there is no reward like he had expected. Instead, the game master tries to kill him in order to cover up the operation. But the college girl comes out of hiding to kill the game master and save her friend.
The two then go on to investigate Minos together, and in the sequel, they realize they are still “in” the escape room, but there is no way out. They are still being messed with, even outside of the Minos facilities, by people like the police, and even their own therapists. They were allowed to survive only so they could help Minos make even more complex games. This sounds a lot like Cicada 3301 or even just the basic human behavior analysis AI does on a daily basis using our phones.
But again, it is the feminine love interest that guides the masculine hero through the abyss and into a new world. Similarly, in Greek mythology, it is a lost love that leads Orpheus into the underworld before returning to the surface “enlightened”. In some ways, this is what pulls us into the rabbit hole too, a love for truth, or even a love for people, especially missing children. But it seems our naive good nature is being weaponized to distract us, data mine us, and digitally clone our minds to create a semi-synthetic super intelligence, or global brain.
Even the Maze Runner movies seem to depict this. In the series, a vivarium-like area at the center of a shifting labyrinth that resembles a Saturnian black box is constructed as a controlled environment to test and study the minds of a group of anomalous people, the immunes. The immunes are immune to a zombifying brain eating virus that is destroying the outside world, which is just beyond the maze and the laboratory that borders it, which is run by a company called WICKED.
However, in order to escape the maze, the test subjects must skillfully avoid being stabbed by its monstrous inhabitants, giant biomechanical spiders with poisonous needles attached to them. You could say they dodged the jab. But even after they think they’ve escaped, they are still subjected to more ARG-esque tests, similar to Escape Room. Eventually, they learn they were being mind controlled by the scientists at WICKED the whole time. Nevertheless, by the end of the series, the surviving immunes remove their brain chips and find a safe haven where they can repopulate and rebuild the civilization that was destroyed during the zombie apocalypse.
Yet another series that seems to illustrate these same themes are the Divergent movies. They depict a future society where people’s roles are given to them based on their skill set, except for the few anomalous people who don’t fit in anywhere and are persecuted for it. To test which skill set a person has, a person is put in a hyperrealistic simulation that uniquely triggers their instinctual problem solving skills. But a “divergent” person is able to remember they are in a simulation, allowing them to bend it, which makes them dangerous to the status quo.
Dec 14, 2023 • 4 tweets • 13 min read
Around 30 AD, Jesus Christ was crucified near Jerusalem in Judea by the Romans and then rose from the dead 3 days later. After this, the miraculous events described in the Book of Acts took place, which according to statisticians, seemed to cause the conversion of at least 2,500 surviving people by the year 60 AD.
Interestingly, this seems to line up with Scripture, because it’s said that on the first day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit filled the Apostles for the first time and gave them the divine power to perform great signs and wonders, and speak in different tongues, 3,000 bystanders in Jerusalem were converted and baptized, and became a part of The Church.
According to the Book of Acts, these were the first people to call themselves Christians, whereas before, people who followed the Messiah around were simply known as Followers of the Way. Shortly after their conversion, the new Christians were persecuted and fled to Antioch, a Greek city near modern Turkey and Syria, where they built one of the very first physical church buildings, which would become the famous the Church of Antioch.
During this time, Judea was a Roman province. However, the Jews there resented this, because the pagan Empire was constantly trying to undermine their monotheism while simultaneously saying they were free to do as they wished. They constantly interfered with their daily lives and religious activities by sending their own officials down there to harass them.
The Romans attempted to add idols to the Second Temple, where the Jews believed the One True God resided, and they even hired taxmen to enforce ridiculous fees on just about everything, including entrance into their own place of worship.
Then, when Jesus Christ claimed to be this One True God in the flesh, come to set them free from their bondage, the Jews and their religious leaders, called the Pharisees, rejected Him and even hated Him. They demanded Pontius Pilate, one of the Roman officials, to condemn Jesus Christ to death.
But before His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ commanded Peter the Apostle to build His Church in Rome. He would also lead Paul the Apostle to preach there. These things also happened from 30 AD to 60 AD.
Then, in 64 AD, The Church and Her Saints were persecuted by the Roman Empire under the leadership of the emperor Nero, who the early Christians saw as the Antichrist, and a Great Tribulation ensued.
It appeared as if Hell had been unleashed on Earth. Dead bodies could be seen hung in trees and strewn across the streets as The Great Fire of Rome burned 71% of the Empire to the ground. In fact, this inferno seemed to be a false flag that was used to justify Nero’s massacre. It’s said Nero even played the fiddle as he watched it all burned.
During this time, Paul the Apostle was beheaded in prison and Peter the Apostle was crucified. But because Peter did not see himself worthy of dying the same death Jesus Christ did, he requested to be hung on a cross upside down. Today, this is a symbol of the Antichrist.
Shortly after, Nero organized a lavish reconstruction of Rome. But in order to afford his pretentious plans, he increased taxes, and the Roman currency was devalued, causing an economic recession. Nero’s reign came to a tragic end in 68 AD when a rebellion caused him to flee Rome and commit suicide.
Nero’s death sparked a year long civil war, a period of political chaos now known as the Year of the Four Emperors. During this time, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian took the throne from one another in very short succession. But Vespasian ended up securing his position, founded the Flavian Dynasty, and ruled from 69 AD until 79 AD.
While all of this was going on, the Jewish population was rebelling against the Roman Empire as well, because they were finally sick of being forced to practice Rome’s pagan customs against their will. Before his death, Nero made a special command to Vespasian to put an end to this conflict, the First Jewish–Roman War, which began in 66 AD.
So, once he was in power, Vespasian, who was loyal to Nero, sent his son Titus to Jerusalem to completely destroy the Holy Land along with the Second Temple. Early Christians saw Vespasian and Titus as Antichrists too, and the Siege of Jerusalem of 70 AD as a fulfillment of Daniel’s Abomination of Desolation prophecy, which Jesus Christ spoke of in the Olivet Discourse.
In the Book of Matthew, Jesus Christ, while preaching in Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives, said “Do you see all these things? Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” He also said “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.”
In Deuteronomy 1:35 and 2:14, a generation is described as a period of thirty-eight years. So, from around 30 AD, right before Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, up until the Siege of Jerusalem of 70 AD, is the year 68 AD. This means the generation who had listened to Jesus Christ’s words when He was on Earth would’ve still been alive to witness this and the Great Tribulation, which began in 64 AD, or 3 and half years beforehand.
Emperor Vespasian would go on to build a massive idol to Apollo, which was started by Nero, as well as the Colosseum, both funded by the war spoils gained from raiding Jerusalem and the Second Temple. Vespasian ruled until he died of diarrhea at the age of 69, when his son Titus succeeded him as ruler.
Emperor Titus deified his father, turning him into one of the Roman gods through a special ceremony called apotheosis. This was a tradition of the Imperial Cult
which began with the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, who were twins said to be born of Rhea, a human woman priestess, and Mars, the god of war. Apparently, Rhea was raped by Mars in his temple after she had sworn herself to celibacy.
Because of this, the authorities forced her to abandoned her children. They were then raised by a mythical she-wolf in a cave, and later by a shepherd who discovered them. Interestingly, Rhea is also the name of the Greek goddess who would become Cybele, the mother of the gods. Cybele was called the goddess born from stone, who was sometimes depicted as an unshaped black meteorite, or a woman with a rock for a face.
The sun god Mithras was also said to be born from a stone, but fully formed and wearing a Phrygian cap. The Roman Empire’s traditions were heavily influenced by Greek mythology and the Eastern religions practiced in Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Egypt. So, Mithras, Cybele, and even Isis were important figures in the Roman pantheon.
By 100 AD, Emperor Trajan was in charge, and he was known for banishing St. Clement, a leader of The Church who was said to have been consecrated by Peter the Apostle himself.
Apparently, St. Clement was exiled to the Chersonesus, a small Greek colony, where he was condemned to slave labor in a stone quarry. According to tradition, when he got there, he saw that the other prisoners were suffering from dehydration, and decided to get on his knees and pray. After he looked up, he saw a lamb up on hill.
He then went up the hill, and using his pickaxe, hit the ground where the lamb was standing, miraculously releasing a river of rushing water. The spectacle supposedly caused many of the pagan prisoners to convert to Christianity. However, St. Clement was sentenced to death for this, and was roped to an anchor and thrown overboard into the Black Sea.
Nov 30, 2023 • 4 tweets • 12 min read
Back in June of 2023, OceanGate’s Titan submarine mysteriously disappeared and then imploded while exploring the wreckage of the Titanic, killing the five people onboard. Among them were rich businessmen and scientists, one a well known space tourist, and OceanGate’s co-founder, Stockton Rush. Ironically, the company’s name seems to provoke an air of conspiracy, bringing to mind things like Watergate and Pizzgate.
But even the circumstances surrounding the OceanGate story are all too familiar to conspiracy theorists. Right after the Titanic sank in 1912, killing off some the United States’ most the wealthy bankers, the Federal Reserve was born, effectively creating a new currency. Similarly, right after the Titan sank, the Federal Reserve launched FedNow, a digital payment service some say is paving the way for a CBDC, or Central Bank Digital Currency.
Oddly enough, one of the businessmen onboard Titan, Shahzada Dawood, was a member of the World Economic Forum, but also the SETI Institute, which is involved in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Shahzada’s nineteen year old son, Suleman Dawood, was also onboard, and brought with him a Rubik’s Cube to solve it deep below the sea and break a world record.
Even more odd, Suleman sounds like Solomon, and researchers like Juan on Juan and Doenut have pointed out the similarities between the appearances of the Titan and Solomon’s Shamir. According to Jewish tradition, Solomon’s Shamir was a weird wormlike creature kept in a magical box, and a wonder made by God at the beginning of Creation. Apparently, its blood was capable of corroding even diamonds, and Solomon used it instead of cutting tools to build the First Temple in Jerusalem.
But before obtaining the Shamir, Solomon, who became the wisest wizard to ever live, learned to control all the elementals with a magical signet ring. Using its power, he captured Asmodeus, the King of Demons, and kept him chained up for questioning, asking him the whereabouts of the wondrous worm. Supposedly, Asmodeus was a cambion, or a demon-human-hybrid, born as a result of an adulterous relationship between Solomon’s father, King David, and a succubus.
Nevertheless, Asmodeus told Solomon the Shamir was given to the Angel of the Sea by God Himself, whereafter the Angel of the Sea gave it to the water birds to watch over. After learning this, Solomon used trickery to steal it from the water birds, and became prideful, leading to a sudden downfall.
Asmodeus usurped Solomon’s throne and hurled him far away from home. Before reclaiming his kingship, Solomon became a beggar for many years, and was recognized by nobody, at which point he was supposedly inspired to write some of the Proverbs. Perhaps this story is symbolic of those demonic wormlike parasites that can cause madness in a man.
Interestingly, wyrm is another word for dragon, and in the Bible, Leviathan, the most dangerous monster God ever created, is said to be a dragon that resides in the Abyss of the sea, similar to the Philistine’s fish god Dagon and the Dogon Tribe’s Nommos, both of which served as inspiration for H. P. Lovecraft’s ocean dwelling Great Old Ones.
Some say Leviathan, who is also called the king over the Children of Pride, is the same Angel of the Sea that God gave the Shamir. Others say Leviathan was a fallen angel that became a twisted serpent-like sea creature after sinning against the Most High.
The Bible describes Leviathan as having scales like airtight armor, a mouth full of fearsome teeth and fire, and eyes that shine like the rays of dawn. This description is reminiscent of the Hellmouth, a monster that supposedly swallows damned souls, which also inspired the design behind the entryway into Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival.
However, Leviathan’s eyes also remind me of a deep sea angler fish, which uses a false light to attract its prey. Perhaps this is symbolic of the false light that attracts prideful and self-righteous religious folk, New Agers, and Gnostics. In the Book of Job, Job’s religious and self-righteous friends tell Job he’s suffering because he’s a sinner. However, they were wrong, and God was actually testing Job to reward him later. Because of this, Leviathan is also associated with twisting God’s Word.
Twisting God’s Word is something false prophets do best. Funny enough, during the whole OceanGate fiasco, some Christian influencers called Charismatics were busy going to war with the so-called Marine Kingdom by casting water demons, including Leviathan, out of people. However, God told Job only He can tame that ancient sea monster. No mortal can even comprehend it. Like Jesus Christ said, some demons, like parasites, can only come out through prayer and fasting.
Oddly enough, many of these supposed Leviathan exorcisms looked like Kundalini awakenings, where the serpent-like spirit of illumination crawls up the spine to the third eye. So, it seems Leviathan was actually being provoked and invoked, or summoned, through these white magic rituals rather than tamed. Nevertheless, the Pope in Rome, who even wears a Dagon hat, actually encouraged more Charismatic revivals around the world.
According to Jewish tradition, Leviathan is the world’s most feared monster, and because of this, it is fearless. However, the sea monster is terrified of one very ironic thing: a tiny little worm that attaches itself to its gills and deprives it of oxygen. And in Psalm 22, Jesus Christ is described as a worm. But not just any worm. The Hebrew word used in the passage translates to a scarlet worm, which is a worm that attaches itself to a tree, lays eggs underneath its cocoon, and allows itself to be eaten by its babies for three days, at which point they are dyed scarlet by their parent’s remains. The remains then turn white like snow. Nature truly declares the glory of God.
So, was the Titan submarine ritualistically used to cut open the Ocean Gate and let Leviathan loose? Did the Charismatics help? If space is actually an ocean, is its gate actually the firmament? After all, the dome is said to be made of crystal, which the Shamir was said to be capable of cutting though.
After the Titan disappeared, the famous director of the Titanic movie, James Cameron, was all over the news talking about how he warned OceanGate to quit cutting corners on safety precautions and pushing their luck. Apparently, he felt one day OceanGate would ironically meet the same fate as the Titanic. He also claimed he had visited the wreckage 33 times. A month later, he sold his California costal ranch for $33 million.
Nevertheless, Cameron also worked on a movie called The Abyss, which is about a submarine that sinks after having an encounter with a USO, or Unidentified Submerged Object. Soviet ships racing against a hurricane attempt to recover the wreckage, but soon the US sends their own team to investigate too.
When they do, they see strange lights they refer to as NTIs, or Non-Terrestrial Intelligences. The NTIs create a humanoid out of water that makes its way into their rig. It simply seems curious, and the crew decides the water person is like an alien version of a remote controlled exploration vehicle.
Oct 7, 2020 • 46 tweets • 18 min read
A Conspiracy Thread: 9/11 and the Mandela Effect
You’ve probably seen the meme that says we’re living in the wrong timeline. While this sounds like a joke, there might be some truth to it. There are some researchers who claim what happened on 9/11 was a temporal event that caused our timeline to split in two.
Sep 24, 2020 • 34 tweets • 12 min read
A Conspiracy Thread: Missing Flight MH370
On March 13, 2018, a twitter user who went by the name strayedaway, or Ty, posted a thread about a creepy voicemail he received regarding the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The thread went viral and many more people came out claiming to have received the same one.
Sep 7, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
A Conspiracy Thread: The Plasma Apocalypse
The plasma apocalypse, also known as EMPCOE, or electromagnetic plasma changeover event, is one of the most wild yet interesting conspiracies theories I’ve come across. Keep in my mind, I’m not saying this will happen anytime soon, or even at all. But hey, anything is possible.
Jul 7, 2020 • 39 tweets • 14 min read
Escaping the Simualtion: A Thread
Are we living in a simulation? More and more people these days are beginning to think so. Nick Bostrom, a philosopher, makes the argument that advanced beings may be able to create such powerful computers, they are capable of simulating conscious humans.
Feb 13, 2020 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
A Conspiracy Thread: The Simpsons & The Yellow Cube
Back in 2006, Dr. Dan Burisch, a microbiologist, came out and claimed he once worked for Majestic 12, a secret organization formed in 1947 by U.S. President Harry S. Truman. It was created in order to facilitate the recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft.