Nick Hudson Profile picture
@Pandata19 chairman, investor, actuary, collusion theorist. Thumos is required, not a Great Reset.
7 subscribers
Aug 5, 2024 24 tweets 14 min read
Text and slides from my November 2023 presentation to at the Romanian Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest. /1Image 1. Complexity theory and the epistemology of centralisation
A constant source of wonder & curiosity for me is how complex our world is: ecologies, society, immune systems, the banking system, social order, climate—all of them are staggering both in their complexity & in the infinite potential that complexity implies for knowledge growth to fill the void of ignorance. /2Image
Feb 10, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Help me here. I’m trying to work out what’s upsetting these folk so much that they are straw-manning us with perspectives we clearly do not hold. /1 I laid out my views on whether there was a pandemic below. Short version—under a sensible definition of the term, there wasn’t one. I’ve not seen direct rebuttal of this, but it seems to be at the heart of the fracas. /2
Feb 3, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Cape Town, my home, is a gorgeous city. In addition to the standard lockdown nonsense, South Africa's added extreme duration and a plethora of absurdities, such as bans on selling open-toed shoes and hot chickens.

THREAD Image As elsewhere, small businesses were targeted while large ones were privileged. The City's restaurant trade, long a mark of pride, was gutted. But, testifying to the power of decentralised economies, it has come roaring back, and not by way of proliferation of boring chains.
Jan 22, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
The most important interview of the Covid era? Wolfgang @wodarg talks with @jjcouey. There is a personal aspect to this, which I document below for those who are interested, but don't allow that to distract from listening to this sweeping assessment. /1… I don't recall how it occurred, but in late 2020, when I was 9 months into railing against Covid malarkey, someone connected me with Dr Wodarg. I knew the WHO had long been captured, and that he'd fought against a fake pandemic & its vaccine sham. /2…
Jan 10, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Many skeptics will be celebrating the exposure of Faucian nonsense & lying in this testimony. I AM NOT!

It is because the skeptic movement’s loudest voices are those who missed the intrinsic scam of Covid from the start that we end up here, omitting all the crucial questions. /1 The fact that Covid was from the get-go obviously not dangerous and that every element of the Covid narrative arose from farcical premises leaves anyone who missed this reality unqualified to be asking the questions. /2 Image
Dec 1, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
What would happen if someone threw the kill switch on the internet, or there was a great cyber attack? I think there would be a bit of chaos, but it would be short term. Let me explain my thinking. /1 I think the progenitors of lockdown were shocked at how quickly SMEs reconstituted. Where I live, the restaurant trade took a knock, but thrives again. There was a massive transfer of paper wealth from middle class to UHNWIs, but there was more resilience than many expected. /2
Nov 21, 2023 67 tweets 22 min read
The problem with centralisation
An argument for subsidiarity

A thread incorporating the text and slides of my 19 November presentation at the Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania. /1
Image 1. Complexity theory and the epistemology of centralisation

A constant source of wonder and curiosity for me is how complex our world is: ecologies, society, immune systems, the banking system, social order, climate—
/2 Image
Oct 30, 2023 117 tweets 18 min read
Oh well. Here we go. Hoping for vigorous engagement on crucial issues @arc_forum London, not three days of normified platitudes. Will do my best to stir things up. Let’s see what happens! Image Will try to produce some live commentary. Absence thereof will connote either phenomenal interest or spectacular boredom.
Jun 17, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
A compilation of my most popular tweets this month, measured by impressions:

1. On the arc of democracy
2. On AI not being a threat
May 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
MEP Christine Anderson (@AndersonAfDMdEP): "I'm a proud member of Trudeau's 'small fringe minority'. ... Their subjection of us to profound psychological warfare did not succeed. ... Billions of us do not support them, but we are up against a lot." /1 "The draft report of the Covid Committee repeats every lie they've ever total. 4,480 words and the only mention of 'adverse events' is in relation to preventing the spread of 'misinformation'. /2
Mar 25, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
This is a thread to post at disingenuous Covidian cultists who perpetually misrepresent my, and later PANDA's, early predictions and models of the evolving Covid numbers in South Africa. @pandata19's models were far and away the most accurate produced. /1
For context, @SACEMAdirector Juliet Puliam had placed before government a scenario of 351,000 1st wave deaths & a shortage of a million hospital beds, massively exceeding health system capacity. This led to lockdown. We wrote this open letter to her. /2…
Mar 25, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
This is a thread to post at disingenuous Covidian cultists who perpetually misrepresent my, and later Pandata's, early predictions & models of the evolving Covid numbers in South Africa. @pandata19's models were far and away the most accurate produced. /1
For context, @SACEMAdirector Juliet Puliam had placed before government a scenario of 351,000 1st wave deaths & a shortage of a million hospital beds, massively exceeding health system capacity. This led to lockdown. We wrote this open letter to her. /2…
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A lunacy poll. The idea in the Great Vaccine/Pandemic Preparedness industry is that Africa should spend upwards of $10b on Covid vaccines, when the disease burden has dwindled from minor to negligible. Contrast this with the $4b/yr spent GLOBALLY on malaria, TB & HIV combined. /1 I'd contend that that is a crazy maldistribution of resources, and that anyone unwilling to speak out against such a trajectory must be (a) a lunatic or (b) captured by pharma.
Mar 20, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
Pharma-funded @dailymaverick publishes OpEd by pharma-funded @LindaGailBekker citing letter from pharma-funded “scientists” dissing anti-pharma doctor on the basis of a pharma-funded model which is wildly wrong. /1… It’s great to see @DrAseemMalhotra getting up their noses like this. They’re now wilfully blind to the immense damage these fraudulently trialled and approved products have caused. That they’re still pushing them at a time when the IFR of Covid has dwindled virtually to zero …/2
Mar 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
People who struggle with the notion that most deaths stemmed not from a virus but from the policy response ("iatrogenesis"), as I discussed on the @KimIversenShow, stop struggling when I list the diversity of causal factors. /1 Iatrogenic harms went from intubation to neglect and isolation of patients, and poor healthcare worker attendance. Then there were changes to hospital management and protocols, which drove enough chaos and inefficiency to make the week-end effect blush. /2
Mar 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
So here’s the setup. Poll below. That the Telegraph editors believe that @IsabelOakeshott is lying and @MattHancock’s messages are faked is …
Mar 6, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The @MattHancock Lockdown Files are the gift that keeps on giving. On 25 January 2021, his spin doctor, Damon Poole, raises the New Variants Assessment Platform (NVAP), a UK detection service, asking whether he has told Tedros about it. /1 Hancock is so proud of it, he jokes that Bill Gates owes him one for helping him jab more people. This suggests that another conspiracy theory (not the one he quips about—chips in the vaccines) is true; namely that the variants were a scam under political control. /2
Mar 4, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Syndemic is an important word. It connotes the aggregation of two epidemics that exacerbate the burden of disease. Where two diseases are present, there are statistical methods that can be used to assess which the important one is. /1 @jengleruk @profnfenton @MartinNeil9 A sign that one of the pair is not important is that the characteristics of people who die with that disease present are similar to those of people who die without it. /2
Feb 2, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I'm so tired of having my reply threads cluttered with bald "no virus" statements. Here's why I don't understand the obsession with isolation. /1 We believe in the existence of many things that we can't isolate because their inferred existence is consistent with our best explanations and those explanations are not refuted by any specific experiments or facts. /2
Feb 1, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
This thread raised questions that sparked a lot of interest, but I have more—about the "patient zero" whose bronchial sample supposedly yielded the sequence that set off the PCR/vaccine racket. Read, please, & tell me, do you think the story stacks up? /1
The sequence was supposedly from a bronchial sample of a non-comorbid 41-year-old admitted on 26 Dec, ventilated, moved from one ICU to another (why?) & who presumably died in the process—wholly inconsistent with Covid elsewhere, which featured severely comorbid geriatrics. /2
Jan 30, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
So here’s a tricky one. My experience of Prashant is that he is a fine human being, committed to human flourishing, resolute and resourceful. /1 My experience of the BBC is that it has ruthlessly promoted government propaganda at the expense of human flourishing. /2