Nicholas Lee, MD Profile picture
Father, @EmilyCHoff1’s husband, 🐶 dad, PGY-6 fellow @NIH_NHLBI Heme & @JohnsHopkins-@theNCI PHO via @UTSW_medpeds @YaleMed @UVA | Views=mine
Jun 29, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
1/ A #MedTweetorial on #HowIReadThisPaper for #DISCOVERYtrial - dex edition on @medrxivpreprint. We’ll be exploring the pre-print, supplement, and trial document. Would love for feedback, thoughts, & comments!

Currently, what is your opinion on using dexamethasone? 2/ Trial info:

▶️RCT, open-label, adaptive
▶️6,425 pts enrolled
▶️Dex 6mg daily for 10d (PO or IV) v usual care (1:2 ratio, respectively)
▶️176 🏥in UK
▶️Prim Outcome: OS

🔑Pre-specified stats plan
🔑Not randomized by O2 status
Jun 13, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read

Guidance regarding virtual interviews
@nmpra guidance forthcoming
Try to get rid of your picture to look at your interviewer

More tips below!

20/ #askMedPeds Dual applying

▶️ Can likely stick to one residency - MP - if you interview enough places will be OK
▶️ If you're geographically restricted, may make sense
▶️ PDs will not view it as a negative thing if you dual apply

Jun 13, 2020 21 tweets 14 min read
@nmpra, #MPPDA, #AAP webinar #3 coming online!

Personally, must admit that it warms my heart to see my current PD and med school PD (@YaleMed, Dr Doolittle) chatting before this session starts!

Let's get started, #askMedPeds!

Doing some quick introductions with multiple PDs, including some that went to programs w/o #MedPeds programs!

This'll be a great discussion & will keep everyone posted throughout it.


May 28, 2020 26 tweets 20 min read
#askMedPeds w/ @nmpra, #MPPDA, & #AAP is BUMPING with over 200 people! Tune in w/ us for some wholesome #MedPeds information for upomcing applicants.

Great to see @maxabillioncruz, @MedPedsMike, Dr Doolittle, et al. all on the call!

1/ Intros to orgs:

@nmpra: #MedPeds residents org + med student membership. Incoming prez @maxabillioncruz

#MPPDA: Med-Peds PDs org that collaborate w/ ABIM, ABP, and other communities. Prez is @MedPedsMike (U of MN PD).

#AAPSOMP: Keeps everyone up to date on ACP, AAP, cert
