Nick Waranoff Profile picture
Retired from practice of law. Watching submarine races and grandchildren
Jun 29 6 tweets 1 min read
@LauraPowellEsq Which California agency is the worst? I say HCD re housing. (1) converts vague statutes into rules, but is exempt from APA. (2) allocated to each city (through COGS) a specific number of new housing units to zone for, exempt from judicial review 1/ @LauraPowellEsq (3) cities must zone for 59% new affordable housing, but can only require 15% of new housing be affordable (4) appeals of allocations go to agency that imposed them and are consistently denied 2/
Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
.@AGRobBonta Please intervene and overturn @CityofOrinda’s Statement of Overriding Considerations and certification of its EIR. 1/n The Statement overrode the EIR determination that planned development downtown created a “significant and unavoidable” impact to evacuation in event of wildfire. No consideration was given to moving some planned development out of downtown. 2/n
Jul 28, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
@CSElmendorf @California_HCD At SF’s average 2.36 ppl per HH, 80K units would add 188,800 new ppl, an increase of more than 20%. That won’t happen, and the market won’t cause builders to build that much. 1/ @CSElmendorf @California_HCD At mid-point of cycle in 2027, when permits haven’t been issued for half of that amount, the penalties of SB35 kick in, requiring streamlined processing. And little or no affordable housing required. 2/