Nicola Jeffery Profile picture
'Behind that loud-mouthed journalist @MrTopple is an even louder-mouthed woman!' Mum, Activist, #ChronicIllness warrior! #BLM! Standing up to #Classism!
Feb 15, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
What everyone with & who supports people with #EDS should be doing, not only in support of .@jameelajamil & her partner against a vile attention seeking bullying attack, but also in support of the estimated 1in4 who potentially are already living with a form or subtype of #EDS & Will spend their entire life fighting this sort of medical misogyny & abuse not only from uninformed ignorant ex Mirror-editing fake tanned grown arsed men that should blatantly know better but need the attention/controversy to continue their 80s/90s heyday buzz, but the cruel..