Director of Life & Health
• Public Health Expert
• Mortality, Morbidity & Longevity Risk
• Institute & Faculty of Actuaries
Apr 20, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
ICYMI, a reminder that this pandemic will have a lasting legacy beyond the tragedy of the countless lost lives and grieving families. Results from the #COVERSCAN study on #longcovid reports that organ impairment was detected in post COVID patients as shown in the figure below
This included damage to the #heart, #lungs, #kidneys, #liver, #pancreas and #spleen In almost a third of patients, damage in 2 or more organs was identified. In particular, damage to the liver, heart or lungs was associated with further organ impairment.
Mar 6, 2021 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Are the social distancing measures damaging our immune systems? Less contact = reduced infection rates.
For example, the number of reported whooping cough cases during the reporting period 2020/2021 is less than 5% of that of the previous year 1/ @PHE produce weekly updates on statutory notifiable diseases and usefully provide comparisons to previous years. As might be expected, there has been significant decline in all. A few more graphs below to illustrate this 👇
Feb 11, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Social distancing measures have not only reduced transmission of SARS-CoV-2, but also of the flu as seen here in this remarkable chart. Note the absence of any ‘spike’ in the 2020/2021 season indicated by the red arrow.
How have these measures impacted other viruses? 1/ @PHE_uk publish regular surveillance of Norovirus & Rotavirus, two viruses responsible for most cases of vomiting and diarrhoea in children & adults. Rotavirus is typically seen in young children.
May 30, 2020 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
The latest @ICNARC report on ICU admissions was published last night, and on behalf of @ICS_updates and @COVID19actuary, please read this thread for an update
There have been 321 new notifications of patients admitted to ICU with confirmed #COVID__19 . (9347 in total) This is largely static compared to last week, but still around 40% of 2 years’ worth of viral pneumonia admissions in ‘normal’ times 2/
May 9, 2020 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
The latest @ICNARC report is now out with, for the first time, multivariate analysis. So, stepping into @ActuaryByDay shoes, here’s the summary, and a link to the full report.…@COVID19actuary@ICS_updates
The report captures all patients in E & W with confirmed COVID-19 admitted to ICU up until 4pm on 7 May 2020 where outcome data is available. So far, of the 10,758 notified admissions, 6143 have outcomes reported and 2107 are still receiving critical care