How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App you're spreading disabling and deadly diseases, then you're telling high risk people you dont care about their autonomy, human rights, or inclusion. And youre agreeing that its cool to lock us away or kill us. 2/6 A hiring allows disabled people in the US to apply for govt jobs without competing with the public for said jobs. Similar to veterans and other groups, it offers an expedited pathway to employment. 2/6 seen tons of posts from blaming and shaming to arguments we should all have epi pens. I just want to add: we need medical bystander training. Most people do not know what epi does, or how to use it, and our pens are difficult. 2/11 I have EDS, I metabolize anesthesia quickly. My anesthesiologist confirmed this with me ahead of the surgery, and laid out a proper plan to make sure I was adequately medicated. We didnt know how long the surgery would take, so the plans were very detailed. 2/6 leads med professionals to believe you have a "lower quality of life"? Being disabled. Being a person of color. Being elderly. Experiencing poverty. Basically holding any marginalized identity whatsoever. 2/5 many drs get more than one unit on disability? How many schools have mandatory medical humanities by qualified educators? How many students get to read the perspectives of disabled people, hear disabled speakers, or engage with disabled faculty? 2/5 schools lack any sustained coursework in palliative care, patient autonomy, or cultural awareness when it comes to disabled patients. And it leads to terrible outcomes for patients. Studies show that drs actively turn disabled patients away: 2/…