@pyorxyz | Digital assets & Defi | @superteam prev @instadapp
Apr 20, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
✨Roadmap to learn DSA in 2022
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1️⃣Learn a programming language
->choose from C++, Java or python only.
->There are huge communities and lots of resources in C++ and Java so going with one of them will help you!
Apr 18, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
✨𝗕𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗢𝗜𝗡 𝘃𝘀 𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗨𝗠 --The difference should be clear!!
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-->Bitcoin is the first and the biggest (according to market cap) cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was introduced in 2009.
-->Ethereum is a far recent blockchain that was introduced in 2015.
Mar 29, 2022 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
✨Coding interviews are majorly focused on data structures and algorithms but many times CS fundamental subjects also have been asked in interviews
Which are these topics ??????
👇Check out!!!
1️⃣Object-Oriented Programming
-->Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic
Mar 27, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
✨Learn algorithm
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-->Insertion sort divides the given list into 2 parts.
-->The sorted part of the list at the beginning of the list and the unsorted part of the list at the end of the list.
-->It starts with the assumption that a list with a single element is always sorted.
Mar 25, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
✨Python tricks
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1️⃣In-Place Swapping Of Two Numbers
Feb 28, 2022 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
✨5 Algorithms you should learn if you are preparing for data structures and algorithm-based coding interviews
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1️⃣ kadane's algorithm
Problem statement-
Write an efficient algorithm to find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers that has the largest sum.
✨Coding interview patterns and their questions {part-4}
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✨Pattern 1: Bitwise XOR
XOR is a logical bitwise operator that returns 0 (false) if both bits are the same and returns 1 (true) otherwise. In other words, it only returns 1 if exactly one bit is set to 1 out of the two bits in comparison.
Feb 13, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
✨5 Books for Data structures and Algorithms
👇A Thread
1) Introduction to Algorithms
-> Known as the Bible of algorithms.
Feb 9, 2022 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
✨Algorithms that you MUST know
1️⃣Linear search
2️⃣Jump search
3️⃣Binary search
4️⃣Depth first search
5️⃣Breadth first search
Feb 8, 2022 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
✨Coding interview patterns and their questions {part-2}
A Thread 👇
✨Pattern 1: Merge Intervals
This pattern describes an efficient technique to deal with overlapping intervals. In a lot of problems involving intervals, we either need to find overlapping intervals or merge intervals if they overlap.
Feb 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Here is a curation of my tweets which has -
Top websites for
✨Free online education
✨Resume making
✨interview preparations
✨for Jobs
3 amazing mobile games for programmers (1 free ,2 paid)
1) brain code (free)
Feb 1, 2022 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
Solving a problem of the coding interview is mainly about recognizing patterns. Here are some patterns you must know:
If an input array is sorted then
- Binary search
- Two pointers
Jan 31, 2022 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Potential Use-cases of Blockchain {Part-1} Read 👇
✨Financial instruments, records, and models 1. Currency 2. Private equities 3. Public equities 4. Bonds 5. Derivatives (futures, forwards, swaps, options, and more complex variations) 6. Voting rights associated with any of the preceding 7. Commodities
Jan 31, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
✨Learn DSA - Bit-manipulation roadmap 👇
Bit-manipulation is the underrated topic, it is confusing too. I have curated the best resources to learn bit-manipulation for coding interviews.
Jan 30, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Bitcoin is not just a currency. It is 3 layered technology stack.
The Word Bitcoin is used to simultaneously denote three different things, it might be confusing for beginners. Let me Break it out so that you can understand it at ease.
Jan 28, 2022 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Bit-manipulation is confusing. not anymore!
Learn bitwise operator just by reading this-
A thread👇
-> Bitwise Operations let you manipulate numbers at bit level. Bitwise operations are faster than regular operations.
There are main 6 bitwise operators:
1)Bitwise AND
2)Bitwise OR
3)Bitwise XOR
4)Bitwise left-shift
5)Bitwise right-shift
6)Bitwise complement
Jan 26, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Real-life applications of Various Data Structures.
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✨ STACK 1) UNDO option
2) Text editor, you push letter by letter to the stack so you erase back.
3) Recursion (in built stack)
Jan 23, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
If you want to crack coding interviews, you must learn data structures and algorithms. But you might be confused about where to start as there are lots of resources.
No more confusion. Here is the complete path to learning DSA.
A thread 👇
When I entered college I got different advice from different people, It was pretty hard for me to start. But now in a span of one year, I have solved over 400 questions of DSA on various judges.
I have put all my experience and suggestions in the below thread.