Danika Dragomir Profile picture
Ballerina and scientist. My feet hurt. Is why I look grumpy. I'm both this 🇨🇦 and 🇺🇸 that. I swear a lot. A lot. Humour ranges from deadpan to morbid.
Dr Norlaine Thomas (She/Her) Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 31, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Good thing I'm not PM. Am slow to anger, but I can reach incandescent level rage when dealing with stupidity. I'd be telling the progressive oppo right about now that govt is frustrated, can't get any real work done, so snap election it is, & let the cards fall where they may. Just about anything is better than what we have to witness right now. This is National Accessibility Week, but instead of NDP forcing the govt to deal with ratifying Bill C-22, they've brought a motion on foreign interference, when the examination of this security threat is...
Sep 1, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Aug 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes. I just heard about it an hour or so ago. There's news reel of the Chief endorsing the LPC candidate posted somewhere. That must have been a bit of an awkward event. I love his honesty. I'll try to find the newsreel, but in the meantime, Arthur got this out of a newspaper/site.

Aug 30, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
The creeping theo-plutocracy. Pluto-theocracy(?). I don't know if these hybrid offerings are actual words, but this is what North America, & perhaps the world is heading towards at an increasing speed. I suggest it's beyond creeping, and is now at the canter stage. If Cons form government, Canada will transition into a full-on gallop, posthaste. You don't have to believe me. There's plenty of objective proof out there right now, in the form of books and bonafide documentaries (& not youtube Illuminati pseudo-documentaries).
Aug 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I can hear Mum yelling at Da about eating all the berries he'd be picking. They'd do this every year, sometimes with other friends, and then Da would make a very nice wine with the lot he picked. Mum would make jams and pies. One summer, Da's friend & his wife tagged along. LG was worse than Da, eating the berries as fast as he could pick them, with Ms. LG screaming at him like a banshee, because she wanted them for tarts. Anyway, he glutted himself until his bowel protested, & he had a wee accident.
Aug 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Your offer is to give 'no strings attached' money to provinces, trusting that they'll spend it on healthcare. More thoughts and prayers to people if premiers like Ford and Kenney just roll that goddamned money into improving private operations like for-profit LTC. We've... ...already witnessed what no strings attached means to the likes of Doug Ford and Jason Kenney. Ford took billions of pandemic money and paid down the deficit (at least that is what people suspect because there's no clear answer to where at least $4.4bn went) instead of...
Aug 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Does Erin O'Toole want to explain to Canadians why the US has bigger wait times than Canada, if private healthcare is so great?

worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankin… OECD data. Doesn't include the US, but Canada is far from horrible.

May 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Will there be consequences for all the wasted tax dollars spent on fueling this fake scandal via mock committees, while Canada was suffering through a pandemic, and needed government's full attention? Angus and Poilievre should resign.

ctvnews.ca/politics/pm-tr… This matter was referred to the Ethics Commissioner, and that should have been the end of it. Instead, most of Canada got treated to a three-ring circus, the whole goddamned summer, fall and winter by an idiot duo, pulling cabinet and PMO and bureaucrats away from important work.
Mar 7, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Dear @CBCNews @CBCOmbud @PresidentCBCRC

When you have pundits calling the PM disparaging names like 'PM Selfie,' a complaint is filed & that pundit has not changed his behaviour, the host did nothing at the time, no apology was forthcoming, most...

cbc.ca/news/editorsbl… ... definitely the CBC has much more to do. When you have the president of a union on your prime time show stating financial assistance going to airlines is not a govt bailout, & then immediately after the clip of him saying it ends, the host calls it a govt bailout, indeed...
Mar 7, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Thank you Edelman, for this report. I can speak only for myself, but it looks like at least half the country feels the same as I do. The trust crisis we currently have IS the media BECAUSE they ARE partisan. I have posted example after example of the misleading dramatics... ...coming out of our news, and this includes a major prime time news 'show' on the @CBCNews

Yes, I am looking at you, @PnPCBC

More than two weeks ago, I stopped watching PnP because I could no longer take lying, misleading pundits, and lack of fact-checking. I tuned in...
Mar 6, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Before I even saw what Jamie wrote, the same thought popped in my head.

Commander Angus appears to think of women as chattel, having no brains or authority to make their own decisions. Next step he takes is to blame the PM because surely they had to have his permission to... ...attend for what they felt was a good cause. It is a children's charity, after all, with thousands of testaments from children--including Charlie's own--as to how WE has had a positive impact on their lives, despite any character flaws of the founders.
Feb 18, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
This is an actual pattern of @fordnation

He gets himself in trouble that he can't bully his way out of, and he goes into hiding until he thinks people have forgotten about his offences. Notice also that his campaign rallies are now reduced to about 7 minutes apiece, so... ...handpicked reporters can ask him a few gentle questions, and that is his day of work done. Never forget his 7 min 30 second presser from last week, where he took a tour of a facility that takes care of people with severe disabilities, where he invited the public to come for...
Feb 12, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
People look at other countries and don't realise that other leaders have different abilities. Even though the UK parliamentary system is the one on which we're modelled, as far as I know, the UK doesn't have 13 smaller legislative bodies that have their own powers that limit... ...what the federal government can do. The US doesn't have a parliament like ours, but it, like Canada, has smaller legislative bodies for each state and territory, BUT their jurisdictional authorities are not identical to Canadian provinces, and, unlike Canada, POTUS has...
Feb 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I keep harping on this, because we are very seriously being jersey'd by many in our media and so far we've been helpless to hold them to account. I have forwarded very legitimate complaints about specific media failures and offences only to be met with 'We're looking in to it...' ...to, 'Well, conservatives are complaining that we are too easy on Liberals." Yes, seriously, I got that explanation for a report I filed about a pundit completely misleading the audience and got no fact check from the moderator.

What can the public do to ensure the media in...
Feb 11, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Will @PnPCBC explain why there's no reporting of this on their poliscandal show? Not fake enough? Will @CPC_HQ be making a statement re: the corruption of their provincial comrade, or, will they keep pushing WE: the scandal they made up & got the PnP newsotainment show to push? Incidentally @PnPCBC @CPC_HQ this is the 2ND sole-sourced contract that has come to light that @fordnation has made in the past 3 days. Imagine how much more corruption there is, so again: WHEN are you going to address these REAL scandals? @cbcombuds
Feb 10, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
When I worry, I become really busy; so busy I don't even bother to sleep. I started spring cleaning (more like reorganising, refreshing, rather than throwing out) last evening. This evening I found... Image When I got this sweatshirt, it was so big, I couldn't wear it, because it was almost to my knees, so it has only ever been a memento. I was so young I had to have a chaperone, and couldn't properly lift the camera my parents got me for the event. It...
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
What scares me most is he can't be the only one, and what if one or more of of these Trump loyalist National Guards are part of Biden's security for his inauguration? Will guards be guarding against guards too, in a multi-agency security watch? It's going to be dodgy for a while. Trump has radicalised some in the FBI, the CIA, all branches of military, the NSA, the Capitol police, and... the Secret Service.

Brainwashed terrorists don't care about losing their own lives. They don't care about consequences at all.
Jan 16, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This well-paid-with-our-tax-dollars idiot believes in Soros conspiracies, and has been an attack dog for both Andrew Scheer and Erin O'Toole, along with a couple other radicalised, right-wing extremists who take away senate seats from people who actually want to work for... ...Canadians. Now she's crying and whining for people to be respectful? Civilised? I say to her, "You first!" She needs to start apologising for all the vile junk she has spewed. Most of us have reached a snapping point with nuts like her.
Jan 16, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I learned from Stephen Colbert that 2021 is the year of the sea shanty. Tonight The National is broadcasting about it. Already the year is looking up. Hoy love a good sea shanty.

I'll assume Barrett's Privateers is a shanty. It's my favourite. Dat should be 'loves me a good...' luh. Fer der first toime teday, hoy didn't toipo sumthin dat shudda bin.
Jan 15, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
'...a lack of global coordination...' is blamed on why the pandemic has killed over 2mil people, and has paralysed countries. - WHO, via PnP reporting 15 Jan 21

Will we learn from it? Only if we can get the stupid out of politics. The only positive thing I can think that has come out of this pandemic is that it gave the climate a bit of a breather for 2 - 4 months, but we now know that much much more will need to be done, because even that break hardly put a dent in the damage.
Jan 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Some provinces are holding on to vaccines because they're afraid of running out. What is the worst thing that could happen if they run out? Everyone's in some state of lockdown, no matter who is vaccinated right now. If they hold back too long, the vaccines are going to expire. If they're scared that those in need of the second dose will be late in receiving it on the nose, the manufacturers have already spoken to that: it can be a bit delayed, and the person will still have immunity, so what is worse? A delayed 2nd vaccine, or spoiled vaccines?