Thinking Indian (Dr.Nikunj) Profile picture
All glory is fleeting,stay humble! Dentist. Affordable healthcare. Recluse. Searching my ikigai. Minimalism! RTs ≠ endorsements
Feb 1, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
New thread - Why I assessed airline is at fault & should pay Kunal. Before that I'd like to clear - Kunal's behaviour was disruptive & definitely demands punishment as prescribed by various laws in force i.e CrPC, IPC, CAR & whatever applicable. My understanding is that 1/n suo-moto cognisance can be taken by Airline crew/authorities in serious situation. In this case, victim (Arnab) has to file complaint (not done so far). My perception - since captain of flight (as available on SM) said he wasn't unruly/violent 2/n