Nimisha Jaiswal Profile picture
Producer, Reporter, Presenter & ex-India Correspondent @DWnews; ex @ndtv, #IRPFellow, words for @pritheworld, @irinnews, @lemondefr, @WSJIndia, @newint
May 23, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
A note as a private citizen, not a journalist (if you'd allow me that separation):
To all the BJP supporters cheering, celebrating, and gloating about the results - consider doing something for the rest of us. Tell us we are wrong. Not with angry, hateful, boastful words. But with words that assure us that, this resounding victory does not make you think you are no longer accountable to those who did not vote for you. That our questions do not make us unworthy of being treated as equal citizens of this country, with valid concerns and voices.