Valentin for Ukraine #NAFO🇩🇪🇪🇺💙💛🇺🇦 🇬🇪 Profile picture
"Scum of the internet." "Waffenlieferungsultra." "Sucker for Ukraine". Support @trinzu, united24... Humanitarian aid via @fellas4europe. ❤️ 🦈🦫🐗 NO 🍊🍉🐸
Feb 21 6 tweets 1 min read
According to recent polls, more than a third of Germans might vote for pro russia parties.

How? Those 25 % voting for AfD and BSW must know what they are doing. They are like MAGA.

But on top, 9 % are keen to vote for "The Left", the rebranded East German state's party SED! 1/ These 9 % mostly do not know what they are doing: Mostly very young voters who saw The Left TikTok videos and discovered this party as "new". The Left still has 6 billion Marks of funds that were stolen from the East German state when it collapsed. 2/
Feb 17 9 tweets 5 min read
The story of a family of Kherson of how they made it through occupation. I know them personally (see below).
🧵 Their son Maxim, then 8 years old, one day in March 2022 saw many "Asian looking people in uniforms" (Buryats) in the streets. Via hidden ways, he made it home. He stayed in hiding until November 11, 2022, liberation day. 2/ Image
Jan 22 13 tweets 4 min read
Why does Trump target Denmark?

SPOILER: It has nothing to do with Greenland. 🧵 Image There is a US base on Greenland, Denmark is a NATO country, granting Greenland independence has been discussed for decades.
Whatever it is the US want to get in Greenland, they would not need military threats to get it.

It's not about Greenland, but about Denmark and Europe. 2/
Jan 14 10 tweets 2 min read
Listened yesterday to a conversation of @_europecalling about the dangers of social media for democracy and how to deal with it. I could only attend partly, but already got many interesting insights. 🧵 Generally speaking, it was a bad idea to make the Commission responsible for the enforcement of the EU's Digital Services Act. Thus, the enforcement of measures against X will be blocked by political considerations (maintaining a good relationship with the US). 2/
Dec 29, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
"Dieser Friede", 1938

Beim Kistenpacken ist mir diese Rede Thomas Manns wieder in die Hände gekommen. Er verurteilt darin den Westen (🇬🇧, 🇫🇷 ) für sein Appeasement gegen Hitler und den Verrat an der Tschechoslowakei.

Die Rede passt auf das Streben nach einem Deal mit Putin. 🧵 Image
"Das Geschehen [Münchner Abkommen], wie es als Verrat und Untat aus entsittlichter und lügenhaft-überflüssiger Friedensliebe sich darstellte"

"jene Gesinnung, die es (...) besser und menschlicher (...) meinte, ist ebenso verraten, verkauft (...) wie das tapfere kleine Land" 2/
Dec 22, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read

"Forgive them because they do not know what they do." We do know!🧵 (1) Military recovery

In a ceasefire, russia will be able to train and prepare new soldiers (russians and north koreans) for the next assault. They will make sure to be better prepared and make in it three days next time. Everyone turning 18 now will be at the front at 21. 2/
Nov 13, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The new administration - how to lull people while establishing control

When Hitler came to power, he was in a coalition. The Nazis conceded almost all ministries to "normal" (also hard right, but low Nazi) allied parties - except the ministry of interior ("Homeland security").1 Yet, within months Hitler managed to gain absolute control over Germany. It didn't matter that so many ministries were taken by relatively normal people as long as he was in control of the force, within and outside official police. 2/
Nov 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
A colleague of mine (whom
I haven't seen in 10 years):

"🇺🇦 will lose anyway"
(what has happened so far?)

"German infrastructure is worsening bc of Ukraine funding" (how was infrastructure before 2022? 0,1 % of GDP is spent on 🇺🇦)
"🇺🇦 is not the perfect democracy you are painting" (I know, but what is happening in the occupied land? please compare)

"Look at Gaza"
(is this Ukraine's fault?)

"NATO enlargement" (why don't they attack Finland then, but choose the grey zone?)
Oct 23, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
Europe's failures

"Europe has no moral center to oppose genocide", said Biden in 1995.

Concerning European national states, this remains true.

A 🧵 on our failures. While many focus on the US denying Ukraine the ability to strike back, we should call on our European leaders for their lack of willingness and enforcement in the economic war against russia. 2/

👇Exports to Kyrgyzstan to circumvent sanctions on russia, by @robin_j_brooks Image
Oct 15, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Meanwhile in Mexico. Spoiler: It is going full banana republic with a touch of a satellite state. 🧵 Image 2/ In 2000, the first ever democratic Presidential elections were held in Mexico after more than 70 years "revolutionary" party's dictatorship.

The opposition candidate, Vicente Fox, won. This was one of the victories of the liberal order back then. 2/
Oct 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
"Why isn't Ukraine winning, despite Western support?"

An answer to people outside #NAFO in simple words. 🧵 "When you build a house, you would usually first make a draft with an architect. Then you would hire the right people in the right order and buy the material they need in time. 2/
Sep 24, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read

"Erbschaftsteuer zahlen eh nur die Reichen."
"Erbschaftsteuer ist doch kein Problem, das kann man bankfinanzieren."
"Erbschaftsteuer ist sozial." Und was man hier sonst so liest...
Ein Rant aus dem realen Leben.🧵 Das jetzige Erbschaftsteuersystem ist so aufgebaut, dass es zwar viele Befreiungen (Freibeträge für Kinder und Ehegatten, Befreiungen für Betriebsvermögen etc.) gibt - aber wenn es einen trifft, landet man schnell bei zweistelligen Prozentsätzen und sechsstelligen Beträgen. 2/
Sep 10, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
I am going to report a German professor to the police for doxxing a Fella.

#NAFO quite a big thing is happening in Germany, a fight between NAFO and Z-niks which involves, as of now, various pro Ukrainian MPs on our side plus a hard right pro Z pro China MEP on the other. 1/ Act 1
@lena4berger is a fierce critic of pro Z academics in Germany. Her criticism includes a Mr. Augstein, very influential publisher, son of the founder of a leftist magazine @derspiegel which is "neutral" on ruzzia and recently pushed an ultra leftist pro Z politician. 1/
Aug 16, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Continuity and long term shift in politics

We should not associate politicians with happened during their government, but with what happened afterwords and for which they had laid the ground. 1/
EU enlargement 2004. The ground for this was laid in the 90s through politicians like German chancellor Helmut Kohl.
The clearest example is the enlargement and intensification of EU for which politicians like Germany's chancellor Kohl (1982-1998) and France's François Mitterand (1981-1995) had fought. They did not see the Euro (1999) and the EU enlargement (2004) in office any more. 2/
Jul 22, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Deutsche #NAFO !

Ich wurde manchmal gefragt, wie ich Bundestagsabgeordneten schreibe.

Aus aktuellem Anlass ist es wieder so weit.

Kurzanleitung anhand eines aktuellen Beispiels (#Haushalt2025) - das kann auch gerne kopiert werden). Ein 🧵 1. Überlegt Euch, wem Ihr schreiben wollt. In meinem Beispiel geht es um
- den Haushalt 2025 und speziell um
- das Verteidigungs-Budget.

Also schreibe ich an Abgeordnete des Haushaltsausschusses u. des Verteidigungsausschusses. 2/
Jul 18, 2024 33 tweets 7 min read

On June 25, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has sentenced Russia for its human rights abuses in Crimea since 2014 (Case no. 20958/14 and 38334/18). A 🧵 {%22itemid%22:[%22003-7981802-11134245%22]}

(you will need to copy-paste this into your browser to get it) 2/
Jul 17, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Old America vs new Europe?

For centuries, the US have been the more modern and more desirable self of Europe. The enhanced version.

Human rights, Republic, "from dishwasher to millionaire", tech and comfort - everything either came from America or was perfectioned there. 1/ "America" used to comprise the dream of freedom, equality, modern way of life.

And today?

Abortion is getting banned in the US while remaining prohibitions get lifted in Europe.

America has become the home of conspiracy theories that remind of the origins of the witch hunts.2/
May 30, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Parteienvorstellung – Die Piraten
Die Piraten, in Deutschland 2006 und auf europäischer Ebene 2013 gegründet, wurden ursprünglich durch ihre Positionen im Bereich Digitalisierung + Datenschutz bekannt.
Sie ist im Europaparlament, für dessen Wahl keine 5 %-Hürde gilt, vertreten.1/ Bereits vor der Bundestagswahl 2021 haben sich die Piraten gegen Nord Stream 2 gewandt. 2/…
May 29, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
May 27, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
Slava Estonia 🇪🇪
Slava EU 🇪🇺

Thoughts and impressions from my visit to Estonia - or about a German who fell in love🧵 Image Though I had a positive idea before coming, Estonia exceeded all my expectations. And this is not "just" owned to its beautiful old architecture and the German and Swedish heritage melted in it,

May 27, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
‼️Warnung AfD ‼️
Peter Bystron, AfD-Kandidat: „Es ist bedauerlich, dass erst das Leben von hunderttausenden Soldaten geopfert werden musste, bis auch die ukrainische Führung die realen Verhältnisse akzeptiert.“ 1/ Image Er spricht offen aus, dass er die Kapitulation der Ukraine verlangt. Für solche und ähnliche Sätze werden die beiden AfD-Spitzenkandidaten Krah und Bystron mutmaßlich von Russland und China bezahlt. 2/……