Valentin for Ukraine #NAFO🇩🇪🇪🇺🎗️💙💛🇺🇦 🇬🇪 Profile picture
Waffenlieferungsultra. Taurus-Propagandist. "Scum of the internet". Support @trinzu + @kyivdefenders! Humanitarian aid via @fellas4europe. NO SCHOLZING! ❤️🦈
Apr 30 5 tweets 1 min read
There has been no Treaty in history which has been kept by Ruzzia. Not one in 300 years. But let's keep trying!!! 🤡

A few examples ⬇️ In 1772, Ruzzia guaranteed the territorial integrity of the remainder of Poland. (broken 1793)
In 1815, it guaranteed its autonomy (broken 1830).
In 1918, it recognized the independence of Ukraine. (broken 1919)
It recognized the independence of the Baltics (broken 1939). 2/
Apr 22 13 tweets 3 min read
I don't see any of this here, but these are very important news of 🇩🇪.

No. 1: The attorney general who was responsible of conducting all investigations of the fiscal "Cum-ex" scandal left her office to serve in a private NGO fighting for transparency.
1/… She openly criticized a lack of transparency concerning financial crimes in Germany. That someone in the public justice system quits the job to go private is highly unusual in 🇩🇪. (It's not like in Anglo-saxon states where you change between public and private sector easily)
Mar 17 19 tweets 3 min read

oder was bei einem "Einfrieren der Konfliktlinien" passiert🧵 Image Das Buch enthält den autobiografischen Bericht über zwei Jahre in einem Donezker Foltergefängnis, von 2017 bis 2019. Der Autor wurde hier mit 28 Jahren eingeliefert, unter anderem, weil er "Volksrepublik Donezk" in Berichten in Anführungszeichen gesetzt hatte. 2/
Mar 16 7 tweets 2 min read
Danilow hält dem Westen den Spiegel vor. Auszüge aus dem Interview mit dem Telegraph vom 15.03.2024.

1. Im Gegensatz zum Westen wisse man, mit wem man es bei Russland zu tun habe. Putin habe den 3. Weltkrieg begonnen, um EU und Nato zu zerstören. 1/ 2. Putins erstes Ziel sei nach wie vor die Vernichtung der ukrainischen Nation. 2/
Feb 20 13 tweets 2 min read
Hier mein Textvorschlag für ein Schreiben an Bundestagsabgeordnete:

"Sehr geehrte Frau/Herr Bundestagsabgeordnete/r _________,

Täglich erreichen uns erschreckende Nachrichten und Bilder aus der Ukraine.
Zivilisten werden bombardiert und entführt, ganze Städte zerstört,
1/ Kriegsgefangene exekutiert.
Angesichts ausbleibender Hilfen aus den USA geht den ukrainischen Verteidigern die Munition aus. Dies führt zu hohen Verlusten und einem Voranrücken der russischen Armee, mit Folgen für verbliebene Zivilisten, die nicht in Worte zu fassen sind.
Feb 1 22 tweets 4 min read
This Thread was quite popular. So I will continue. People like OrcBan, MAGA and disinformed "normal" citizens say "EU is a dictatorship". So, let's talk about democratic legitimacy of the EU. 🧵 The foundation and evolution of the EU treaties required approval of all national parliaments plus, in many states, national referendums. So, the basis of the EU is more democratic than that of many states. Has there been a referendum on English Common Law "constitution"? 2/
Jan 31 25 tweets 4 min read
Had an unnecessary fight with a dear #American #Fella.
I think, there are a lot of misunderstandings in America about what EU is, and yes, these misunderstandings have been strongly supported by MAGA for a long time and even reached normal people. So, time to explain the EU. 1/ First of all, do not feel bad if things are confusing. Many people in Europe do not understand how EU institutions work. So, let's get started 🧵
Jan 1 20 tweets 4 min read
Herr Wagener, ich verstehe den Post nicht ganz, wieso sollte "Taurus" nicht enthalten sein?

Die Taurus-Frage berührt alle Gretchen-Fragen deutscher Sicherheitspolitik.

Bevor ich mich ab morgen auf die USA konzentrieren werde, daher ein 🧵 1. Die Taurus-Frage berührt die Frage, ob man den kompletten 🇺🇦 Sieg will oder nicht. Oder gibt es geheime Gründe, ihn nicht zu wollen, weil man im Fall eines 🇷🇺 Vormarschs weiter westlich "auf der 'richtigen' Seite" gewesen sein will?" Wie die Kerkyraier vor 2500 Jahren... 2/
Sep 9, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
In today's Z omelet, I will be talking about Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis. Be ready for a long 🧵 Image First of all, as Prigoshin has been buried, we should now recognize the Pope and Prigoshin are two different persons, despite any casual physical similarity. 2/
Aug 14, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read
In today's Z Omelet, I will serve you some politicians of the 🇩🇪 ruling SPD party who behind the scenes control the chancellor (Scholz) and, without ever having been elected into a position to do so, against the ministers officially in charge, delay and block aid for Ukraine. 1/ Image Sorry @P_Kallioniemi for copying your concept, but I have to do something with my rage - feel free to use the information for a Soup. 1a/
Aug 5, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
So, dear @nytimes , giving an Austrian politician the last word in an article on EU politics whereas neither EU Commissioners nor any other European politicians are quoted, makes your article look very "neutral". 1/ Image Austria doesn't want a "water-proof" confiscation of Ruzzian goods, but none at all. They live from undermining EU policies towards Ruzzia. Austria understands itself as the voice of the "neutral" (non NATO) states in EU as it became the most populous one (...) 2/
May 23, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read

A thread about the history and background of the exposition of a shelled Ukrainian ambulance in Munich, Germany (translation from @fellas4europe) 1/ Image During the fighting about the Charkiw region in autumn 2022 Ruzzian soldiers, as usual, shelled civilian infrastructure. In Derhachi this ambulance was used to evacuate wounded civilians. During this action the Russians shot at the ambulance, severely wounding the driver. 2/ Image
Apr 30, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read

Some days have passed since Tucker Carlson is gone, and it is time now to give him a proper goodbye.

With a 🧵 on the witch hunt. Image Whenever MAGAts feel opposed, they claim to be victims of a witch hunt.
But in fact, the witch hunt was the result of the largest conspiracy theory, and the claims of those hunting the witches and the theories of modern conspiracists are not that different. 2/ Image
Apr 17, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read



Im Zeitraum 1822 - 1832 schrieb der polnische Schriftsteller Adam Mickiewicz das Buch "Dziady", englisch "Forefathers' Eve". Eine deutsche Übersetzung gibt es nicht. 2/ Image Das literarische, überwiegend in Vers geschriebene Werk behandelt viel mehr als die russische Besetzung von Teilen Polens in dieser Zeit, unter anderem auch das Verhältnis von Dies- und Jenseits, Toten und Lebenden. Aber seine Aussagen zu 🇷🇺 sind so markant, dass es zeitweise..3/
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
In January, I got to interact with a person who said she would never attack Ukrainians, but focus on fighting vatniks... Her name was @atLakeNATO. This is what she does now 👇 Also then, she liked to discredit others as can be seen here.
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
"Stiftung Klima- und Umweltschutz" und der Verein "Deutsch-Russische Partnerschaft" hatten die gleichen Räume und den gleichen Vorsitzenden. Ach so ein Zufall. @Journalisten: ob jemand Vorsitzender eines Vereins ist, lässt sich ohne Kosten oder Beschränkung unter ermitteln. btw Wenn man beschränkt auf Vereine (VR)"deutsch-russisch" als Suchkriterium eingibt,wird die Höchstzahl an Ergebnissen (100) überschritten🤣
Mar 17, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
In einer idealen Welt gäbe es keine NAFO. Sage ich als Fella. Warum? 🧵 Während meine Arbeit manchmal wartet, sitze ich da, tweete, recherchiere, sammle, frage, was gebraucht wird, bekämpfe russische Trolle. Eben das, was die NAFO tut. 2/
Mar 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read

As I will take a break from fundraising, I want to share some thoughts on why it is so important. I have to admit that I am rather "privileged" and may have donated more by myself than I raise here. Still, I consider fundraising and donating via fundraisers as an irreplaceable feature of our power. 2/
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Thanks to all of you. I closed my fundraiser for a drone for the 65th brigade. Again, you sent me almost 1,400 Euros after similar amounts in my two previous fundraisers. Thank you so much! I stepped in to complete the amount, so they can buy a Mavik 3 drone for the offensive. 1/ I will keep you informed about the delivery.

-- As well as of the use of the previous fundraiser for #mamamobil . @KGGF78150677 has collected so many goods for free by donors (hospitals or private persons) that she almost has not touched the money so far and her apartment is 2/
Mar 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Cuándo "no quieren tomar lados" entre la UE y Rusia, quiero recordarles algo aunque para mí el aspecto moral sería el decisivo.

I. Beneficios de la UE para Latinoamérica:
1. Tratado de Libre Comercio con México desde el 2000. Entonces el TLC ...1/ ...más estrecho en la historia de la UE. (Recuerden: Con EEUU no tenemos ninguno!)

2. Tratado similar con Sudamérica ya listo

3. Visas fáciles para España. Millones de Latinos viviendo y trabajando legalmente en España, libres a viajar en toda la UE. 2/
Mar 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read

Many terms used now on a daily basis were created either at stock exchange or at universities, without caring about their harmful consequences that now threaten the world. 1/ "Multipolarity" implies there are some poles, ie centers of power, that control the world. Each of these poles can do whatever it pleases in his surroundings: Ruzzia in Ukraine, China in Taiwan or SE Asia, the US on the American continent. This term denies international law... 2/