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Mar 3 44 tweets 8 min read
🧵Glad to see The Times has spoken out firmly against the Puberty Blocker (PB) trials.

And grateful for the way the paper and its journalists have been instrumental in revealing the Tavistock scandal.

HOWEVER...… ...this opinion piece still misses (or obfuscates) two crucial points, which leaves us short of the full story and thus unable to see the full solution.
Feb 27 20 tweets 6 min read

The Puberty Blocker Trial, recommended by Cass, has been awarded over £10 million, and it is as bad as you can imagine...…Image
Framed with unscientific, fabricated terminology, the proposal casually states that it plans to record whether children's brains are damaged as part of the study. Just let that sink in - they’re expecting to record changes to children's brain function but still plan to go ahead. Image
Dec 17, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵Hopeless commentary by @sexmatters 🤦‍♀️
Cass "sets the record straight"?
Hardly! She reiterated her profoundly unethical position on drug trials and the continuation of damaging treatment, based on bizarre, unscientific jargon.
I've transcribed her words, to consider in detail👇 Surely it's not at all a question of “being less clear” about the longterm impact - we already know the side effects, the point is it’s profoundly unethical to apply drugs with known serious side effects to a physically healthy child, just to treat reported mental distress. Image
Dec 14, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵Well the @spectator and @IpsoNews together seem to have got British media’s knickers in a tremendous twist over how to report on men who say they are women!

Take a look at the following two articles… Firstly, a few days ago, the editor of @spectator, @michaelgove, spoke out against an @IpsoNews decision to uphold a complaint regarding the paper’s reference to a so called ‘trans woman’ as being “a man who claims to be a woman”.…
Dec 9, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
As a critic of Genspect’s recent letter analysing the Cass puberty blocker trials, who is neither right wing nor populist, I’d like to explain why this thread by HP (and Genspect’s approach generally) is profoundly wrong. Firstly, if you conscientiously and scientifically try to disprove what is at best daft Scientism and at worst a cleverly devised ideology developed by sadists and profiteers to permit heinous child abuse…
Dec 2, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
@TwisterFilm @STranswidows @michaelpforan If one has to stoop to the mendacity and manipulation employed by Queer Marxism to win the culture war, then you’ve already lost it!

They employ stealth only because they know their position will and should be rejected by the majority. @TwisterFilm @STranswidows @michaelpforan By using stealth you’ll merely be replicating the rotten, undemocratic mandarin tactics of your opponent and will be no better than them.

Truth and reason win the day without lying or hiding, and by declaring themselves openly.
Nov 26, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read

“The law is not terrible, the law is pretty good, we think”

Well I’ve heard it all now!

Gender laws have been instrumental in getting women imprisoned with rapists, having their eggs and wombs offered for hire and their daughters’ breasts cut off, yet still they rate it? Image We’re told:

“The Equality Act was built on decades and decades of anti discrimination law […] and it protects people against gender reassignment discrimination. And that is right.”

Oh is it indeed?! SM seems to think it can speak with moral certainty on this matter…
Nov 19, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
🧵This unserious woman, who’s meant to be a non partisan advocate for children, is promoting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - a highly politically contentious tool of intern’l governance founded on profoundly dodgy principles and defined by a convicted child rapist. The development of so called ‘Children’s Rights’ is a history interwoven with radical ideology and predatory intentions, and there’s no better illustration of this than that the author of UNICEFs ‘Implementation Handbook for the CRC’ was Peter Newell, a key child rights advocate. Image
Oct 25, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵🤯 But there’s *never* a time when sex doesn’t matter and there’s no justifiable reason to keep it private so as to replace it with a ‘gender identity’.

I can’t believe what I’m reading; instead of repealing gender laws, we have to accept a controversial digital ID programme? Image SM explains the abject chaos caused by sex falsification according to gender laws, but instead of fighting for their repeal (the only serious way out of this nightmare) they argue Digital ID laws are the answer.

This seems far too political for their charitable objects. Image
Oct 24, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
👀🚨 🧵Following the publication of the @ChtyCommission inquiry into Mermaids, a parent has shown me their letter of complaint to the CC about Mermaids, and permitted publication of excerpts here. Please read and share to illustrate just what a terrible whitewash this inquiry is: Image In the CC’s report it explains the number of public complaints the charity received and lists them as falling under the themes detailed below: Image
Oct 20, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵As Cass is elevated to the Lords with unwarranted praise for a tardy, wordy and fundamentally unscientific report that shies away from calling for an essential public inquiry, I implore everyone to stop following the herd and read this article carefully:… Let's start with the title, which says the Cass has "reshaped gender medicine".

But what the heck IS 'gender medicine'? Cass doesn't even supply a meaningful definition of 'gender' (because there isn't one) yet bases her entire quasi-scientific analysis on this nebulous term.
Sep 14, 2024 55 tweets 12 min read
A long🧵about anonymous teachers🚨:

Much has been said about my legal quest to receive a copy of the materials used to teach my daughter under the FOI Act.

But my court case has always been about 2 requests:
a) for a copy of the materials
b) to know WHO taught the lesson. Both factors have been kept secret by the school, and this confidenitality has been upheld by the ICO and First Tier Tribunal (FTT), which decided the privacy of the visiting teachers is more important than the public interest for parents to know who has taught their children.
Aug 16, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Stephen Ireland was a patron of Educate & Celebrate, the seminal TQ+ inclusion programme that was sponsored by @educationgovuk and @ehgovuk and given ‘Best Practice’ status by @Ofstednews.

This is why we need a public inquiry into the TQ+ safeguarding disaster in schools. Here are excerpts of research commissioned by @educationgovuk and @ehgovuk. It emphasises E&C's mission to embed the EA2010 into schools as part of an anti-bullying drive - but E&C chose to misrepresent the protected characteristic of Gender Reassignment as Gender Identity...

Jul 13, 2024 35 tweets 6 min read
🧵Thanks to ⁦@wesstreeting⁩ for intending to ban PBs permanently.
👏 💯

However, this article raises some interesting wider issues about good governance…… The Telegraph reports that:

Mr Streeting said he would “always put the safety of children first”

But then explains that:

“Wes Streeting’s position is that, subject to the outcome of the court proceedings and consultation, he will renew it and convert it into a permanent ban”
Feb 18, 2024 28 tweets 5 min read
🧵A review:

A naive interviewer, getting taken for a ride by motor-mouthing, false premises, reframed questions, expedience with the truth, equivocal answers, weak philosophising, contradictions, self indulgence, attention seeking and feigned centrism… But far from the projected impartiality, this was a piece of hard-fought campaigning by Went, ceding the minimum ground to stay ahead of the game; faux brow mansplaining behind the mask of a woman’s prerogative to override a male listener, which Gold too politely accepted.
Nov 16, 2023 33 tweets 15 min read

Some might recall that a short while ago I reported about an FOI, made to the Government Office for Science (GOS), regarding their activities related to Relationships and Sex Education.

You can see the original thread here:
The FOI request sought information on why self-styled “Jessica (TRANS INCLUSIVE INTERSECTIONAL FEMINISM) Ringrose” of the IoE @UCL was attending a round table at the GOS about RSE, which she posted about on X in very political terms.

Nov 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
@educationgovuk @GillianKeegan @DamianHinds

As the gov makes a big push on ‘Mental Health’ in schools, please consider this study, which reveals the iatrogenic harms caused by over diagnosis and corresponding pharma exploitation of children. Please will our gov be wary of the corrupt or ideologically obsessed ‘progressive’ academic lobbyists, who pathologise boyhood as ‘toxic’ and over emphasise anxiety in girls. We know @educationgovuk is being briefed by them.
Nov 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Here is a letter by the new Schools Minister @DamianHinds,
who installed the disastrous 2019 RSE Guidance.

It tells you all you need to know about this extremely disappointing appointment…

Hinds blatantly overrode parents’ rights to withdraw from RSE - which is necessary for exercising their human right (ECHR A2P1) to educate their children according to their consciences; ignorantly mandated ‘LGBT’ teaching (inc. targeting it at individual primary school kids 😱)…
Oct 7, 2023 29 tweets 8 min read

A thread on the continuing ideological capture of RSE at government level; the secrecy continues... At the Conservative conference the S of S for Science Innovation and Technology @michelledonelan announced plans to ‘depoliticise science’.
Likewise Health Sec @SteveBarclay announced “@conservatives know what a woman is” and will remove gender neutral language from the NHS.
Sep 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵“it’s a fast-emerging issue” says ⁦@ChildrensComm⁩, who must have been asleep in the meeting I shared with her in Apr22, when mothers briefed her on dodgy RSE + harrowing tales of their kids being transed by schools + soc serv’s against their will.… Specifically, in that meeting 18 months ago, @ChildrensComm was briefed on this story……
Sep 2, 2023 36 tweets 15 min read
🧵Thread on the @educationgovuk RSHE Review 🧵

An online conference has been convened by the Westminster Education Forum to discuss “the next steps for RSHE” as part of the RSHE Review, brought forward by @RishiSunak… The Chair is @LordLucasCD and keynote speakers include:
- Paula Penny, Head of RSHE and Citizenship Policy Unit, DfE
- Dr Polly Haste, Subject Lead for PSHE, RSHE and Citizenship, Ofsted
- Jenny Barksfield, Dep Chief Exec Officer and Principal Subject Specialist, PSHE Association
