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I will show you how to build happy, high trust, intergenerational families. Professional father. Book a chat today:
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Feb 25, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
🗣️📣Immaturity kills marriages.

Most people today are mental and emotional children and a marriage only works with two adults.

Here is what you can do to prevent your marriage from being ruined by immaturity.

👇 thread 👇 Men and women mature in different ways, each development path suited to their roles as fathers and mothers.

There is a lot of over lap as well and I will discuss the similarities first and perhaps later the differences, in another Tweet thread.

Jan 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🗣️📣Develop Feminine Virtues

Feminine virtue has two main components and several supporting virtues.

Receptivity: ability to receive and hold value

Transmutation: the ability to transform received value into something even more valuable.

👇 For receptivity, the supporting virtues are:

Humility: recognition that you can't do it all alone, you need help, & that needing is ok.

Thankful: demonstrate gratitude for receiving.

Prudence: wisdom to discern from whom to accept value, what is value, & how to hold value.

Nov 6, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
🗣️📣Message For Weak Men

Being a weak man is painful and humiliating.

They are invisible in society, like ugly women.

I will show you how to become a man of power.

Starting from the ground up.

Read this thread and be weak no more!

//THREAD// Women love to hurt weak men.

They will use them, abuse them and toss them out when they are done.

(This is a proper function of hypergamy, preventing weak men from procreating.)


Jul 14, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
⁉️But How Good Do They Sex⁉️

Ever wondered how to tell if someone is going to be good in bed without sleeping with them?

Want to know how to have mind blowing, seeing stars sex with your spouse?

It's easy.

If you know how.

//THREAD// Image 1) Sex is a physical event.

If you are out of shape (especially the man) its going to be a very short and unfulfilling event.

Cant run for 5 minutes?

You are going to struggle to have 30 minutes of hot, intense sex.

Done right its going to leave you sweaty and out of breath. Image
May 12, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵The Handmaids Tale is left over women's fantasy🧵

The Handmaid’s Tale has become feminists most popular fetish. They can't stop thinking about it, referencing it and dressing up as handmaids.

But why?

Whats the appeal to them?

I will explain 👇 Image What I know about the story I have been told by the feminists commentating on my tweets.

In a world with fertility rates are falling, there are many mid at best left over women with no man. These women (handmaids) are used to produce babies for the rich and powerful men.
👇 Image
Mar 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Message For Men Who Feel Emotionally Dead 🧵

Men, husbands, fathers, millions of you have been hollowed out by life

Now you find it hard to connect with your wife, your children and even your friends

No joy, no pleasure, no peace

You can fix this and live again

//THREAD// Men are told to either have no emotions (suppression) or to allow their emotions free reign over them

Both sets of advice are wrong and unhealthy

Both lead to being disconnected from others, alone

You can be surrounded by people and still be very alone
Mar 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Should I Cut A Manipulator Out Of My Life? 🧵

We live in a world saturated with manipulation

Once you wake up to it, it can become very uncomfortable to deal with manipulators in your life

So what should you do? Cut them out?

What if they are family or friends?

//THREAD// Should I Cut A Manipulator Out Of My Life?

This is NOT an easy question to answer

There is no simple yes/no binary answer

Most people manipulate (or try to) others at least once in their lifetime

It works so well that few have made real efforts to completely stop manipulating
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear fathers and mothers;

Imagine that you are facing an unhappy marriage or even divorce. Or your children are rebelling, you dont know how to fix things.

How much would you be willing to invest to bring peace, trust and intimacy back into your marriage and family? Most people just idly watch their families fall apart, unwilling to do anything including asking for help.

A divorce costs at least $20k per person. Getting the help they need to keep it healthy is less than half that. People need to realistically think investing in family.
Feb 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵Redirect Unhealthy Behaviour 🧵

My son was having some OCD type behaviours, constantly checking if the fridge door was closed, worrying about the food going bad.

Instead of telling him to stop, I told him to do it more.

"Go check the fridge" every 2 minutes.

///THREAD/// "Go check the fridge"

"Its good"

"Go check the fridge again just to be sure"

"ok" (repeat 20x)

"Its fine Dad, Im not checking it again, this is annoying"

"Ok, if you're sure the fridge is closed you can stop"

"Hey, I no longer feel the need to check the fridge"

"I know"
Feb 22, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵You're not committed, you're just kidding yourself🧵

"We are not married but committed"

Commitment has rules. Follow the rules or it's not real. That isn't sexy, but it's true.

I will teach you the rules to make a real, lasting commitment, just keep reading.

///THREAD/// All valid commitments include the following:

1) A two party agreement
2) Commitment specifics (to do or not do what?)
3) An objective measure of failure
4) A time limit
5) A system of enforcement of the agreement

Details on each are below.
Feb 22, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵Speak with authority🧵

Most gurus speak as insecure children, but not Jesus, people said this of him:

"The crowds were astonished at His teaching, because He taught as one who had authority"

How can you learn to speak and teach as "one who has authority"?

///THREAD/// 1)Do not speak about anything you dont understand

You can not speak with authority on subjects you are not highly knowledgeable in

Too many people follow a few twitter accounts about a subject for 3 months and then start coaching on that subject

Stop it, you are hurting people
Jan 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵Finding husbands for high value women🧵

She was exceptionally brilliant, beautiful, tall, well read, artistic, charming and sweet

But she came from a broken home and had no frame for what a marriage should be

But she was smart enough to know she needed help

//THREAD Women want a man thats more than them in every way

Thats easy for average women

Challenging for top 1% women

So I had my client run the numbers (she loved math and statistics)

How many men in America were smarter, taller, better educated and more socially connected than her?
Dec 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵"I want to marry a good christian" 🧵

is a self sabotaging statement that is often used by Christians who have intimacy issues to disqualify every potentional mate

Let me explain and give you a better heuristic for finding what you want in a partner

//THREAD Jesus said “No one is good except God alone." (Mark 10:18)

Jesus would not allow a follower to call him "good"

Looking for a "good" Christian mate implies we are also judging ourselves as "good" Christians

This is contrary to the humble spirt that Jesus encouraged
Dec 25, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
::: How you think matters 🧵:::

The real split in society is cognitive:

1⃣ fear based, scarcity mindset, cogfem, leftist, herd instinct
2⃣ confidence based, abundance mindset, cogmasc, right, pack forming

No matter a persons political claims, cognitive basis will betray them Type 1 makes up about 2/3 of society

They love democracy because its a herd strategy

They would very happily sacrifice other members of the heard for their survival

They flip, flop around like buffalos evading a wolf pack

They dont really in believe anything, except survival
Dec 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
::: Masculinity and Femininity Are Cultivated Traits :::

You were born male or female

Its in your DNA

But DNA needs to be activated for it reach its FULL potentional

//THREAD Athletes use diet & exercise to activate programming in their DNA that builds stronger muscles, bones & circulatory system

Their mind and body change based on what they take in and how they act

Some people have more genetic athletic potentional, but ALL of us can be fit
Dec 8, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Entitlement is the basis of both the left & right political ideologies 🧵

➡️The left feels entitled to "stuff"
➡️The right feels entitled to freedoms

Both refuse to acknowledge that they are imposing costs on others by their demands

Freedoms, rights & stuff are property All property is the product of investment

This is obvious when we speak of physical property

The moment we discuss freedom, relationships, culture, nationhood, institutions, commons and history as property we lose most people completely

Yet all are created by our investment
Dec 7, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
::: Straight Men With Gay Mannerisms :::

A lot of straight men give off gay vibes these days

It is repellent to women

How did this happen?

How can you correct yourself so that you dont give off gay or weird or creepy vibes to women?

//THREAD Gay tribal signalling has entered mainstream culture

Men pick it up through media, school colleagues, etc. without even knowing what it is

Lacking a masculine father and male friends to correct undesirable behaviour they end up getting weird
Dec 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read

Steal or destroy a mans property & you kill the part of him that he spent to build or buy his property

Kill him & you steal his future & the value he could have bought to the world

///THREAD Image Undermine his culture, you steal the many lifetimes that his ancestors took to built his culture & its institutions

Destroy his commons, you steal his history & his future

Corrupt his family, you destroy the link to his ancestors & you murder his genetic future Image
Nov 12, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
:::: A Touch Starved World ::::

Our over sexualised culture has conflated all human physical connection with sexual stimulation

We have stopped benevolently touching each other

People are STARVING for connection and intimacy

It doesn't need to be that way

///THREAD When I meet people, I touch them. Kisses, hugs, pat on back, touch their face, their hands, their feet, etc.

And people often feel comfortable touching me

Children spontaneously hug me or want me to pick them up

Even animals come to me, "my dog hates everyone, but loves you"
Oct 28, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
::: Marriage Market Value vs Sexual Market Value :::

Women, your value as a marriage partner does not 1:1 over lap with your value as a sexual partner

Stop getting MMV and SMV mixed up

Improve your MMV to get a husband

(A thread of adults, going to get spicy)

///THREAD Lets start by addressing the part that trips up most people, the "market" issue

Markets are where value is exchanged, here we use it as a technical term to model and understand complex human behaviours

No, its not romantic, it is however rational and real
Sep 26, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
:::: A Masculine Understanding of Conflict ::::

Conflict is ever present in human interactions

It also terrifies people

Unchecked, the cost of conflict is enormous, killing millions, destroying wealth & culture that took generations to build

So, how should men view conflict? First we must accept what it true:

Human history IS the history of conflict

✅Man vs himself
✅Man vs nature
✅Man vs man
✅Man vs woman
✅Man vs the gods

Everything interesting happens as the result of attempting to resolve one or more conflicts

Conflict is the catalyst