How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App takes a specific set of circumstances in any pre-industrial society for the wheel to be useful to begin with, which is why differences in technological development between Europeans and other societies prior to the Colombian encounter were often small, sometimes nonexistent doesn't matter how many Israelis were killed on October the 7th, 1400 is the number because 1400 is the number. You keep repeating 1400 and the mind grasps 1400, even if on a conscious level we know the correct number is 1200.“Men” as a social category is as analytically useless as “preferred shoe brand” or “favorite music.” that men aren’t put through any such imposed limits and forced to change their bodies in order to meet arbitrary standards. one of his university lectures Kwame Ture criticized the March on Washington, and made sure to point out the reason Baldwin wasn’t invited was because “They don’t know what he’s gonna say up there,” meaning Baldwin was too radical for the respectable types to trust at the mic was a stool pigeon for white power from the very beginning. The man tried to undercut the MFDP at the 68 Democratic convention, and if Fannie Lou Hamer hadn’t dug in her heels, Black people’s delegate vote wouldn’t have counted in 1970.