Noor Bin Ladin Profile picture
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Swiss national. Patriot at heart. "Conspiracy theorist". Glitch in the Matrix.
3 subscribers
Feb 14, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Tony Blair's conversation "Transforming Nations: Is Tech Our Solution?" with Albanian PM Edi Rama at the World Government Summit was about how our governments will digitize public services –– and our entire society.

"This technology revolution gives us the opportunity [...] to reimagine the state itself." "It's not the people that corrupt the systems, it's the systems that corrupt the people. So you need to build systems that are then capable to keep the people on leash, in terms of respecting procedures..."

Rama argues that technology allows for that type of "system of service", and that it is practical for the people.
May 19, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Different era, same tactics.

Illustration published by the American Public Health Association in 1930 to target "anti-vaccinationists".

Image Different era, same state-sponsored tyranny.

Illustration published by the London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination in the late 1800s, following a series of mandatory acts enforced in the UK.

Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
"With all the focus on censorship of big names, conservatives risk forgetting about an all-important right in today’s tech-dominated age: The right to anonymous speech"

Owning a social media platform will be of little to no importance if governments outlaw online anonymity... "This is not an issue where patriots and critics of our corrupt Regime can afford to capitulate, or worse yet, collaborate in abolishing individual privacy. Protecting and expanding online anonymity should be a central priority of the modern right"… Image
Aug 18, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read


The takedown of America has been going on for a very long time, and on multiple fronts.

This raid on Mar-a-Lago is only the latest episode in a war that the Regime has been waging against America’s sovereignty and its defenders for more than a hundred years. 2/15

As Ron Paul explains in this 1988 clip, the Regime’s weaponization of the national security apparatus against US dissidents is nothing new. Case in point, Woodrow Wilson used the FBI to persecute opponents of US entry into WWI:

Feb 11, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Thread/ 1 of 11

A New Phase in the War

The lowering of restrictions recently announced in Common Wealth countries and other European nations are a false reprieve in this psychological war.

A) first and foremost, the restrictions and mandates are not working anymore, ... so they need to shift narratives.

B) it's a way of getting people to lower their guards.

C) it's also an attempt to influence the portion of the population that still looks up to the MSM and our governments, to subconsciously get them to think 'look, they've admitted...
Aug 19, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
To this day, Americans are the least racist people on the planet.

[They] are using parts of your history (which is no more or even less tainted than that of other nations) to bend your knee.

Society has been engineered to answer to this dog whistle in order to guilt trip... ... Americans to accept detrimental policies for their nation ie immigration, preying on their good nature and benevolent character.

Similarly, they've used your Patriotism as I tweeted yday, in order to embroil you in wars designed to fail, and incidentally import migrants.
Aug 18, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
For decades, they have used Americans' innate sense of justice and strong Patriotism against their own interests

Sent them on forever wars to act as watchdogs, while syphoning them of their hard earned money (unconstitutionally...), gutting the middle class by destroying manufacturing independence, and divesting from basic infrastructure projects.

At the turn of the 20th century, America was a resplendent, glorious nation, with great services (notably electric tram system), home to many inventions, and to a highly literate population classically
Aug 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Listen carefully to these short clips, especially the first of the four below.

This is by design - it’s a playbook, intended to run America into the ground over decades while using your men, resources and Patriotism. US was transformed into a vassal state for this purpose: America was set up to fail in Afghanistan (like in other countries), while doing their job of guarding the precious resources over there and bearing the costs. US ‘leaders’ dutifully executed…
Aug 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 America - and the world - are being held hostage by a homicidal cult that has hijacked our entire governmental and economic infrastructures, in order to gut the middle class and blackmail us into complying to their demands - including injecting us with an experimental, ... 2/4 ...dangerous substance.

To accomplish this, they weaponized a virus and took over all propaganda mediums/institutions to gaslight us all into thinking 'it's all for our own good'.

"You'll own nothing and be happy"

Not even your own body.

It's diabolical on so many levels;
Jul 13, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Thread/ 1 of 17

The hostile takeover of America: a coordinated subversion of 6 key spheres of influence

1. Propaganda
2. Family
3. Economy
4. Health: Mental + Physical
5. Spiritually
6. Federal + State Governments Infiltration 1. Propaganda
Take over ALL communications media: educational institutions, entertainment, 'news', Big Tech. Spread poisonous doctrines + revisionist history. Teach anti-American hate. Gaslight, distract, divide + misinform. Suppress speech. Mind control via information control.
Jun 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 If you've been following me on various platforms since January, you know that the 1/6 'insurrection' hoax is something I've been writing about / sharing others' extensive reporting v often


The injustice being done to Patriots is SICKENING... 2/4 ...the lies, comparisons to some of the worst scum to have ever walked this Earth - and the very real consequences those who've been arrested are facing right now, are beyond despicable

Everyone should be talking about this, relaying info in order to dispel this mammoth...
May 27, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
When you think this mass injection campaign can't get any more sinister

It appears that in Canada they're coercing children to get the 'vaccine' by offering free ice cream. The health minister said parental consent isn't required

See this crucial thread
This isn't only going on in Canada

Apparently in the US, parental consent varies depending on the age of the minor and by state…
Mar 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ We should all call out 1/6 for the hoax that it is: a stroll with infiltrators tasked with creating chaos, which was wildly exaggerated and spun as an ‘insurrection’ in order to justify
- impeaching an innocent President
- spying, targeting & ostracizing HALF the population 2/ The goal? Purge any form of dissent against the Rulers clutching at their fraudulently gained power.

Anyone who dares speak up as to their illegitimacy must be silenced, by all means and in all spheres of society, including governmental bodies & the military, as we’re seeing.
Mar 20, 2021 31 tweets 7 min read
1/ While Teen Vogue makes headlines because of their now cancelled editor in chief's past tweets,

THIS is what they are teaching CHILDREN, btw posts on make up, hairstyles and celebrities.

A sample from the past 5 weeks only - covers sex, politics, economics, and race of course 2/ Worth clicking on some of the linked articles and having a run through - it's worse than the captions let on...

Will add their vaxx advice as well at the end of the thread.

Brace yourself, it's really sick. Shows just how they sexualize, groom and poison children.
Feb 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Considering

- the recovery rate for covid is btw 97% and 99.75%
- we have known cures
- many 'adverse health events' have been recorded
- LT effects incl. on fertility are unknown,

You're agreeing to play Russian roulette by taking the c19 vaccine… 2/ The demoralization, fear mongering, curtailing of our movements is the most egregious psychological conditioning I've witnessed in my lifetime.

I can't bear to think about the suffering and destruction this CRIMINAL OPERATION has already caused, and the consequences it will..
Feb 7, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
This is information the MSM does NOT want you to know… "The party line with regard to the 2020 presidential election, aggressively promoted by America’s corporate media and Big Tech, is this: There was no election fraud because the courts have said so.

Both claims are false. Not just questionable, but dead wrong."
Feb 5, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I miss America.

Don't remember my first trip at the age of 3, but I do have memories aged 4, in Miami, eating Fruit Loops for the first time by the pool.

Growing up I would be in awe on each visit - America was light years ahead of Europe, and you felt anything was possible. As soon as you stepped off the plane, people would greet you with a smile, warmth and unabashed joviality - a stark contrast to the long faces of a more reserved, and even austere at times, Europe.
Jan 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

If you believe President Trump won the election
but [they] certified the votes so it means it's over -

Considering they're CROOKS, what validity does their certification have?

Are their actions legitimate if they themselves are not? The issue is that their whole apparatus has become such a huge behemoth [by design] that it's unfathomable for many to even try and stand up to it.

By infiltrating and weaponizing your own government, institutions and legal system against you, modes of recourse were made ..
Jan 6, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Today these hopelessly crooked politicians showed the American people once and for all that they will never honor their oath to serve them.

The President gave them many warnings to turn from their ways and do what's right. They didn't.

And so the People must reclaim what is... rightfully theirs, granted by God, and protected by the Constitution.

George Washington and his army braved a mighty storm and against the odds, prevailed.

America finds herself at the greatest crossroads since she first gained her independence.

Patriots realize that...
Dec 8, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 Some of these vaccines/fertility links are really terrifying.

Back in April I made a small webpage on c19 as a bookmark/to share with friends. Had a section on Gates' involvement with this 'crisis'. Dug up these links that are buried in Google on his experiments in India: 2/5

"Bill Gates faces a lawsuit for illegally testing Vaccines on Tribal Children"…