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Sr. Fellow @brookingsgov & Legal Analyst @cnn. My new book "Trying Trump" is on Amazon now!
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Sep 5 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Judge Chutkan has issued her scheduling order & true to her word she is ignoring politics as we called for in our big Just Security report 👇

That means we will have a very active docket in her court over the next 60 days 1/x…
Image Mark ur calendar for 9/26 when the govt's opening brief on immunity will drop

As we discussed in Just Security, the big fight will be over whether the VP Pence allegations are official or unofficial - they're official, but it will be a brawl👇2/x…
Aug 30 17 tweets 6 min read
Trump has requested that his NY case be moved to fed court in yet ANOTHER desperate attempt to delay & avoid accountability

This request should be rejected & Trump should be sentenced w/o delay

I explain below & in this thread... 1/x… Trump is seeking removal under the federal removal statute—28 U.S.C. § 1442(a)(1)

The statute allows federal officials to remove a state prosecution to federal court—but ONLY if their alleged conduct was part of their official duties 2/x Image
Aug 29 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s been overshadowed by the Georgia election board MAGA mess

But the Supreme Court just signaled what it will do if the election is close

So don’t let it be close. We explain ⁦@Slate⁩… @Slate SCOTUS allowed AZ to require proof of citizenship for voter reg. last week

Its part of the canard that non-citizens are voting in US elections

& another signal that MAGA justices seek to meddle in the election

See my analysis @Slate w/ @JNKGoodman - TN…
Aug 26 12 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: Jack Smith has appealed the dismissal of Trump's classified documents case

Judge Cannon’s decision was totally lawless & Smith will win

He does NOT ask for Cannon's removal but the 11th Circuit can do on own & should 1/x… Cannon’s decision to dismiss the case was based on an incorrect reading of the Constitution concluding Smith’s appointment to be unlawful

Every single court to consider the issue (including SCOTUS) has taken a different position 2/x…
Aug 23 14 tweets 5 min read
To my fellow Ambassador @DavidM_Friedman:

If you truly care about the US-Israel relationship, please don’t distort @vp STRONG pro-Israel words to drive a partisan wedge

We need BIPARTISAN US support for Israel—its dangerous to attack that in service of your patron Trump

A 🧵 Image You say “I’ve lived these issues now for years and I can assure you that her words meant nothing”

I have been working on these issues just as long since my 1st job @ADL in ‘85 & THEY MEAN EVERYTHING

My 1st boss & tough grader @FoxmanAbraham agrees 2/x Image
Aug 19 16 tweets 5 min read
House partisans just released a big report saying Biden "engaged in impeachable" conduct--tho they didn't recommend impeachment

For good reason: Biden has not committed ANY impeachable offenses👇

A thread...… I've worked on impeachments since the Clinton one, including serving as counsel for the 1st impeachment & trial of Trump

So I know what REAL impeachable offenses are—these ain’t it 2/x…
Aug 16 23 tweets 8 min read
I had a visceral reaction to Trump’s request to delay sentencing in the NYC case when I 1st saw it 👇

Now I have researched it & feel even more strongly

Other defendants (incl. of more modest means) don't get special treatment under the law & neither should he

A thread 1/xImage You know who I think agrees with me? Judge Merchan!

In his scheduling order, Merchan said “Please note, the court appearance scheduled for September 18, 2024, at 10 A.M. remains unchanged."

Aug 1 21 tweets 7 min read
SCOTUS will issue judgment in Trump’s DC 1/6 case in the next day or so, sending it back to the DC Cir after the immunity decision

When the Cir in turn sends it to Chutkan she shld quickly schedule a mini trial to apply SCOTUS’ test b4 Nov

A thread...… SCOTUS established a 3-part immunity test Chutkan will now have to apply as I wrote @CNN

“(1) absolute immunity when the president is exercising ‘his core constitutional powers...’"  2/x…
Jul 25 23 tweets 7 min read
BREAKING: DA Bragg just launched his opposition to Trump’s effort to overturn his 34 felony convictions & get a new trial in the Manhattan case

This matters even more now that the election is about a prosecutor vs. a perpetrator

And the DA brief is DEVASTATING

A thread… Image The SCOTUS official acts immunity decision in Trump v. US is bad enough

But as the DA points out, Trump's efforts to stretch it to cover this UNOFFICIAL acts case is even worse

There are 3 majors flaws that I also pointed out in my @cnn opinion 2/x…
Jul 24 7 tweets 3 min read
Heritage’s Kevin Roberts— the father of Project 2025!—has a new book about his radical plans

Guess who wrote the forward endorsing the horrors? JD Vance!

Don’t believe Trump when he says he’s not connected to Project 2025

Thread 🧵1/x Image Vance says “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon”

So much for Trump-Vance campaign distancing from Project 2025 2/x

We also explain ties here👇…
Jul 15 10 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Judge Cannon has just wrongly dismissed the Mar-a-Lago documents case based on a purported appointments clause violation

This is insane & will not only be reversed by the 11th circuit but may result in the ouster of Judge Cannon, a thread 🧵… This is Cannon’s worst distortion of the law (in a long line of bad opinions)

She ignored the plain text of statutes like 28 USC 533 that authorize Smith’s appointment

Last time, the conservative 11th Circuit smacked her down & they may do so again here……
Jul 11 21 tweets 7 min read
BREAKING: Donald Trump has filed his motion for a new trial in Manhattan based on SCOTUS' immunity decision

I have reviewed the brief

SCOTUS' ruling that OFFICIAL acts are immune is no basis to throw out this UNOFFICIAL acts case

A thread 1/x… The first clue that Trump’s brief was gonna be garbage is that instead of getting to the point the brief begins with an extended screed complaining about the following... cont'd 2/x
Jul 2 12 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Trump is seeking to stall his NY sentencing by claiming today’s immunity opinion somehow applies to his convictions for purely personal acts like 2016 election interference and creating phony business docs in 2017

It won’t work—a thread (1/x)… First, he already raised immunity when he removed the Manhattan case to federal court

He lost

And then he abandoned his appeal! He’s collaterally estopped (2/x)…
Jun 27 14 tweets 4 min read
At tonight’s debate, Trump's conviction for 2016 election interference & cover-up will be front & center

But we should also be talking abt his likely jail sentence that our big @Just_Security report discusses

A thread 1/x… @just_security Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to cover up 2016 election interference by a jury of his peers

And on 7/11, the judge will decide what his sentence will be 2/x
Jun 20 7 tweets 3 min read
This McConnell piece ⁦@WSJ⁩ should be on the syllabus for a disinformation class. To take only 1 example, the jury WAS unanimous on all the elements of the verdict & prosecutors theory of the case was disclosed to the defense in 2023! A thread 1/x… For example here is the March 2023 response to Trump’s request for Bill of particulars fully disclosing ALL the alternative “other crimes” that made this document falsification a felony, including the state election conspiracy 2/x…
Jun 7 8 tweets 2 min read
It is amazing to me that people would jump to conclusions about this apparent malicious prank message in the court’s Facebook page. How do we know it is likely a prank? THREAD Image Look at the Facebook page of “Michael Anderson,” they call themselves a “professional shitposter”

May 23 12 tweets 3 min read
Another day & another delay from SCOTUS on Trump’s bizarre presidential immunity claims delaying his January 6th case

The pro-Trump Justice Alito/Thomas axis is openly complicit in helping Trump dodge justice

THREAD👇 There's no reason for delay on Trump's baseless immunity claims, SCOTUS decided monumental cases quickly:

Pentagon papers: 4 days
Watergate tapes: 16 days
Trump CO ballot status: 25 days

If the same consideration was applied to the J6 case, we would have had a ruling by May 20
Apr 29 7 tweets 3 min read
I am amazed at critics of the 2016 election interference trial of Trump who get the most basic facts wrong

The DA has specified intent to conceal not just one but THREE other crimes

That has been litigated, judge has accepted & all 3 are being proven to jury daily!

1/x Image The DA spelled this out almost A YEAR AGO in May 2023 the Response to Trump’s Request for a Bill of Particulars

2/x Image
Apr 23 11 tweets 3 min read
My friend @jedshug has a new & profoundly wrong essay @nytopinion about the Trump NY trial

It's a follow up to the one he wrote last year where ALL of his major points were ultimately proven incorrect (as he partially admits, 2his credit)

This one is even more wrong-headed 1/x @jedshug @nytopinion It's all the more disappointing because Jed is a smart guy

He starts out ok by tacitly acknowledging he was wrong last year:

"I thought an array of legal problems would and should lead to long delays in federal courts."

Nope. Didn't happen as we all now know 2/x
Apr 15 51 tweets 10 min read
Back in court at 100 Centre for #TryingTrump

I’ll be sitting with my @just_security colleague @KlasfeldReports & the great @gtconway3d to LIVE TWEET. Plz follow along

Appreciate the kind words from them & others in line for my new book about the case👉…
Image Greetings from inside the courtroom where I count about 88 members of the press & 8 ordinary citizens who waited in line starting at 1155 pm last night!

I interviewed them all—they were like a mini jury pool & what they told me is fascinating…

Mar 21 10 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: I’ve just done a 1st pass through all nine(!) filings that were released today in the Manhattan Trump criminal case

I’ve seen enough: SDNY’s last minute document dump is not going to significantly slow this trial

I’m booking my hotel room for April

A thread 1/x First things first, where can you read all nine motions in one place?

On the comprehensive @just_security Trump Trials Calendar & Clearinghouse natch, co-edited by me & the great @rgoodlaw

Includes all the filings in all the main cases & a comprehensive all-in-1 calendar too…