The Real Norseman1 Profile picture
Do you play to win Or are you just a bad loser?
Liberal Patriot Profile picture CareerLow Profile picture MERSEYSIDE TRADING Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ This $SPX FTD was on Day 15. Sweet Spot is 4-7. Bulls not quick to jump in & selling drying up on its own isn’t enough to start a major new bull up leg

I still think more work needs to be done. The FTD does give a defined risk line. Can place stops under it for the least risk 2/ If distribution starts in immediately risk of FTD failure jumps up significantly.

& I’m expecting to see this FTD to have problems. I’ll adjust positions quickly on that action as I’m alert to it

That means positions like $DE failing to break out & dist. day it gets sold
Aug 4, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ When I post I expect grind & easy money has been made I’m not joking or just flaming perma-bears. I’m serious. Let’s use IBD as a metric. Here is a pic of the current IBD signals, or I should say signal. It’s unbelievable really. 82 consectutive sessions on “Confirmed Uptrend” 2/ Here is a pic of 2009. 42 Sessions off the “CUp”. Then mixed signals started in...and they are coming real soon now to 2020. No more all clear! IBD is as easy as it gets really. Since 4/6 it’s been basically an all clear. What furu gave you that? Again, just IBD as a metric.