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Truth, Justice & Freedom
5 subscribers
Feb 22 50 tweets 15 min read
So this fort Knox gold… and this David Lammy (from the British empire that has been infiltrated by the Rothschild’s family) accusing Russia of being Tzar imperialists… let’s see how this unfolds. Laughing stock?
Feb 20 43 tweets 9 min read
Although a base, ammonia may also lead to acidification, since its oxidation by soil bacteria also produces nitric acid. Other effects of acid deposition on woodlands include: Reduced tree growth, reduced needle growth and canopy loss. They are modifications to some of the fine roots of a tree, in which closely associated micro-organisms live. Generally these are bacteria called rhizobia, or sometimes actinomycetes called Frankia. Both of them have the ability to change atmospheric nitrogen into available nutrient form (C 30).
Feb 17 86 tweets 24 min read
The motion of a charged particle in an electric field depends on the direction of the electric field.

G And I love you too.
Feb 15 13 tweets 5 min read
The coherent perfect absorber (CPA) can be viewed as the time‐reversed counterpart of a laser. By replacing the a) gain medium (with a refractive index of n=n1+in2$n = {{n}_1} + i{{n}_2}$) in a laser oscillator with its conjugate b) absorbing medium (n∗=n1−in2$n* = {{n}_1} - i{{n}_2}$), the resulting CPA can completely absorb waves with specific phase and spatial distribution emitted by the corresponding laser. Reproduced with permission.[³⁷] Copyright 2010, American Physical Society.Image Image
Feb 14 71 tweets 11 min read
Feb 10 68 tweets 14 min read
Charles takes Starmer and Rayner on visit to development via @YouTube Is someone getting reined in?
Feb 7 106 tweets 23 min read
So negative charges kill viruses and I am presuming this is because the virus is either positive or negative or both?

Attraction Repulsion

Direct current

AC current

In theory the lipid coating is positive

And viruses cause cancer?

Persistent current

After induction? After tunnelling
Feb 5 22 tweets 7 min read
Hermite–Gaussian modes can often be used to represent the modes of an optical resonator, if the optical elements in the resonator only do simple changes to the phase and intensity profiles (e.g., approximately preserving parabolic phase profiles) and the paraxial approximation is satisfied.
Feb 1 49 tweets 10 min read
So the photons impact and tunnel through as electromagnetically induced acoustic noise (and vibration) to the electron and the audible sound directly vibrates excitation with electromagnetic forces… as heat from photons? How cool is that.
Jan 29 111 tweets 15 min read
So love is all around? Just conical.
Jan 27 45 tweets 6 min read
Why is the balance of less electrons to more protons stuck in my head? WHO knows.
Jan 26 42 tweets 5 min read
What does this mean to you?

The mRNA coding for opsin was isolated from bovine retina polysomes precipitated by antibodies to opsin. The mRNA directed the cell-free synthesis of a protein comparable in size to opsin that was specifically precipitated by anti-opsin antibodies. Sequence analyses of the immunoprecipitated protein labeled with six radioactive amino acids (Met, Asn, Pro, Phe, Tyr, Val) provided the following result: [Formula: see text] (X is unknown).
Jan 24 15 tweets 2 min read
So basically cameras are there to spy on you, catch you out, make money from errors, deter you, make you scared or feel threatened that you are being watched and monitored and controlled but it does not prevent or stop crime and it’s no good after the event as the damage is done. That’s the reality.
Jan 23 68 tweets 7 min read
Southport scumbag killer gets 52 years. The question I would like to know is how does a happy child end up becoming a lethal killer?

What went wrong here without making any excuses for him?
Jan 14 117 tweets 19 min read
So all this talk about digital Ai making the world a better place etc… where exactly are the quantum computers and the qubits?

Do you see them being rolled out at any point given ever?

There is none? Why is that?
Jan 9 74 tweets 14 min read

Jan 8 16 tweets 2 min read
So not one doctor, scientist or satanist has replied to answer this question to help you… take that on board.

Two replies asking what is a macrophage and break it down for us.

Macrophages are involved in the detection, phagocytosis and destruction of bacteria and organisms. Macrophages orchestrate virtually all major diseases—sepsis, infection, chronic inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis), neurodegenerative disease, and cancer—and thus they represent attractive therapeutic targets.
Dec 31, 2024 17 tweets 8 min read
Dec 12, 2024 69 tweets 7 min read
Dec 3, 2024 55 tweets 15 min read
By 2012, all aircraft operated by the U. S. Air Force had been certified to use a 50-50 blend of kerosene and synthetic fuel derived from coal or natural gas as a way of stabilizing the cost of fuel. Gasoline engines rely on ignition of compressed air and fuel mixture, which is ignited only near the end of the compression stroke by electric spark plugs
Oct 29, 2024 90 tweets 13 min read
The inside/outside discontinuity at the cell surface enabled by a lipid bilayer membrane (capacitor) is at the core of bioelectricity. The plasma membrane was an indispensable structure for the origin and evolution of life itself. It provided compartmentalization permitting the setting of a differential voltage/potential gradient (battery or voltage source) across the membrane