NounPunks ⌐◨-◨ Profile picture
Inspired by gremplin's Cryptoadz, Nouns + Punks. Building a community of kind creative builders! ⌐◨-◨ @nuNounsdao @superBLOXvx
Jan 28, 2022 18 tweets 15 min read
[1/?] It was truly heartbreaking to see one of our #NounPunks team member @isaidelgoley go through this kind of loss. With his permission, we want to extract an ounce of good out of this horrible situation by crafting a thread here on 5 EASY RULES TO SAFEGUARD YOUR NFTS. A🧵 Image [2/?] RULE # 1: If you have #NFTs, or even ONE single NFT that you would be devastated to lose, in a #MetaMask hot wallet (a hot wallet is any wallet that connects to the internet), then you SHOULD HAVE A HARDWARE (COLD) WALLET. There are many brands of these available… 🧵 Image