Associate Professor @NorthwesternU's @KelloggSchool. Studies psychology of hierarchy, inequality, and dehumanization.
Aug 5, 2020 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
So, with @chris_petsko, @ryanlei_psych, @KunstJonas, and Emile Bruneau, I have a new paper in JEP:G to share. But in light of the events in Beirut, this won't be usual thread about a new paper I'd have written (1/n)
As some of you may know, I've been involved in a line of work on blatant forms of dehumanization, in which we've found that certain groups are rated, using explicit scales, as less evolved than other groups. Arabs are among the more heavily dehumanized target groups. (2/n).
Aug 29, 2019 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
New lab paper in press at JPSP on collective autonomy restriction and its links to collective action, led by awesome postdoc Frank Kachanoff (who just departed to join @kurtjgray's group) (Thread, 1/n)
We argue that just like our drive to feel personally free from external control, we care that our ingroups have the freedom to collectively define and express their identities. Feeling that our groups' autonomy is restricted drives collective attempts to gain power. (2/n)