🌟🇿🇦👑NTHAPELENG👑🇿🇦🌟 Profile picture
History•Psychoanalysis•Business•Politics• Activism Agribusinessman🍉|Black 🤴🏿|Patriot🇿🇦
Jun 16, 2020 26 tweets 11 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus: Part 3/3

The Bank of Prosperity.

🇿🇦⭐Building a new Black SA⭐🇿🇦

#BuildingBlackSA Agribusiness taught me a fascinating similarity between crop and human.

In agriculture, all crops demand a specific criteria. That is;

The right soil and temperature
Fertilisers and manure
Sufficient irrigation
And Pesticides

Doing it right is usually costly, but it has...
Jun 16, 2020 26 tweets 11 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus part finale 2/3

💡The Blueprints of Black Industrialisation

⭐ 🇿🇦Building a new Black SA🇿🇦⭐

#BuildingBlackSA The ground roots of apartheid was building a "whites-only" city in Johannesburg.

But since cheap labour demanded black, they decided to exclude us economically rather. This system exist to this day.

Black child, our share of the urban economy will only come from our own cities
Jun 16, 2020 35 tweets 19 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus: Part Finale 1/3

New ideas on...

💡Gbv solutions
💡Academic Challenges
💡Black Economic Exclusion
💡Commercialization of Black Land

🇿🇦⭐Building a new Black SA⭐🇿🇦

#BuildingBlackSA Timbuktu Syllabus I tried to explain how every problem we face today came to manifest through historical factors

Be it social, economic or political.

Knowing the cradle of a problem makes solutions possible.

So here I'll try summarise 200 pages idea into 3 threads.
May 31, 2020 40 tweets 18 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus part 9

Cultural Defeat

How Euro-Christianity meets Tradition divided Black SA It is no secret that The Cradle of Mankind began in Africa.

It is also no secret that all races, be it white or Asians, originated from the African.

So if in Genesis it stands that, "So God created mankind in his own image"

Which race would that be if not of the first people?
May 24, 2020 34 tweets 18 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus part 8

Social Defeat

How Black SA men became violent

(Crime, GBV, Rape) Before European settlement, tribes had scuffles that lasted a few hours.

Seldom was life lost in these conflicts. If ever life were to be lost, serious dialogue was due.

"What great is a disagreement worth taking a life?"

Life was overvalued. Only to be taken by the Ancestors.
May 17, 2020 32 tweets 19 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus: Part 7

Social Defeat

How HIV was weaponised against Black SA I don't know whether or not HIV was bio-weaponised against the homosexual community of 1980s.

Was it a homophobic attack?

Was it the conservatives that tried to preserve Christian discipline?

Or was it natural? Can never know.

All I know is Africa. And that's what l focus on
May 10, 2020 27 tweets 18 min read
Timbuktu Syllabus part 6

The Social Defeat

How Sex destroyed Black Society Umhlanga, a reed dance by Nguni tribes, dating back as far as Shaka Zulu's empire.

The young women that qualified as virgins, were awarded the privilege to participate in the reed dance.

Families of those girls who lost their virginity outside wedlock were normally fined 1 cow
Apr 28, 2020 25 tweets 11 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus (Part 5)

This is a thread for every black South African. Understanding how we got here.

"How Black SA Became Poor." Image Before all this...

we were wealthy in our definition of wealth.

The bantu tribes of South Africa have always been known as Mixed Farmers (livestock and crop farmers) long before the Dutch arrived in 1652... ImageImage
Apr 23, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus (Pt 4)

"The richest man who ever lived" King Musa. Leader of the great Mali Empire. Today, it lies plagued by poverty.

And the country which was once the world's largest Gold Exporter, to be mining its last gold in 2033.

"How White people Became Rich" ImageImage Contrary to the first tweet, this thread is an extension to a series of threads focusing on how black people became disempowered through 5 defeats

This is a focus on the Economic Defeat.

To have more clarity on this thread, check the previous one👇🏾

Apr 21, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus (Pt3)

How Black South Africa became poor (The Economic Defeat)

But first, a look at...

"How white people became rich" We take it from the Age of Discovery...

Italian, Christopher Columbus, ventured on an expedition to go exploit wealth for the Spanish crown...

A profit seeking Merchant exploitation system, which became "Capitalism" today

He was looking for Asia, then discovered America.
Apr 20, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus (Pt2)

Our "Mind" determines what we later become in life.

How everything around "YOU" yesterday...

built the "YOU" of today. Studies and writings by intellectual blackmedics...

Psychiatrist Frantz Fanon,
Sociogist W.E.B Du Bois,
and Medical Student Steve Biko, coupled with historical knowledge...

inspired a great influence towards this pursuit to properly diagnose "The Black Man of Today"
Apr 19, 2020 15 tweets 8 min read
The Timbuktu Syllabus (Pt1)

MEC @Lesufi has been celebrating the arrests of Black Criminals. 👏🏾

However, to what end?

Fair to say, it's time we told the story of the misunderstood Black Child.

A diagnosis on;

"How once a Greater Hero, became a Misunderstood Zero." There's just too much to explain over one thread. So I'll be doing new threads every 9am, explaining how The Black Man suffered the 5 Defeats...

Social Defeat
Economic Defeat
Intellectual Defeat
Cultural Defeat
Structural Defeat

But firstly, I need us to tap into deep thought🙏🏾