Part of the Global Jewish Lobby (Virgin Media Ireland)
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Mar 28, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
No way could the anti-Israel & anti-Jewish obsession within academia run so deep that there'd be an academic journal that devoted 50% of its content to articles demonising the world's only Jewish State?
Impossible, surely?
Meet "Settler Colonial Studies"
Yes - @tandfonline publish and make money from the obsessional hatred leaping off the pages of this journal.
Let's walk through this content. Here's the "aims & scope". With a laughable mention of "nuanced & varied" discussions.
Feb 15, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Sabrina Zissler is a Global Partnerships Manager at York university @UniOfYork
She obsessively spreads anti-Jewish hatred and abuse on social media.
What will York do about her behaviour?
@UniOfYork @UJS_UK Here are some of Sabrina Zissler's obsessive, hate filled posts.
In this tweet she posts footage of the founder of Hamas. This is endorsement of a terrorist group, proscribed under UK law.
May 26, 2021 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Thread on Jews and Zionism.
These days, every day is a good day to proclaim "I'm not anti-Jewish, I'm just anti-Zionist" or "it's not antisemitism, it's just anti-Zionism"
So - here are the uncomfortable facts.
Somewhere between 87-93% of British Jews identify as Zionist, depending on the source/methodology of the survey.
If you're "just anti-Zionist" the good news is that you're only hostile to 9 out of 10 British Jews.
That's right - 9 out of 10 Jews are your declared enemy.
May 25, 2021 • 4 tweets • 7 min read
Intrigued by @JournoStephen 's thread on the silence in parts of the media about Tala Halawa -the Hitler admiring/Jew hating BBC journalist - i thought i'd list the media outlets that ARE covering the story.
You can then see who is & who isn't covering this tale of everyday hate:
@JournoStephen In Google search return order:
Short thread on hate, Jewish pride & the pain of parenting
This afternoon my gorgeous, creative, loving son told me unprompted that he doesn’t think there is much of a future for diaspora Jews and that he is thinking that he may make a life for himself in Israel.
My son is just 18.
He knows how we have tried in our own small way to stem the tide of hate that Jews worldwide are facing but we have *never* said anything in front of him along the lines of “Jews have no future here”.
Even if we did think that, it is for him to work out.
May 14, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Was just followed by someone who has a TL full of offensive & fact mangling anti-Israel and “anti-Zionist” hate.
Which is no news.
Except that this one is a Professor at @UniWestminster
He teaches Jewish students & might manage Jewish staff
He’s doing the “Jews killing kids” bit
But also, this Professor at @UniWestminster defends Chris Williamson, who was finally thrown out of Labour for being a Pound shop Oswald Mosley (as was OW himself of course).
Also included, the hilarious riff about not being able to “criticise Israel”.
So true.
May 12, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Short thread on Labour, trust & Jews.
I sent a private message to a @UKLabour Shadow Minister who is personally & politically close to Keir Starmer.
In that message I called his attention to 2 things: 1. The failure of Keir to post anything other than a tweet condemning Israel
2. The appalling letter sent by Sheffield MPs in which they count the Palestinian casualties but fail to even acknowledge the Israeli dead and injured, and place sole responsibility on Israel for the violence.
Both of these are serious & specific points to answer.
Feb 22, 2021 • 26 tweets • 13 min read
Thread on David Miller's network:
David Miller of @BristolUni has spent years spreading anti-Jewish racism, Russian state propaganda & crank conspiracy theories. His views & behaviour have long been documented & highlighted.
So no decent person would want to follow him? Right?
Yet he has thousands of Twitter followers.
Many are from academia.
It seems that British academics think he's a voice to follow.
I thought I'd highlight some of David Miller's followers.
But - i'm not going to include the very many academics as...
Feb 2, 2021 • 50 tweets • 25 min read
A long thread on how an obsessive & violent antisemite & Holocaust denier has been embraced by the international “community of the good.”
Sarah Wilkinson has a history of Holocaust denial & anti-Jewish hatred dating back (in documented examples) to around 2015.
She is a self-proclaimed British activist for “Palestinian rights” but is more accurately a far Left neo-Nazi. Her son shares the same characteristics of violence, racism & Holocaust denial.
Jan 31, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Seeing as I’m back here, I’m going to share with you something that has made it easier to deal with a difficult couple of months.
It unites my love of music & of all things Jewish.
I’m late to the party,being out of the loop musically these days, but I discovered @A_WAOfficial
A family trio of epically creative, passionate and funky Yemenite Israeli women who have made one of the most interesting, uplifting & addictive albums I’ve come across in a good while.
We’re smitten here.
It’s been years since I last made a record but I’m inspired. I just might.
Nov 19, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
See this chap on the left?
He looks a nice old chap, doesn’t he really? Could be your uncle or your dad or your brother or a mate.
His name is David. Say hello to David.
David has spent his life in the Labour movement. He’s worked hard. He’s always been a union man.
In fact, David was active in the NUM and the TGWU.
David is a Labour man. A Len McCluskey man. A Corbyn man.
A socialist.
Hard times and hard graft.
The best of British.
Only, David has a dirty secret that isn’t actually a secret and he doesn’t think it’s dirty.
Aug 23, 2020 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
This morning i posted yet another thread on a Labour member (this time a Cllrr & leader of a Lab group on a district council).
I've been doing this for 6 years now. @Keir_Starmer has promised to remove antisemitism from the party he leads.
So i've got a basic question for him
That's my question to @Keir_Starmer
Because so far the model looks suspiciously like the old one but with better rhetoric around it & some visible action.
The model is "We'll sub-contract this problem out to a handful of Jews & their allies. We won't help them"
Aug 23, 2020 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Thread on the racist leader of a District Council Labour Group:
Cllr Charmaine Morgan is the Labour Group Leader on South Keveston District Council. SKDC is responsible for providing services to a population of around 160,000.
Cllr Morgan is active on Twitter and has a history of interacting with anti-Jewish racists who have been expelled from Labour, most notably Maureen Fitzsimmons who was apparently expelled in February 2020 (years after having been reported to the party).
Aug 21, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Very short thread on Owen Jones:
1. Owen is getting praised by some who should know better today because he called out an antisemitic tweet by an ex-mate/fellow former LOTO Outrider
2. In March 2018 a Corbynista CLP exec member in Sheffield used the same language in a tweet 3. This tweet by Marianne Tellier was called out by Jews and our allies and a number of Labour MPs - including Magaret Hodge - called on the party to take immediate action.
This story was all over Twitter and the national press - including BBC News….
Jul 26, 2020 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
@stephenkb Stephen. I'm glad you are joining the campaign but i must argue with your points.
Literally none of us leading/facilitating this campaign are saying Twitter deals well with other forms of racism. Our next hope is that this builds into a wider front to take on the SM companies.
@stephenkb Why should the hashtag make you uncomfortable? Do you suggest we add an "all lives matter" caveat?
Specific experiences can be universalised, of course. But where is the rule that says they MUST be universalised AT ALL TIMES?
Does the specificity of an experience devalue it?
Jul 18, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Thread on antisemitic conspiracy theories shared by Jeremy Corbyn and others:
I was reminded today by a RT of an old thread of mine, that a number of familiar names from the British Left signed the infamous Cairo Declaration of 2002.
The 2002 Cairo Declaration includes both antisemitic conspiracy theories and support for acts of terrorist violence perpetrated in the name of the Palestinians, largely against Jewish citizens of Israel.
May 13, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Short thread on Labour antisemitism:
An example of the poisonous hatred of British Jews that i noticed in the replies to the EHRC statement re the Conservative Party.
This appalling person claims to have been an active member of Glasgow North CLP.
May 12, 2020 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Long thread on my apparent double standard:
I saw a reply to a tweet of mine (I now can’t find it) that asked me something like “why, given that you held Corbyn to account relentlessly, do you now seem to have turned into a Tory who is happy to let Boris off the hook?”
It’s a fair enough question & deserves an answer as much as any other question on here (and Twitter is at its best when we can question each other politely and using measured reason, though that rule doesn’t work & so I don’t apply it with racists).
Apr 13, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Thread on the seriousness of data breaches:
A number of high profile Corbynista influencers have shared the un-redacted internal Labour report into party antisemitism that has been leaked and they have each put Jewish & non-Jewish activists at risk.
The data privacy laws and libel laws of this country allow the courts and the regulator to issue penalties that reflect the seriousness of the rights to data privacy that we all expect to enjoy.
However, a significant number of Hard Left activists & personalities appear to....
Apr 13, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Important thread:
"Shadow Minister for Data Breaches"
Lloyd Russell-Moyle, newly appointed Shadow Minister for Natural Environment & Air Quality in @Keir_Starmer 's team appears to have shared the un-redacted and leaked Labour report on antisemitism in the party.
In posts to a private Facebook group for the Brighton & Hove Labour Party, the Shadow Minister discusses the dossier and posts a link to the un-redacted document that has now placed antisemitism campaigners at risk.
Apr 6, 2020 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
We've all read many angry, conspiracy theory tweets & FB posts pushing the "UK govt tried the herd immunity approach & that's why people are dying" line. I just read one by @UniKent academic @HeejungChung so i thought i'd try & help by explaining.
1. Most people have never been involved in formal planning or strategy activity. That's fine. If it's not part of your job then why would you? Most people have also never serviced a car engine. And that's fine too. Neither is a cause of shame.