Nun Catherine❌☦️❌ Profile picture
Orthodox Christian Nun. Monarchist.
Jul 20, 2018 17 tweets 8 min read
For the 100th anniversary of the Holy Royal Martyrs, we weren't able to be in Russia but we got the next best thing: Riems, France, the spiritual birthplace of the French nation and setting for the crowing of the French kings for 1000 years!! Reims is the spiritual birthplace of France because Clovis I King of the Franks was baptized there by St Remigius on Christmas day in 508, much in thanks to the influence of King's wife, St Clotilde. The slab in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Reims marks the spot.
Jul 17, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
July 18: Martyrdom of Holy Grand Duchess Elizabeth with her companions. Hailed as the most beautiful woman of her generation, after the murder of her husband Grand Duke Serge she renounced all earthly comforts, became a nun and devoted herself to service of God and the poor. She, her fellow nun Barbara, and their companions were murdered by the Bolsheviks by being thrown down a mineshaft where they died of their injuries and hunger.
Jul 1, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Let's just imagine that you get everything you wanted: a trad home, trad spouse, organic, homogeneous culture, good asthetics, a life close to the land. But guess what - Even if you did attain that (and the chances are pretty slim) this is still all temporal and earthly We are living in very dark times and it is normal and healthy to long for a normal life. What we forget too easily, however, is that CHRIST is the source of all beauty, joy, and peace. And no matter the circumstances, He is right there knocking at the door of our hearts.