Nya Pfannerstill Profile picture
Remake the State™. Amateur Clinical Ethicist. Coffee lover. Bacon buff. Incurable social media practitioner. Troublemaker. Beer Maven. Different
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Mar 8 13 tweets 5 min read
Let’s get into the most corrupt anointment in Canadian history, manufactured by the most corrupt Government in Canada’s history.

You didn’t the the Liberals were going to start playing by the book, did you? Image Its important to note that the same powers manipulating to install Mark Carney are the same who installed Justin Trudeau

Party leader election rules were changed on the fly and obvious fraud was accepted by the Party to get Trudeau

Just like now Image
Mar 5 11 tweets 4 min read
Canadian anger at the USA is wrong

Coyne, Kenny, Freeland, Ford, Singh, Poilievre, Carney, etc are all wrong

Canada faces USA tariffs only because of Liberal incompetence and corruption

The International Coalition Against Illicit Economies (ICAIE) released a report in 2023 Image The Report studied all the areas that Canada is failing.
Except none of this is new.

Oceans of ink has been spilled about Canada’s cozy relationship with China, being soft on crime and sentencing, and its reluctance to stop espionage

We all know these truths to be self evident Image
Mar 4 10 tweets 4 min read
I’m sick and can’t sleep
OK who wants the Tariff poop?

Here we go - Image If you think the USA complaints about drugs/border/China is bullshit then you are part of the problem

Sam Cooper, at great personal risk, has detailed exactly how China is using organized crime, and corrupt CDN Politicians, to infiltrate Canada, and the USA Image
Mar 3 9 tweets 4 min read
Its interesting searching Mark Carney in Parliament archives
He’s been Canada’s Green Messiah for almost a decade

In 2018 noted Liberal dog eater Catherine McKenna voices Carney’s demand for Carbon taxes, aligning him with David Suzuki Image The Goebbels admirer again plugs the virtues of Carney in 2018, saying his Green Economy, because of Carbon Taxes, is worth $30 Trillion

How’s that working out for Canada? Image
Feb 27 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵Today, Feb 27, 2025, the House of Commons published evidence of the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of an Emergency, held 5 years ago, on May 10, 2022

Its disgusting

Watch - parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony/en/Pow…
Read - parl.ca/Content/Commit… Image The CDN Govt subverted the Canadian Charter Rights of up to 520 Canadians without due process, refusing its contractual global standards of basic human rights and Habeas Corpus (innocent until proven guilty) Image
Feb 25 13 tweets 5 min read
Its very disappointing the hypocrisy and deceit of elitist “progressives” like @MarkJCarney is not questioned or even discussed among Canadians

Carney was a managing director at Goldman Sachs
The worlds most oppresive investment bank🧵 Image Just a few of the things Mark Carney can look back on at his time as managing director of Goldman Sachs

In a famous Rolling Stone article Goldman was described as follows, and Mark Carney was proudly a part of it, without apology Image
Feb 15 13 tweets 6 min read
An eye popper today that comes about just by the chance of looking 🧵

Liberal Government pays $935K for a $150K paving job🤪

While looking for something else I saw this description and my bullshit radar went off

WTF is “lane rehabilitation” 🤨 Image I found the contract details which detailed a repave of a 540sq m parking lot, and a 411 meter bike path in Ottawa, for a million bucks??😳

Its not easy to understand what this means so I keep going🧐 Image
Feb 13 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵This Brookfield company has 46 renewable energy projects in Canada, some developed in partnership with the Liberal Govt, while Mark Carney was an “advisor” to Prime Minister Trudeau

Is conflict of interest and self enrichment important to anyone? @EthicsCanada @OAG_BVG Image Here is a few transactions with Govt of Canada while Mark Carney was contracted by the Prime Minister as special economic advisor.

Got $5.5M from taxpayers using indigenous as cover Image
Feb 11 9 tweets 4 min read
New rules to vote for Liberal leader🧵

Liberals are going to see a large decline in expected voters, at least by actual Canadians.

Liberals still left the door open for foreign interference (aka China) to get their desired candidate (Carney) Image Everyone wanting to vote must confirm they are a Canadian of some fashion and they live in Canada more than half the year. Not sure how they will confirm that, other than pinky swear🤪 Image
Feb 4 9 tweets 3 min read
People say we need a DOGE style investigation on CDN Government spending

If I was given that gig I would start here;
$52 Billion in various forms of 'foreign aid' over 5 years

Its in this thread Then I would look inside here, which might cross into the foreign aid file

$1.5 Trillion given to charities over 9 years
Jan 2 4 tweets 2 min read
Got asked how to follow Govt reports - its easy, and how I start most every day, with loads of frustration🤣

These reports lead to so much digging - here's where to find em👇 Govt has loads of Committee's to study all kinds of things - when you sign up for Committee reports they will generally send links on one email almost every day

- Notice of Meetings - this is where you can see who and when
- Committee Evidence - its a written record of everything said during the meeting
- Committee Minutes - its a basic summary of events
- Committee Reports - these are the summaries of all their work into a single report and generally the juicy load of crap that raises many questions for you to look into

Subscribe to Committee info here - ourcommons.ca/cmte-subscript…
Jan 1 22 tweets 10 min read
Almost 100% of my "work" was from publicly available info and below share places to look for Govt info

1. Global Affairs publishes what it gives away and to whom on this page - its a bit sketch but you'll figure it out
w05.international.gc.ca/projectbrowser…Image The search result will provide links to the details of the specific effort that came up in the search Image
Dec 15, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
When I am Prime Minister -

Three 🧵’s to reduce Canada’s spending by at least $100Billion year, with almost zero impact on Canada

Reducing spending $100Billion means we can reduce individual taxation by about 20% per year

Imagine getting a 20% raise in take home pay Image 1. Charities - Canada gives away almost $290 Billion each year to charities

Surely some are worth supporting but its double what is was in 2015

Audit charitable donations and cut to $150B/year
Save $140 Billion/year - easy
Dec 12, 2024 18 tweets 8 min read
Big dump by Parliament
It covers 2011 - 2023

They are the appendices (documents) that get added on to studies after the fact.

While 99% are not interesting, guarantee some nuggets are being hidden, or the communiques will raise other questions - 🧵 Image You can stop right now if you think I’ve gone through all these and found the hidden nuggets.
I haven’t, its just too much.

I’m gonna post the links and ask Canadians to scroll through and see if they find something interesting, and share it.

Tag me and I will RT on this thread
Dec 9, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
Canadians don’t understand the level of manipulation and propaganda that is systemically drilled into thier heads by its institutions and Government🧵

This caught my eye today from @politicoottawa
Ole faithful is up again in Canada, beware the Russians!🧟‍♂️ Image Here is the article written in taxpayer funded media @IRPP

IMO they are lead blocking for unaccountable Liberal spending on Ukraine, running cover for China, and vilifying political opponents, by regurgitating unsubstantiated and false propaganda

Dec 7, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Going through a lot of Govt reports on my computer

1. Harms caused by illegal sexually explicit material online

Who wouldn't support less of this? Image But this is the way the @liberal_party do things

In 2015 no one would support online censorship, so what did the Liberals do?

Through weak sentencing and bail reform they allowed online sexual assaults to increase, thus creating a need for Govt action Image
Nov 15, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Lets look at some of the ways the CDN Govt spends our tax dollars

Today we focus on Green Jesus, and the river of money flowing to all things Climate

$2.65 Billion tax dollars given to "Climate" efforts in foreign countries Image Each line below is a Climate spending program

Each program had a sponsor or lobbyist to pitch the idea
Each program had to be evaluated, debated, and budgeted
Then each program has to be processed, programmed and managed

None of those costs are listed in this thread🤪 Image
Nov 5, 2024 12 tweets 6 min read
Look what the @liberal_party Govt of Canada dumps on USA election day to avoid media attention.

This report confirms my conclusions that the Trudeau Govt was a willing participant in China obtaining lethal viruses it was not permitted elsewhere ourcommons.ca/Content/Commit… x.com/NyaPfanner/sta…Image When you are repsonsible for the very basics of security and control, yet continually and consistently fail, at almost all levels and components, for multiple consecutive years, you are not incompetent

You are complicit Image
Nov 2, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
OK lets get into this BS 🧵

If you have two rules in life, it should be this;

Never believe anything originating from CDN Media
Never believe anything originating from Ottawa/Montreal Image It just so happens this “survey” originates from Montreal’s McGill, (Trudeau’s university), and is about the CBC, the state broadcaster who Trudeau gave Billions more tax dollars

Trudeau/McGill/CBC is the CDN trifecta of a taxpayer sucking blackhole of waste Image
Nov 1, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Just so we are clear on the rot inside Canada, our Govt, the RCMP, intelligence, and elections

Canada gave this guy, Cameron Otis, the keys to the secrets of the largest and most powerful alliance on Earth, the "Five Eyes" Image Mr Otis was Director General, National Intelligence Coordination Centre
He was repsonsible for many things including organized crime, like from China
Also managed and provided analysis of intelligence gathered, like wire taps of suspected treason by MP's Image
Oct 30, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
Are we naive?
Bill C-65 - Changes to Canada’s Elections

In every election where the @liberal_party were expected to win, and/or had help from China, the Election rules were perfectly acceptable

Now that they are expecting to lose, the Election rules must be changed? Image The Sponsor of the Bill is one of the most corrupt Politicians in Ottawa, and is essentially a direct conduit of the Prime Minister Office.

Remember, Dominic Leblanc appointed his own family to be Ethics Commissioner and thought nothing of it Image