Nya Pfannerstill Profile picture
Amateur Clinical Ethicist. Coffee lover. Bacon buff. Incurable social media practitioner. Troublemaker. General beer maven BTC 18mJYFEeYSBJm1sX2S5NXz5rAkBzBsaHX
Shit My Psychic Says Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 30 16 tweets 6 min read
Another typical day from Canada's @liberal_party Clown Show Government, where 99% of activity is trying to hide corruption and incompetence -

The notices below is just one day - 🧵I'm not hitting everyone Image First up is the Liberals shocked, shocked I say, at the nerve of Conservatives to demand to ask questions of why the @liberal_party hired @MarkJCarney then gave his companies $2 Billion tax dollars.
Libs think asking questions is unfair ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer…
Sep 22 18 tweets 6 min read
🧵Seen some posts lately about costs of immigrants -
Whoa boy, here we go

The Federal Govt gives our tax money to NGO's who give it out to immigrants under various settlement programs
This programs is;
One time pay - $6,960
Monthly pay - $1,912 Image If an immigrant in Ontario is low income and has kids, they can get $23K tax payer dollars from Govt each year Image
Sep 22 4 tweets 2 min read
The entirety of Carbon Tax is a UN sales pitch and everyone follows the script - here is a 200 page handbook on selling carbon tax to the poorest people in the world Image Its lists all the sales pitches on how to get people to agree to the fairy tale Image
Sep 18 14 tweets 4 min read
Huge volume of Govt Reports dropped this morning - it’s a tsunami of corruption.
I’ve linked the Govt response (a highlighted text link) to the reports, but the original committee report is on a tab on the page

I can’t look at them all - here is the link thread
(Next post) Image Report:
Failure to Respond to an Order of the Committee ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer…
Sep 5 20 tweets 7 min read
🧵Gonna show everyone some really cool stuff the CDN Govt puts out there for you to investigate.

More of us looking will find more BS, theft, graft, and corruption, lets go A great site which has a massive amount of info is GC InfoBase ( I am not an expert )

There's so much info here I'm not sure how to show it all, but lets try.

The home page is here - tbs-sct.canada.ca/ems-sgd/edb-bd…
Aug 26 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵I'm not sure most Canadians understand the tragic incompetence that we must pay for

Trudeau - a carbon tax will incentivize people to buy products with less emissions

Result - Canadians have less money to buy new things that emit less GHG Image 2019 - Carbon Tax increase
2020 - Carbon Tax increase
2021 - Carbon Tax increase
2022 - Carbon Tax increase
Trudeau - that will bring the emissions down!

Result - economy not doing well, few people can afford electric vehicles, emissions not reducing

Trudeau stumped Image
Aug 20 18 tweets 6 min read
🧵Have done this before, but lets do it again

Government produced CPI or inflation rate is just propaganda

Govt 'weights' the value of each "product in the basket" using an unrealistic methodology to conclude if prices are going up or down

(too much went into this) Image First we should establish the amount of money you have to spend each month

Lets make this easy and generous -
You earn $65,000 a year and pay 20% income tax
Your monthly net income is $4,300 Image
Aug 9 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Want to understand why Govt around the world and even Alberta's Daniel Smith instituted mass immigration?

Its not multiculturalism
Its not poverty reduction
Its not climate change

Its money
For the last 100 yrs western countries have growing populations
This brings more families, more kids, more houses, more manufacturing, more jobs, more everything

Its much easier to Govern recklessly and spend into debt when your population is growing

But its all changing Image
Aug 8 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵This thread is another perfect example of the waste and corruption of taxpayer dollars

Since 2017/18 the Trudeau Liberal Govt has given almost $1 Billion taxpayer dollars to Nigeria Image The Trudeau Liberal Govt says the $1B taxpayer dollars is primarily going to Gender and Youth issues in Nigeria🤪
Sure it is Image
Jul 30 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵This very impactful case law needs more light.

Recently the Supreme Court of Canada made a significant decision.

The state may be required to pay damages for making unconstitutional legislation if it is clearly unconstitutional, or was in bad faith or an abuse of power. Image The case was featured in the National Post
The Post writer suggests its a horrible decision by the SCC, but in todays Canada its a tremendous decision for citizens.
Jul 28 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵Some major bullshit and lies from the Trudeau Liberal Government about protecting Canadians during Covid

Everyone remembers Trudeau saying unvaccinated CDN's are putting everyone at risk?
Remember Trudeau saying Canadians can't get on a plane or a train if they are unvaccinated
Jul 26 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Was looking for something else and always see these things that appear like total bullshit, but are they?

What the heck is $7.3 Million for the Blue Economy?
Its sounds good doesnt it? Image The Liberal Govt gave $7.3 Million to a 600 student private college in Gaspe Quebec for “The Blue Economy”

They are gonna do something in Labrador or in Canada, right? Right? Image
Jul 21 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵In 2023 the Trudeau Liberal Govt gave foreign NGO's $16 Billion of our tax dollars so they could;
- attend fancy conferences
- get a fat pay cheque
- lecture you on 'colonialism and diversity'
- pay off a bunch of criminals under the guise of helping people Image Every department of Govt gives money away to NGO's focused on countries other than Canada.
Some make little sense, like Parks Canada, or Canada Museum of Nature, but sure as shit, they find a way to give away our taxes to some unverifiable money pit Image
Jul 7 7 tweets 3 min read
CDN Govt employee surveys suggest that transgender persons have a reality different than almost everyone else in the rainbow spectrum

The Govt conducts surveys of employees asking how they feel about work, with various metrics.

They survey men/women/etc, but also each specific part of the rainbow spectrumImage While 2SLGBTQIA+ is described as a singular demographic, they are very much different.

Compare the answers of survey questions

The dark blue line is Gay
The light blue line is people who are not 2SLGBTQIA+
The Green line is all employees
Questions on the left Image
Jun 26 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/5 A little strange thing, but maybe me

In 2016 Canada (Global Affairs) paid a numbered company to go to ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations to provide expert support and technical advice to deal with infectious disease outbreaks Image 2/ The objective is part of why it all seems strange - why say "accidental or deliberate?"

"seeks to enable them to better prevent, detect and respond to potential emerging infectious disease outbreaks, whether naturally occurring, accidental or deliberate in origin." Image
Jun 24 4 tweets 2 min read
Bloody hell, I had no idea it was this much.

CDN Government gave $1.5 Trillion to Canadian charities over 9 years
How much waste and corruption is built into this??
Image 2015-2019 Enviro NGO's received $372 Million
2004-2014 Enviro NGO's received $41 Million
The redaction is not my doing, but the info is required to be kept secret for some reason Image
Jun 19 10 tweets 3 min read
Bloody hell I have to do a thread on these
It will be the never ending thread.

$10 Million tax dollars for GIRLS sexual and reproductive health in Mozambique Image $300K tax dollars for LGBTQ Rights in Columbia! Image
Jun 16 5 tweets 2 min read
'Fairness for Every Generation' is the Liberal tax and debt bomb they will leave us with

The Liberal Govt has destroyed Canada, and its economic performance will screw over at least one if not two generations🧵(5 posts) Image The Trudeau Government has guaranteed destruction for at least the next generation.
There is no rational reason the Liberal Govt can be supported
Income Taxes Up⬆️64%
Expenses Up⬆️60%
Debt Up⬆️93% Image
Jun 13 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵This is a video thread
Kitty Wertherman was born 1926
She lived through Hitler and shares her experiences of the Nazi Govt.

Each post will detail content of the vid
I ask to consider any similarity to Leftist Govt's like Trudeau

The first is the intro of ID Cards for travel Next is -
Nazi control of media
Nazi control of media content (CRTC)
Nazi determining equality
"Fairness for every Generation"
- Just like today
Jun 10 20 tweets 7 min read
🔥🔥This is not advice. DO NOT COPY MY ACTION WITHOUT FIRST SPEAKING TO A LAWYER. You are at your own risk.

🧵This is what I am doing about foreign interference that potentially has some legal teeth

A little known or used statute in the Criminal Code called Private Prosecution Image Section 504 of the Criminal Code states that anyone in the public can provide 'An Information' (effectively an affidavit) to a Justice of the Peace of knowledge of an indictable offence. Its essentially to "Press Charges" Image
Jun 8 14 tweets 5 min read
Let’s blow up some bullshit coming from the Government, about Foreign Interference and ‘Secrecy’ Laws

The Trudeau Govt, NSICOP, CSIS, etc, all say the law prevents them from releasing information

This is not exactly true

MP LeBlanc says it a lot Image NSICOP Chair and Liberal MP David McGuinty, (who spent time growing up with China’s future Ambassador to Canada), also says the laws bound him to secrecy.

Its an excuse as much as a fact Image