Nya Pfannerstill Profile picture
Amateur Clinical Ethicist. Coffee lover. Bacon buff. Incurable social media practitioner. Troublemaker. General beer maven BTC 18mJYFEeYSBJm1sX2S5NXz5rAkBzBsaHX
Jun 19 10 tweets 3 min read
Bloody hell I have to do a thread on these
It will be the never ending thread.

$10 Million tax dollars for GIRLS sexual and reproductive health in Mozambique Image $300K tax dollars for LGBTQ Rights in Columbia! Image
Jun 16 5 tweets 2 min read
'Fairness for Every Generation' is the Liberal tax and debt bomb they will leave us with

The Liberal Govt has destroyed Canada, and its economic performance will screw over at least one if not two generations🧵(5 posts) Image The Trudeau Government has guaranteed destruction for at least the next generation.
There is no rational reason the Liberal Govt can be supported
Income Taxes Up⬆️64%
Expenses Up⬆️60%
Debt Up⬆️93% Image
Jun 13 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵This is a video thread
Kitty Wertherman was born 1926
She lived through Hitler and shares her experiences of the Nazi Govt.

Each post will detail content of the vid
I ask to consider any similarity to Leftist Govt's like Trudeau

The first is the intro of ID Cards for travel Next is -
Nazi control of media
Nazi control of media content (CRTC)
Nazi determining equality
"Fairness for every Generation"
- Just like today
Jun 10 20 tweets 7 min read
🔥🔥This is not advice. DO NOT COPY MY ACTION WITHOUT FIRST SPEAKING TO A LAWYER. You are at your own risk.

🧵This is what I am doing about foreign interference that potentially has some legal teeth

A little known or used statute in the Criminal Code called Private Prosecution Image Section 504 of the Criminal Code states that anyone in the public can provide 'An Information' (effectively an affidavit) to a Justice of the Peace of knowledge of an indictable offence. Its essentially to "Press Charges" Image
Jun 8 14 tweets 5 min read
Let’s blow up some bullshit coming from the Government, about Foreign Interference and ‘Secrecy’ Laws

The Trudeau Govt, NSICOP, CSIS, etc, all say the law prevents them from releasing information

This is not exactly true

MP LeBlanc says it a lot Image NSICOP Chair and Liberal MP David McGuinty, (who spent time growing up with China’s future Ambassador to Canada), also says the laws bound him to secrecy.

Its an excuse as much as a fact Image
Jun 6 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Re: Foreign Interference (9 post)

These are the authors of the 2024 @NSICOPCanada report which states knowledge of specific Government officials wittingly working to assist foreign espionage efforts, and in doing so, denying Canadian Rights of Democracy and Security
These are the authors of the previous NSICOP Report in 2020-2021 which insinuated the same, but with less detail, that members of Govt were working to to help effect espionage. It could be argued the previous NSICOP reports also state the same.
Jun 3 15 tweets 5 min read
another thread that was lost, but has been put back together with archive and thread reader
🧵Hate to blow a hole in @SeanFraserMP housing fantasy, but they make it so easy

Here is Trudeau Govt's plan to build 4 million homes in 7 years
Image Within it is mostly things that Govt can try to do - throw money at it, try to remove bureaucracy, and then throw more money at it.

Its the Trudeau spaghetti strategy, throw everything at the wall and hopefully something sticks Image
Jun 2 20 tweets 7 min read
This thread got deleted, but was able to recover through archive and repost again here.
_ _ _ _ _ _

What is the bleak future the RCMP is warning?
This is my two cents🧵and its a big one Image The heavily redacted report leaves some nuggets where you have to guess, but its not hard to see what is coming for Canada.

I made a post here about the financial cost of people who are retiring and the ever expanding Govt social welfare for them
May 25 15 tweets 5 min read
Let’s blow a hole in another load of bullshit - Forest Fires

I will show that’s its Trudeau Govt Policies which are primarily responsible for increased forest fires in Canada, not the the Climate changing Image Forest Fires have been around since forever.
Its a part of renewal and health of the forest.

Evidence shows the number of fires, and the total areas burned has decreased across the planet, over the last 45 years Image
May 16 13 tweets 4 min read
🧵Can't begin to tell you how monumental this is, not just for Canada, but for the world.
Its the most impactful thread I've ever shared

Pls share around so we can develop pragmatic conversation, and not stand behind ideological fantasies Image An extremely thorough study has been completed by the University of Michigan, for the International Energy Forum.
The study determines that just to meet current demand, the world needs 15% greater copper production Image
May 11 14 tweets 5 min read
Gonna show how the Trudeau Govt uses our money to deceive us about employment statistics, and manipulate the perception of its performance.
The Ottawa cabal all join in singing the Govt propaganda

We saw the headline, Canada’s April employment up
Sounds good right? Image The Trudeau Govt talk like they had nothing directly to do with it, that it must be a result of their good policies, when in fact its just propaganda they created, and lie to us about Image
May 4 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵 I will show that the Trudeau Govt fraudulently and negligently created a fictitious life and death struggle between citizens during Covid to distract from its other failures.

When is CDN Media, academia, Senators, and leadership going to hold those to account for this fraud? Image Originally, the Trudeau Govt was very hesitant to mandates and vaccines passports, calling them divisive and creating harm to community and country.
They knew the harm that would result from, their actions
Apr 30 8 tweets 2 min read
In case anyone was confused Image Image
Apr 27 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵Expect you didn't know this.
13 Govt Departments use or have used spying software against cell phones and computers to extract data. Modern spying software is capable of accessing all your apps, and even tracking your cloud, texts, photos, and more, forever Image Police use some technology called Stingray that mimics a cell tower and capture cell phone identities (IMSI) which are attached to your account, and your voice and data.
But this is child's play compared to what is being done now
Apr 26 12 tweets 4 min read
Since 2017 the Trudeau Govt has given away $52 Billion of our tax dollars to foreign countries.
Here is the list - 12 pages Image How many of these countries have laws against being LGBTQ? Image
Apr 17 6 tweets 1 min read
A story of Capital Gains

Friend is a plumber
Started own business working out of his truck
Was moderately successful, worked very hard
Had to take a job working in a bar at night to make ends meet
Eventually plumbing business could stand on its own Business went reasonably well, made about $60k a year in 2000
Saved up a little money ($10K), and bought a small strata warehouse in BC for $250K
Commercial Mortgage was $2,000 a month @ 7.5%
Friend skipped many paycheques to make mortgage
Had to get second job on occasion
Apr 14 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵Hate to blow a hole in @SeanFraserMP housing fantasy, but they make it so easy

Here is Govt's plan to build 4 million homes in 7 years
infrastructure.gc.ca/housing-logeme… Within it is mostly things that Govt can try to do - throw money at it, try to remove bureaucracy, and then throw more money at it.
Its the Trudeau spaghetti strategy, throw everything at the wall and hopefully something sticks Image
Apr 13 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵Hate BS, so we are gonna look at hard numbers
- Govt Revenue per capita
- Govt income taxes per capita
- Govt expenses per capita

The Govt provides all this info, for free!
Too bad our vaulted media doesn't have a calculator Govt Revenue

Total Rev - $287,521,000,000
Income Tax/Corp Tax/Cap Gain - $192,392,000,000

Total Rev - $407,260,000,000
Income Tax/Corp Tax/Cap Gain - $282,254,000,000 Image
Apr 13 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Once and for all to end the debate, the Govt and all its media and elitist weasels are lying to us about Carbon Taxes.

To 2023, we've paid $2.721 Billion more in carbon taxes than they have "rebated" back
Its in the Govt financial statements Image Govt publishes its financial statements - within it is statements of Revenue, and within the Revenue statement is the column;
"Proceeds from the Pollution Pricing Framework" Image
Apr 12 22 tweets 8 min read
🧵This thread is to share evidence that I believe shows Prime Minister Trudeau and others have unlawfully been negligent in their duty to the Queen (Canada), and must be lawfully removed from Governance

Yes, I'm going there Each member of Parliament gives an oath, and sometimes several, confirming they will uphold the office of the Queen, which in effect means the state of Canada, and all its laws. Here is Trudeau saying his oath
Apr 1 18 tweets 6 min read
What is the bleak future the RCMP is warning?
This is my two cents🧵and its a big one Image The heavily redacted report leaves some nuggets where you have to guess, but its not hard to see what is coming for Canada.

I made a post here about the financial cost of people who are retiring and the ever expanding Govt social welfare for them